Gutenberg killed the Word
Beethoven... the Ear
Wagner... the Theater
Einstein... the Light
Joyce... the Euclidian Plane
McLuhan... the Academy
Zappa... the Study
Nintendo... the Tactile
Kubrick... the Eye
Tolle... the Flower
The list goes on. A name for every nerve. All of them dead. Ask not flower, hum - the bull Tolle's.
TV was knocked-off long ago, in the Glorious Age of Cesar and Kovacs. Burnett and De Mol fail to revive it, although Bully Beat Down comes dangerously close. TV is in the shadow of youtube.
Not until a medium is dead does it truly come to life as Art. youtube is dead some time now, but for us, the cruel objet dart found target only yesterday or so, and with shocking alacrity. youtube made flesh by YellowSwitchPalace. youtube is dead! Long Live YellowSwitch!
Fourteen years back, in 1987, we predicted that cinema would die by 1963. The result of a regiment of boob-tube babies getting hold of Dad's trusty Super 8 with Home Movieola and summarily pwning the Grand Buffalo CineMasters of days but just gone by. Although we are certain of the accuracy of this prophecy, how long we trenched to feel it in the gut...
Our weight is over.
YSP's Ayslum
The overlook has five branches.
1. The old 'in and out'
2. Phallo-Narcissism (eiwige Blumenkraft)
3. Ritual Circumcision (a personal fave)
4. Kli'pothic Reversal (Rear View Bracelet)
5. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
6. Freudian Lips
1. Freudian Lips
The star of Asylum is called 'Jimmy'. The persona of Jimmy is fractalated. Jimmy is: a) the narrator of Asylum b) the obsession of the narrator c) the Actor in the role of Jimmy and Narrator d) the viewer and listener of Asylum as both Jimmy and the Narrator e) the resulting 22/7 coruscation of incarnation-tarnations.
The tricky lyrics of the Supertramp classic are lip-synced to perfection with one glaring exception: Jimmy's last name. Could it be Cream? Hugh Betcha! We circumvent the usual 'ground-up' treatment with an eagle-eye cherry. This is no 'freudin' slip'. It's acci-purposely on dentist. Our star does not mis-lip 'Cream' to obscure his theme but instead to re-inforce it to invincibility. Clever fellow.
2. The old 'in and out'
Looking back from the ersatz slip and we devise the YellowSwitch camera as a medial extension of the phallus and the image as the birth canal. We confirm it in the second group of images that feature the sock-puppet, where the control unit for the video camera is seen in the hand of our Star - he's got the whole world in his hands. . The distinction is that of conception and birth with the viewer as its subject. We go in and plant a seed. It all comes out in the end.
3. Phallo-Narcissism
The main unit of YSP's Asylum is the monadic phallus or Maypole. This complexion is not sexual but Saturnine. Jimmy has no wife, no counter-sexual image. His issue is altogether imaginary - and springs forth into the womb of space - the cosmic mind.
The Dick list:
- The standing Jimmy at 'in and out'.
- The yellow flower
- Jimmy's first T-Shirt (double phallus - 11:22)
- The purple sock puppet
- Obi Wankin' Knobbie
- The exploding eye into X-wing/Falcon/Shuttle Launch
- etc. (use the force and find more!)
YSP's special use of Kenobi vs.Vader illuminates at last not only Kenobi's sacrifice, but also of his secret aim, not to save Luke, whom he uses merely as a tool, but to regain his friend Annakin. The scene is masturbatory. By killing Obi Wan, Vader-kin the jerk-off releases his seminal essence into the astral as a spirit guide.
Hugo ought to have done the same for Javert. Star Wars is necessary as Art because it resurrects and revitalizes Les Miserables from the bloody sewers of Paris and unto the Tannhauser Gates as a super-looper cosmic space-orgy. All that Obi does, he does to exculpate Annakin. YSP does the same for Supertramp.
They ought to get paid for it. Real paid.
4. Ritual Circumcision
This one is easy for the Rhise-Oh-My-Sticks (black synchromystics).
When one inhales smoke (whatever is burned) one is breathing 'negative air'. Strangulation is an extension of the same act, as is mastur-urbation (chicken choking) and circumcision/castration. This theme is rich with detail.
Joni was only half right: we are Stardust...
Of course we mustn't ignore the feminine value, where Jupiter is a gy-normous space boob that suckles (sickles, cycles) the cosmic enfant terrible. By our assessment, YSP's Asylum is just as good for breakfast as it is for sowing seeds.
5. Kli'pothic Reversal
Jimmy and his Fight Club doppler both wear a red bracelet. We can not easily discern the wrist that it adorns. YSP uses a simple, subtle image-flip to achieve this effect. The received truth is that Ka-blah-blah and its New Age spiritual progeny are supremely ego-based pursuits. We love the ego.
Kli'poth is Kaballah. Heaven is Hell. Buy and Swell.
6. Mirror, Mirror
In the mirror, Jimmy confronts a terrible truth. Oh how he once loved the movies, and in particular 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now, facing himself at last, he sees the emptiness in his heart. There is not to be a great new age of light. There is no stargate leap for this lonely creep. The Great Black Monolith is nowt more than a mirror. Caliban is a blindman's bluff.
And it is at this precise moment that YellowSwitchPalace's Asylum becomes a glass elevator. The soul of Jimmy explodes into color - his head upon a piece of writing paper: the Womb of the Cosmic Mother, who accepts the wretched face with amazing grace and out and into perfect space.
Jimmy's all right!
The Kids Are All Right!
Bloody well right and out of sight.
Pax Jax
As my name growing up was Jimmy, I smoke lots of grass and I love Jupiter, I can relate. The Search for the One Eyed Jimmy syncs best. Samuel Jackson is in this film as well.
- Jimmy

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