Above is the code Nicholas Cage finds - channeled by kids ViA aliens - with dates and numbers representing disasters and the death count of each individual event.

The last one reads 10/19/09 and the actors stress this date numerous times, October 19th.
The fact that Jupiter Jim would just so happen to watch this, just in time to put 2 and 2 together staggers.
Synchromystically, the world ends today, no shit.
I do however hope to be around tomorrow to blog about it.

The sun in my current sync life is the yellow flower or mandala of energetic Joy.

See The 911 Stargate (I cant watch these old films anymore, there to funny..)

The drowning of the Earth in yellow flower light will end the illusion/Maya.

Jupiter resonates rainbow as light refracts into the color spectrum when broken at 42 degrees. Jupiter's number is 42 (421 in some instances).

Peace In
Updating as your read this.

My Sunday night started out by my sister-in-law's partner come over and return my book, Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. This book is a great book based off the research of the mysterious European esoteric master Fulcanelli.
I read this book in 2007 right after Juan Flores' second trip to Manitoba. I was definitely moved. What resonated with me at the time was the passage directly from Fulcanelli's work Le Mystere des Cathedrales. This is the passage:
"In this way we obtain the following strange announcement: Il est écrit que la vie se réfugie en un seul espace (It is written that life takes refuge in a single space) 2 and we learn that a country exists, where death cannot reach man at the terrible time of the double cataclysm. As for the geographical location of this promised land, from which the élite will take part in the return of the golden age, it is up to us to find it. For the élite, the children of Elias, will be saved according to the word of Scripture, because their profound faith, their untiring perseverence in effort, will have earned for them the right to be promoted to the rank of disciples of the Christ-Light. They will bear his sign and will receive from him the mission renewing for regenerated humanity the chain of tradition of humanity which has disappeared."
The night that Chris returned this book to me I had rented the movie Knowing, as my wife was heading out and since we never watch testosterone-driven apocalyptic movies at home, I took the opportunity to do so. I have never had such a powerful moment of inner gnosis than this experience. What a trip.
My big revelation was that I was watching the film at the same time that it all takes place in the film. I realized this watching the film on October 18th at the same time it is October 18th in the film, and the 19th, today, was the End of the World.
But let me get back to the beginning of the film and lets go deeper into the syncs. Because there is a message that is coming loud and clear.
The film starts off with a young disturbed girl, Lucinda, who writes out what seem to be random numbers as her entry for a school time capsule to be buried for 50 years. This still below shows her writing the code out with the words dog above her head and an abacus nearby. Is she revealing the calculations of God?

Her teacher checks on her and we notice the pEARl necklace that acts as a gate for our awareness to open up to new realms of beingness.

As we leave the school I can't help but notice the 8 rayed film reel on the projector.

A perfect wink to what is to come next in the film. Film is perhaps the best metaphor that exists to define our existence in relation to the earth and the spirit world. We are just a movie. A projection.

Next we have the scene in 1959 in which the Time Capsule is lowered into the vault. ( also spot the red eye in the scene below).

The vault just so happens to be a stone 8 rayed star that eerily resembles the 8 rayed Pool of the Black Star in the Manitoba Legislative Building.

Now it is weird that only a couple of weeks ago while watching Frank Albo on CBC talk about the Manitoba Legislative Building and Dan Brown's new book Lost Symbol, did I learn that underneath the Pool of the Black Star there is a vault - just like in Knowing. Here is the clip:

The capsule is set to be opened in 50 years in the year 2009. This 50 year time period is made to look like a full turn of a 12 hour clock face. It is to be opened at Midnight. A yellow ballon is released by Lucinda at this moment. The Helium Gold Balloon on a Blue sky signals ascension. Helium is also one of the main ingredients that makes up both the Sun and Jupiter. (also what fueled the flight of balloon boy the other day that we all know about now).

We see Nicholas Cage (still caged and not floWing with gnosis yet) teaching his class at MIT where he is visually trumped by the planet Jupiter. If we look close the clock looks like it is saying 11:11, or what we know here in the syncrosphere as K2. The top of the Mount Olympus. Hey, Zeus! are you up there? If you are maybe, grab that yellow balloon floating towards you.

