World CUP can be World PUC.. A hockey puck is kinda interesting as it keeps us in sports theme but my mind just ignited with spark when realizing the connection of the Mythological Puck.
Puck is a mythological fairy or mischievous nature sprite. Puck is also a generalised personification of land spirits. Whilst being an aspect of Robin Goodfellow and the Green Man, he is sometimes also considered hob and Will-o'-the-wisp.Wiki
Wikipedias image for PuckMakes me feel that our Dark Man kicking the soccer ball on the FIFA World Cup Logo is Puck, clearly a goat god Pan resonator. The Dark Man over Africa looks like he is dancing, an activity strongly associated to the Pipe playing Pan and Puck. We see the Dark figures dancing around PUC above.

Pan's Flute or Pipes are just tubes that one blows through...

Not that dissimilar to the Vuvuzela of South Africa, blaring ViA TV sets throughout the entire world as consistent background drone on the most watched sports event on the planet. The Pipes of the World Puck calling on the final Judgment?

Stanley Tucci plays Puck in a film adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

We see him as one of the Magicians in Kit Kittredge KK resonating 11:11.

The Karate Kid opened the same day as the World Cup, 11 June, and also displays the KK or 11:11. This further resonates the duration of the World Cup from 11 June - 11 July. Amazing entrainment is seen with the "World PUC Dark Man" and the "Karate Kid Dark Man". Both are kicking!?

Tucci, Puck from A Midsummer Nights Dream, again ties back into the Dark Man, confirming them as interchangeable, by being the "Dark Man" in The Lovely Bones above. He was nominated for an Oscar for this film.

Liam Neeson was in another film that opened this weekend, on the same date as The World Cup and The Karate Kid, The A-Team.

Just amazing as he is the O.G Dark Man, staring in the film Dark Man, just like the ones seen on The Karate Kid Poster and on The World Cup Logo!

I've been seeing allot of Stanley Tucci lately. Above he is in shot with the Red Dragon symbol in Montana.
Red Dragon symbol from film Red DragonIn Montana he shares screen time with Sync Star Robin Tunney.

Very-very groovy as we saw earlier that Puck is also Robin Goodfellow.

In The Devil Wears Prada Tucci works for Meryl Streep aka The Dragon Lady.

He interacts with Anne Hatheway allot in that.

The Trident of the Devil, a Dark Man no doubt, with Hatheway.

Poseidon and Neptune's watery tool again crowning Hathaway in Valentines Day.

Jim shows how CUP (our PUC) can be shown graphically as 'C and Arrow' or 'See Up'. This can also be brought together to form the Bow and Arrow.

Here we see how the bow and arrow resemble the Trident or Pitchfork of the Devil. As the Devil resonates Dark Man its fascinating to see how well the CUP or PUC also associates to the Trident shape.
PUC/CUP resonate Puck and Dark Man.

The Red Dragon symbol contains the trident of PUC/Dark Man

Tucci taps Anne at her third eye in Devil, to wake her up as being responsible for her own discomfort at her job.

This works and we see her smiling as she passes her jobs address containing 142 for Jupiter.

This happens again later when she knocks on an hotel room with 142 looking for the Dragon Lady Streep.

The fashion scene is loaded with sync goodies and powerful sacred symbols like the double C of channel making the vesica portal.

Or here where she passes Sephora cosmetic store being also a wife of Moses and dam close to Sephirot the 10 enumerations of God on the Kabala Tree of Life.

Come to think if it Devil was actually a wild sync ride of a movie. Anne is called a Tiger by her boyfriend..

Later painting a model solar system for her nephew or something. Particularly she is painting and orange sphere which could be Jupiter but I cant say for sure..
Where were we, this post has gotten way off track..

Ah yes, Tucci, Puck, the Dark Man and Pan. In Devil he entrains perfectly with Pan by appearing with Pans exact number in Kabala, 77 or OZ.
Funny enough Jim has recently gotten into Captain America and Tucci is set to play Dr. Abraham Erskine the man who creates Cap in the film adaptation.
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington James Stewart visits the Lincoln Memorial.

This structure was modeled after the Temple of Zeus in Olympia.

This means that Abraham Lincoln resonates Zeus/Jupiter.

Quite perfectly N'Sync as Liam Neeson (our Dark Man/PUC) plays Zeus in Clash of the Titans and is also set to play Lincoln in a Spielberg Biopic about Abe coming out next year.

What should further bake our noodles about James Stewart interacting with Abe/Zeus is that he is the star of the film Harvey.

Harvey concerns a man who claims to have a Giant Rabbit or Pooka as a best friend.
Harvey is a 1950 film based on Mary Chase's play of the same name, directed by Henry Koster, and starring James Stewart and Josephine Hull. The story is about a man whose best friend is a pooka named Harvey—in the form of a six-foot, three-and-one-half-inch tall rabbit.
Clicking on
Pooka at Wiki will take you here:
The Púca (Old Irish for ghost[1]), (also Pwwka, Pooka, Puka, Phouka, Púka, Pwca in Welsh, Bucca in Cornish, Pouque in Dgèrnésiais, Puca or Puck in English, Glashtyn, and Gruagach) is a creature of Celtic folklore, notably in Ireland, the West of Scotland, and Wales. It is one of the myriad faery folk, and, like many faery folk, is both respected and feared by those who believe in it.
And clicking on
Puca or Puck in English will take you back to where this all started!
Puck is a mythological fairy or mischievous nature sprite. Puck is also a generalised personification of land spirits. Whilst being an aspect of Robin Goodfellow and the Green Man, he is sometimes also considered hob and Will-o'-the-wisp.
Meaning James Stewart's Puca is just another variation of our PUC.
If the Dark Man of the World Cup resonates Liam Neeson/Zeus, this all points back Jupiter. The World CUP/PUC is Jupiter. But then Jim already made that clear with his C-UP graphic....
So I downloaded Get Over It after writing the above as some research revealed it is loosely based on A Midsummer Nights Dream (with character PUCk).
The film even has students put on a play inspired by Shakespeare's play.

