Anyways, synchromystically I began wondering yesterday about what kind of resonance Dakota has in the modern meme stream.
Of course the first movie I think of Dances With Wolves starring Kevin Costner. Us syncheads would see this title as Dances with floW.

The Dakota were known as the Buffalo People.

If anyone has any insights of the Dakotas and Kevin Costner, I would love to see it and ponder it all.
I mean, I quickly noticed these two posters below. American Flyer and JKK. They sync well.

What interests me about JFK is that not only does Costner star in it, it is also directed by Oliver Stone. Who by the way goes to Amazon to take Ayahuasca.

Both blue faces with a bright yellow/golden eye. Makes vivid how the eye is a fractal of the sun.
Royalty are called blue bloods making such type images suggestive of Mastery.
The blue Avatar has little star spots mimicking Waterworlds single large sun.
More entrainment comes in the form of VATAR sounding perfectly like water in Afrikaans (spelled the same as in English). On the Waterworld poster Costner has become a giant making him resonate Sumiruna the big blue Amazonian water god.
I see these as representing the blue spirit of humanity rising into heaven - where the sun and stars dwell - right NOW.
When I hang out with my Yoga and Vegan type buddies I hear them talk about Ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine involving diet. A word that frequently comes up is Vata, also present between A and R on the Avatar poster.
Wiki says.
Ayurveda stresses a balance of three substances: vata (wind/spirit/air), pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm), each representing divine forces.
The SpiriT/VATA inside the AR or RA.
Again a nice interchangeability or commingling of air and water resonance here..
The Golden Eye and Sun, our yellow sub/chariot that swims the blue waters of spirit, also resonates the yellow flower.
Richard: While trying to find an old Kevin Costner banner I had up on my blog a while back I came across this poster which shows KC with his head in the Clouds (ala Tom Hanks):

I've recently been looking at synchronicities involving the Cauldron/Pot so it was interesting to find that KC resonates with the Cauldron/Pot/Cup of Jupiter:

If you turn the poster 90 degrees you can also see that Kevin Costner/Mr. Brooks is framed by a Red C/Sea.
Red Eye helps us to C-Red.
This brings us to this next movie which also features the color Red (on Costners life-jacket) and the C, or Sea:

Finally, in the movie Dragonfly we see that KC entrains with the giant Blue One who watches over us as we each walk our Path. The 3-pronged Trident and the Blue Skin also bring to mind the Sumiruna resonating Shiva:

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