Today is also the "moon bombing".
I find it quite the sync to note that JL was brought into the world surrounded by explosions...
Wiki~"John Winston Lennon was born in the Liverpool Maternity Hospital, Oxford Street, Liverpool, to Julia Lennon (born Stanley) and Alfred (Alf, or Freddie) Lennon, during the course of a German air raid in World War II"
The article gos on to say that John's auntie(Mary "Mimi" Smith) used light from the explosions to find her way to the hospital on the day of his birth.
And today we bombed the moon....
"NASA scientists broke into relieved applause at 7:37 this morning as they watched their rocket smack into the surface of the moon."
"Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna hit you right in the face
You better get yourself together darling
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see?
Laughing at fools like me
Who on Earth d'you think you are?
A superstar?
Well, right you are
And we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on
Everyone, c'mon"
~Me again~
This was the banner when I posted...

"We just slammed something the size of a school bus into the moon going really fast. It was a lunar encounter of the hardest kind,"
I was also thinking about the day of JL's birth. How the "Liverpool Blitz" resonated with the recent"moon bombing". The first thing that came to mind was Richard C Hoagland's NASA theorys. Those unfamiliar with Hoagie's wild and silly ideas might laugh and mock his conspiracy mind. I, on the other hand, view conspiracy theory with sync doggles. I'm looking at the syncs man. How my previous paranoid perceptions resonate with the NOW. ETC.
So anyvays, back to the comparisons. I was thinking that NASA and NAZI become interchangeable in many ways via Hoagland's thatness. I was gonna spew paragraph after paragraph and link after link but it seems I got all the context right at my fingertips thanks to the real time sync effort of some of you outspoken, crazy brave MFs.

He goes on to say...
"What do you get when you make a cross out of the letter "L"?"
Then Da WWWiz drops the post Asylum(Oct9). Personally resonating with my facebook status a day before. Here's the video he linked. Starts out with the yellow flower sync and covers themes discussed.
StrangEye comments...
"...And Rosemary's Baby the 1968 American horror/thriller film written and directed by Roman Polanski, a movie based on the bestselling 1967 novel of the same name by Ira Levin...
Roman Polanski's - (who was ALSO in the NEWS in the past week or so) - Rosemary's Baby was filmed in the Dakota Building, the same building in which John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived.
Wikipedia says:
"The building is best known as the home of former Beatle John Lennon, starting in 1973, and as the location of Lennon's murder by Mark David Chapman on December 8, 1980. As of 2009, Ono still has an apartment in the building. The Strawberry Fields memorial was laid out in memory of Lennon in Central Park directly across Central Park West. Every year, Ono marks the anniversary of Lennon's death with a now-public pilgrimage to the memorial""
AferrisMOON touches base on the (Pol)anski scandal with his October 4th post Wikidopediafile.

I remember hearing/reading about the moon ringing like a bell when it was struck back in the late 60's. I pulled up an article about it on the Red Ice creations website HERE.
"Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow ob-ject' comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon? "
I'll let this brew abit more guys. Sorry about all the moon talk. If it ain't Saturn then its the Moon. I play with what I'm shown.
Kevin: Cancer (The Beatle or Scarab) is the Home sign of the Moon, and the Moon rules over Imagination, and the Astral Plane in Kabbalistic Astrology. Nuking the moon reminds me alot of Nuking Imaginationland on South Park, I wanted to shoot this up for some food for thought.

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