Kirsten Dunst stars in this adding more motivation to scan Get Over It for syncs. I never got to this one when I researched
her yellow flower pattern (wonder if it will repeat here?).
She walks up to a situation where Martin Short is directing another student on how to put up a poster for the show. Dunst "A Midsummer Night's Rockin' Eve?"

MarTIN steps in explaining: "Classical Shakespeare with a contemporary twist".

He gets a call, moves, and SCORE! A freaking soccer ball sync pops out of nowhere.
A Midsummer Nights Dream with PUCk strange attracts the Soccer Ball of the World CUP.
Richard: I've recently been thinking about the connection between the World Cup/Puck and the feathered duck so thought I might work some of these ideas in here.
The Duck entrains with Jupiter via the Emilio Estevez movie Mighty Ducks D2/42.

Emilio Estevez, the coach who teaches the Ducks how to shoot the Puck, played the role of 'Billy the Kid' in the Young Guns movies.
Billy is a name associated with the Billy Goat (aka Pan/Puck) and young Goats are called Kids.
Emilio Estevez aka 'Billy the Kid' therefore oozes Duck/Puck/World Cup syncnificance.
Earlier on today I chanced upon an interesting article about one of the darker aspects of Jupiter. Apparently
the planet Jupiter is a Cannibal which has swallowed 5 of its own moons over the course of its history. Planetary cannibalism...nice!
Liam Neeson (Zeus/Jupiter in Clash of the Titans) played the role of Hannibal Smith in the new A-Team movie.

The other famous Hannibal is of course a Cannibal.

Hannibal, played by Sir Anthony Hopkins, starred alongside Emilio Estevez in the movie Free Jack.
The Grid/Net/Web links these actors together.

Mick Jagger (MJ) syncs with Kirsten Dunst's 'MJ' from the Spiderman movies.
The Rolling Stones, MJ's famous band, is highlighted here on the front of Howards magazine:

Moving on...
Hannibal, a Cannibal like the Gas Giant Jupiter, entrains with the whole Dark Man theme that Jake has already explored in this post.

In The A-Team movie Hannibal is best buddies with the Dark Man B.A. Baraccus.

B.A. is probably most recognizable for the Mohawk which runs down the centre of his head.
When I first saw this poster for Splice (a movie which came out only a week after The A-Team) my warped mind naturally linked the slit/splice running down the alien Dren's head with the B.A. Baraccus Mohawk.

Splice stars actor Adrien Brody whose initials AB/BA hints at this connection with B.A Baraccus.
splice definition:
n: a junction where two things have been joined together.

In the Hannibal movie we see that the Cannibal has a Splice running down the centre of his face as he moves out from behind a mirror.

Coincidentally the character
Noah "Puck" Puckington from the TV show Glee also has a B.A. Mohawk/Splice running down the centre of his head.

I'm not sure what all this means but it definitely points to a 'Coming Together' of some sort - like an Eclipse of Sun & Moon, the merging of MoM & PoP, or Contact with our planET.
One last thing. While writing this update I caught a new TV trailer for Twilight: Eclipse which is due out at the end of this month.
While watching it I realized that
ECLIPSE is an anagram of
I figure that Vampires could also be considered Cannibals, just like Hannibal and the planet Jupiter. Here's the trailer for anyone interested.

In 2012 starring JC John Cusack, after all the calamity and upheaval on Earth has settled, the survivors must find a new home.

"The Himalayas are no longer the roof of the world it is now the Drakensberg Mountains of Kwazulu Natal."

Drakensberg is Afrikaans and comes from the Dutch Drakensbergen, "the Dragon Mountains". We see that in 2012 the Dragon Mountains of South Africa are depicted as Red thus being a Red Dragon.

"The entire African Continent has risen."

"That's why they call it the Cape of Good Hope"

The Red Dragon is the beast of Revelation, the prophetic book about the End of Days in the Bible.
Revelation 12:3
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads."
Makes me think that South Africa and The World CUP is a Key part of the Ascension dynamic of our species..

Like this image I chanced upon this morning while reading an Alan Moore scripted The Phantom Stranger comic. It depicts the Angel Satan as a PUCk or Pan lookalike helping as really get that the Dark Man, Devil, Pooka, Puck and Pan are all the same dude.
I like his huge flaming CUP by his chairs arm rest.

Fitting that the Devil Fork or Poseidon Trident would bare such similarity to the mark of Red Dragon.

I like how the World Cup logo has this red stripe echoing 2012's depiction of South Africa with the Red Drakensberg/Dragon Mountains.
We can now see how they both tell the same story. The Dark Man on the Left is the Red Dragon Beast on the Right.
The World CUP of PUC is filling so that we can celebrate Our realization of Ourselves.
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