A little side note: Narby is backed by Alex Grey's "Gaia" - emanating the painted tree from his crown on the right, while entraining with a real tree on the left - a painting prophetically depicting the WTC and 2 jet plains.
Discussed here Grey's Anatomy and way back here Goerge W. Bush 'Moonchild' Of "The Great Beast 666"
He recounts that he had read a Herge (famed for his Tintin books) book called "Le "Manitoba" Ne Repond Plus" being a book that forms part of the lesser known character series Jo, Zette and Jocko.

The transatlantic liner Manitoba breaks down on its way to England and then the passengers and crew fall strangely asleep. When they wake up it is to find that they have all been robbed of their valuables. Later, while on holiday at the seaside, Jo, Zette and Jocko, playing in a rowing boat, get lost at sea when a thick fog comes down. Rescued by a submarine, they are taken to a secret undersea base where a mad scientist has plans for the two young children.
He jokes that he and his friends started telling each other "The "Manitoba" is responding" as they became aware of Jim's work with Ayahuasca and Juan Flores.
A documentary exists where Narby takes a few molecular biologists down to the Amazon to see if there research would benefit from Ayahuasca. It's called "Night of the Liana" (Jim might have to correct me on the title).

Above and below Juan gives an enigmatic response to the questions about how Ayahuasca teaches. Mention is made about visiting scientists in a submarine during Ayahuasca ceremonies.

Hagbard Celine teaches the Discordian way to his followers on the Lief Ericson or Yellow Submarine.

Love the Red Gold theme arising here.

See The SpiriT of the Blue Bird for Blue Bird syncs.
Blue Bird like yellow way also connects to OZ as the Blue Bird flies over the rainbow in the "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" song.
Jim probably came up with the school bus/sub teaching connect. Its a great sign that it is becoming hard to tell who is doing what as WE/ME learn to see the source as UNIted.
The NO symbol as OZ is another one that just seemed to arise inside US both at once, very cool.
Jim periodically accuses me of coming up with things I don't remember ever knowing.
One brief take on this is that the yellow sun/star, who's light we all live inside of, is the yellow sub in the depths of space, where we learn to become yellow floWers.
Kevin: The Merkabah Golden Chariot and the Redeeming light of the Soul
The Yellow Submarine strongly resonates to me the 8th Trump Tarot Card - The Chariot. This path on the Tree of Life is also called the 7th Path of the Vessel of God, also known as the Way of the Child of Waters. IE the Yellow Beatles Armour protects him through the Waters.