In this pic below we have Cage holding the Sun which is then in line with Jupiter. Increasingly I feel that Jupiter represents the Son of the Sun.

We then go back to Cage's home where is he is with his son. Here we see his son watching a documentary about Tigers, which winks us to 2010 - the Year of the Tiger, the Year we Make Contact and the Galactic Manitoba Homecoming.

This 2010 connection is cemented with a quick pan of the camera to some playing dice which have 2010 peering out at us, and even the Red Eye of some 3D glasses to boot.

Here we have Cage and son sharing their custom hand signals that symbolize their eternal love for each other. The exchange always starts with them pointing their Jupiter fingers at each other.

We now go to the day of the opening of the vault at William Dawes school in the Fall of 2009.William Dawes is a perfect name for this location as he is one of Paul Revere's Midnight Ridersthat is immortalized in the book The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
The Midnight Ride to warn the world. The Tipping point has been met. School's colours are of course Blue and Gold, the colours of the robe of enlightenment and the Holy of Holies.

After years, the 50 year clock is now a blueish hue. A Blue Sun/Son perhaps. The time capsule is opened and spirit becomes present in the wind that gusts.

For the first time we now see one of the silent men that will act as guides for Cage's son to the Land of Eden and new beginnings. These silent men always hover on the edge of the forest. It is in the forest that their Merkaba ship is revealed. These men are plant spirits. Because the plants spirits are both the angels and the aliens. The Yellow and Blue Helium balloons and the two red stars on the trees can not be more clear what these mysterious beings represent in the film.

Cage now becomes entranced with the 2010 Jumping Jupiter Tiger. After finding his son looking at the paper with the code he begins deciphering it and realizing it predicts disasters.

One number we are made to focus on is 1221. A sync wink to ABBA, Father, Midnight and 42.

I also notice that right after the camera scans the dates for the Oklahoma bombing. April 19th, the day before 4/20. There are many tragic days around April 20th, Hitler's B-day and international smoke Mary Jane day.

What is weird is that Paul Revere's Midnight Ride took place on the night of April 18/19th as well. (Weird how in Knowing the End of The World is on the night of the 18/19th as well.). The 4/19 date is resonant soon after as we see the number 419 again reveal itself as Cage goes through his first explosion of inner gnosis.

He is in awe, he puts his hand against his O/Awe mouth, as if to try to stop the kundalini awakening from going any further.

He drops his drink and the glass shatters. There is no turning back now.

To be finished later flux willing. I leave for Peru tomorrow morning, but I really want to finish this movie post. We shall see...
Much love
Here's a Red C/Seeing Red with the yellow balloon Jim mentions above in the hands of Rose Byrne's mother in 1950. The Red C/See, ties back to Jupiter, a planet, like the sun, connected to helium with its huge Seeing Red Eye.
We connect this obviously to the recent helium filled UFO balloon that caught the worlds attention.
See Real Life Up.
Goro also finds the Balloonboy incident as clearly resonant of UFO's, contact and Jupiter.
A Red C, mark of Jupiter, enters screen as Rose Byrne's kids are taken by ET for ascension.
24 hrs/hours/horus yet again Jupiter.
She pursues her child who has been chosen to ascend and is hit by a truck as Lighting/Zeus/Jupiter sync winks.
Cage makes it just in time to see her reverse birth inside the medical chariot. A blue star with the caduceus/DNA/Kundalini of Thoth/Hermes entrains. Recent syncs with Jim have me believeing the Blue Star is the second sun or Jupiter. The Blue Star that activates our DNA/Caduceus/Pillar of illumination.
Rose - she who rises - passes at 12, but her offspring lives on to go to heaven.
Rose as Diana is the Crab/Cancer who's place is in the keystone portal. 12 crowns the clock, Diana Crab crowns the arch.
Blue Spirit Palms try to jump her heart with electricity or Zeus/Jupiter bolts.

We connect this obviously to the recent helium filled UFO balloon that caught the worlds attention.
See Real Life Up.

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