This Tarot Card depicts the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, the Scarab or Beetle in Egypt, and the Crab to many other systems. On the Crowley Card we can see the Knight in full on Gold Armour, perfectly reflecting Jakes Book cover from"The Secret Ray". Note the Charioteers clawed feet hinting at the Scarab, also reflecting the Yellow Submarine. The Blue in the Background is symbolic of the Waters of Binah or Space. This Tarot card also is the Veil of which Water Descends to Earth from Heaven. Also veerry interesting that this Card is called the Chariot and attributed Cancer is that the Ancients saw Cancer as "The Gate of Souls". Now Cancer being the Heavenly Gate of souls also connects us to the Path of the Chariot on the Tree of Life, Cancers constellations partially rule the Upper Triad of the Tree of Life, or the Heavens, and it is through this Chariot of the Soul, that our Spirit travels throughout this life. So we can see the way that the Chariot, the Beetle and Cancer point toward the Chariot or the Soul as the Vehicle of Spirit. We can associate now the Chariot or the Beatle as the Vessel for Spiritual Growth throughout life. This connects to me with Jakes ideas of the Yellow Submarine being a Vessel for Learning and for even Out of Body Travel and higher understanding. This also will connect us to the Merkabah, the Astral Chariot of the Ascended Masters, well get more to this later.
Now this is a great great quote from a Tarot site that sums up alot of Jakes connections between Traveling out of Body(in Soul) Learning, Family, the Yellow Submarine, Beatles and Love, as Cancer is a Water Sign thus Emotions ie. Tears etc, and is also said to be strongly connected to the energy of loyalty to the Mother(Binah-Space). We can really see the way this card Resonates with the Journey of Life, the Red wheels on the card symbolize the unrelenting forces of time and movement. Please read this lovely quote from
" http://www.novareinna.com/constellation/cancertarot.html "
" In the Kabbalah, this card is associated with the Seventh Path...the Path of the Vessel of God, also known as the Way of the Child of Waters. It is a path related to family, home, security and hospitality. Love is not always an easy concept to understand and practice. It demands much attention, discipline, patience and time, which is precisely why this path runs between the two most difficult and most restrictive spheres of the Tree of Life. For most individuals, the family stands as the central connection to love. It nourishes all aspects of this emotion...unconditional love of parents for children, brotherly or sisterly love between siblings, romatic love between spouses and friendly love among counsins, for example. However, this type of love can (and often does) strangle and restrict. This is manifested in the form of family obligations and psychological neuroses frequently inherent in the parent-child bond. The family is protected by the home...the physical vessel for love in a sense...but this notion of family does not necessarily imply exclusive blood ties. Loving and functioning "families" are often created in the workplace and in many other variations of groups and settings. This road of the protected home is also the path of meditation...an ability which demands stillness, inner quiet and discipline. Thus, the purpose suggested by this card is to aid in the personal search for the inner home. The Hebrew letter is Cheth (also known as Chet), which means Fence or Wall. It is symbolic of an enclosed area which marks boundaries...boundaries of a backyard or even a country."
All of this perfectly Synchs with Learning and Family connecting to Jakes Schoolbus and Chariot synchs!

Now remember that Cancer is the Uppermost Gate of Souls from the Heavens, so Cancer is the Vessel through which our Spirit clothes itself in Soul, and thus the Chariot can also be connected to the Merkabah as the Vessel of Spiritual Travel. As it turns out the Throne of God which is what the Merkabah translates to, or Chariot of god, refers to the sphinx and the Corners of the Universe and the Platonic Signs of the Zodiac or Kerubs. Now Cancer connects to the Merkabah beutifully as well as Cancer is the Home sign of the Moon, and in Kabbalah the 9th Sphere of the Moon is known as the "Astral Pool", the silvery light of the Moon also reflects the nature of the Imaginations creative Fluids, as well as the Moons rulership over our Dreams and Internal Cycles. The Chariot is also said to be connected to Past Life recall as well, and if you wanna do some homework see the Tarot Card attributed the Moon- The High Preistess, who represents just this Silvery Astral Spirit Light, she is the veil of Light which clothes Spirit. Astral Fluid reminds me of the Blue "Mariri" fluid that Shamans can accumulate and create and share for healing as well. Back to the Merkabah!

"Know the self to be sitting in a Chariot, the body to be the Chariot, the intellect (buddhi) the charioteer, and the mind the reins." --The Upanishads
"According to the verses in Ezekiel and its attendant commentaries, the Merkaba consists of a chariot made of many angels being driven by the "Likeness of a Man." Four angels form the basic structure of the chariot. These angels are called the "Chayot" חיות (lit. "living creatures"). Their bodies are like that of a human being, but each of them has four faces, corresponding to the four directions the chariot can go (north, east, south, and west). The faces are of a man, a lion, an ox (later changed to a child or cherub) and an eagle. Since there are four angels and each has four faces, there are a total of sixteen faces." - Wikipedia - Merkabah

A Quote from - watch.pair.com/cancer.html
"The Galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer and Capricorn, the tropical points in the sun's course, ordinarily called the Gates of the Sun... and the Milky Way crossed at the signs Cancer and Capricorn.
"Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to Heaven. One, Macrobius says, in his dream of Scipio, was styled the Gate of Men; and the other, the Gate of the Gods. Cancer was the former, because souls descended by it to the earth; and Capricorn the latter, because by it they re-ascended to their seats of immortality, and became Gods"
Check out this beutiful confirmation from Grant Morrisons Invisibles Volume 1
"Kephera the Beetle goes down into darkness, and Rises again with the Sun in his Mandibles. Some say that when we leave this planet we will leave as insects. When our bodies are no longer needed we will send out our Spirits in a swarm of Golden Beatles, carrying the Sun of Pure Understanding out into the Abyss into our new home amongst the Stars" - The Invisibles Volume 1.

All of this to me strongly resonates with Juan Flores Astral Travel and Teaching within the Merkabah or Chariot or Yellow Submarine. Ive really got a whole lote more coming on this but I wanna get this up here at least for now. This all to me connects with Insectoid Alien Oversoul Consciousness that I beleive Terrence Mckenna was very into and alot more too.
PS we can see a Bluebird Resonating with Jupiter to me guiding our Heroes as they Journey to the Center of the Earth, or as I like to see it a journey to the center of our Self or our Root Chakra, wherein we find the Black Gold or the Philosophers Stone. Birds as guides to Spiritual Ascension flow well to me with that.

I hope to share very soon! More to come, Much love family!
The Magic Schoolbus also Journies into Inner Space on the kids Tv show!

The Yellow Submarine strongly resonates to me the 8th Trump Tarot Card - The Chariot. This path on the Tree of Life is also called the 7th Path of the Vessel of God, also known as the Way of the Child of Waters. IE the Yellow Beatles Armour protects him through the Waters.
This Tarot Card depicts the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, the Scarab or Beetle in Egypt, and the Crab to many other systems. On the Crowley Card we can see the Knight in full on Gold Armour, perfectly reflecting Jakes Book cover from"The Secret Ray". Note the Charioteers clawed feet hinting at the Scarab, also reflecting the Yellow Submarine. The Blue in the Background is symbolic of the Waters of Binah or Space. This Tarot card also is the Veil of which Water Descends to Earth from Heaven. Also veerry interesting that this Card is called the Chariot and attributed Cancer is that the Ancients saw Cancer as "The Gate of Souls". Now Cancer being the Heavenly Gate of souls also connects us to the Path of the Chariot on the Tree of Life, Cancers constellations partially rule the Upper Triad of the Tree of Life, or the Heavens, and it is through this Chariot of the Soul, that our Spirit travels throughout this life. So we can see the way that the Chariot, the Beetle and Cancer point toward the Chariot or the Soul as the Vehicle of Spirit. We can associate now the Chariot or the Beatle as the Vessel for Spiritual Growth throughout life. This connects to me with Jakes ideas of the Yellow Submarine being a Vessel for Learning and for even Out of Body Travel and higher understanding. This also will connect us to the Merkabah, the Astral Chariot of the Ascended Masters, well get more to this later.
Now this is a great great quote from a Tarot site that sums up alot of Jakes connections between Traveling out of Body(in Soul) Learning, Family, the Yellow Submarine, Beatles and Love, as Cancer is a Water Sign thus Emotions ie. Tears etc, and is also said to be strongly connected to the energy of loyalty to the Mother(Binah-Space). We can really see the way this card Resonates with the Journey of Life, the Red wheels on the card symbolize the unrelenting forces of time and movement. Please read this lovely quote from
" http://www.novareinna.com/constellation/cancertarot.html "
" In the Kabbalah, this card is associated with the Seventh Path...the Path of the Vessel of God, also known as the Way of the Child of Waters. It is a path related to family, home, security and hospitality. Love is not always an easy concept to understand and practice. It demands much attention, discipline, patience and time, which is precisely why this path runs between the two most difficult and most restrictive spheres of the Tree of Life. For most individuals, the family stands as the central connection to love. It nourishes all aspects of this emotion...unconditional love of parents for children, brotherly or sisterly love between siblings, romatic love between spouses and friendly love among counsins, for example. However, this type of love can (and often does) strangle and restrict. This is manifested in the form of family obligations and psychological neuroses frequently inherent in the parent-child bond. The family is protected by the home...the physical vessel for love in a sense...but this notion of family does not necessarily imply exclusive blood ties. Loving and functioning "families" are often created in the workplace and in many other variations of groups and settings. This road of the protected home is also the path of meditation...an ability which demands stillness, inner quiet and discipline. Thus, the purpose suggested by this card is to aid in the personal search for the inner home. The Hebrew letter is Cheth (also known as Chet), which means Fence or Wall. It is symbolic of an enclosed area which marks boundaries...boundaries of a backyard or even a country."
All of this perfectly Synchs with Learning and Family connecting to Jakes Schoolbus and Chariot synchs!
Now remember that Cancer is the Uppermost Gate of Souls from the Heavens, so Cancer is the Vessel through which our Spirit clothes itself in Soul, and thus the Chariot can also be connected to the Merkabah as the Vessel of Spiritual Travel. As it turns out the Throne of God which is what the Merkabah translates to, or Chariot of god, refers to the sphinx and the Corners of the Universe and the Platonic Signs of the Zodiac or Kerubs. Now Cancer connects to the Merkabah beutifully as well as Cancer is the Home sign of the Moon, and in Kabbalah the 9th Sphere of the Moon is known as the "Astral Pool", the silvery light of the Moon also reflects the nature of the Imaginations creative Fluids, as well as the Moons rulership over our Dreams and Internal Cycles. The Chariot is also said to be connected to Past Life recall as well, and if you wanna do some homework see the Tarot Card attributed the Moon- The High Preistess, who represents just this Silvery Astral Spirit Light, she is the veil of Light which clothes Spirit. Astral Fluid reminds me of the Blue "Mariri" fluid that Shamans can accumulate and create and share for healing as well. Back to the Merkabah!

"Know the self to be sitting in a Chariot, the body to be the Chariot, the intellect (buddhi) the charioteer, and the mind the reins." --The Upanishads
"According to the verses in Ezekiel and its attendant commentaries, the Merkaba consists of a chariot made of many angels being driven by the "Likeness of a Man." Four angels form the basic structure of the chariot. These angels are called the "Chayot" חיות (lit. "living creatures"). Their bodies are like that of a human being, but each of them has four faces, corresponding to the four directions the chariot can go (north, east, south, and west). The faces are of a man, a lion, an ox (later changed to a child or cherub) and an eagle. Since there are four angels and each has four faces, there are a total of sixteen faces." - Wikipedia - Merkabah
A Quote from - watch.pair.com/cancer.html
"The Galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer and Capricorn, the tropical points in the sun's course, ordinarily called the Gates of the Sun... and the Milky Way crossed at the signs Cancer and Capricorn.
"Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to Heaven. One, Macrobius says, in his dream of Scipio, was styled the Gate of Men; and the other, the Gate of the Gods. Cancer was the former, because souls descended by it to the earth; and Capricorn the latter, because by it they re-ascended to their seats of immortality, and became Gods"
Check out this beutiful confirmation from Grant Morrisons Invisibles Volume 1
"Kephera the Beetle goes down into darkness, and Rises again with the Sun in his Mandibles. Some say that when we leave this planet we will leave as insects. When our bodies are no longer needed we will send out our Spirits in a swarm of Golden Beatles, carrying the Sun of Pure Understanding out into the Abyss into our new home amongst the Stars" - The Invisibles Volume 1.

All of this to me strongly resonates with Juan Flores Astral Travel and Teaching within the Merkabah or Chariot or Yellow Submarine. Ive really got a whole lote more coming on this but I wanna get this up here at least for now. This all to me connects with Insectoid Alien Oversoul Consciousness that I beleive Terrence Mckenna was very into and alot more too.
PS we can see a Bluebird Resonating with Jupiter to me guiding our Heroes as they Journey to the Center of the Earth, or as I like to see it a journey to the center of our Self or our Root Chakra, wherein we find the Black Gold or the Philosophers Stone. Birds as guides to Spiritual Ascension flow well to me with that.
I hope to share very soon! More to come, Much love family!
The Magic Schoolbus also Journies into Inner Space on the kids Tv show!
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