A Smith is an everyman. Movie convention has people signing in under a fake names at a Hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Thus our Hannibal being a Smith suggests we are all Hannibal or Zeus/Jupiter (Liam Neeson being Zeus in The Clash Of The Titans).

This must be a Smith resonating time period or the time of the Everyman. The time of ME becoming WE*. All of us knowing we are one Smith yet still with infinite mysterious and beautiful faces.
*ME=WE Spread the MEME!

Smith syncs are about identity and who WE/ME really are under our infinite masks. Ultimately the I Am under all masks is perfectly unblemished and can have no face or conceptualized container. During this faze in the forms of the infinite, it is clear that Mr. Smith's most glaring and obvious mask, though which WE/ME can perceive ourselves, is Jupiter.

Jupiter does this to WE/ME sometimes as people become possessed by Being and do great things beyond themselves.
He is connected to the Bolts just like Liam Neeson's Hannibal, a Smith who is also the Bolt wielding Zeus/Jupiter.
Are all masks of Smith resonating Zeus/Jupiter?

Moby Dick
Chapter 112 "The Blacksmith"
. . .But one night, under cover of darkness, and further concealed in a most cunning disguisement, a desperate burglar slid into his happy home, and robbed them all of everything. And darker yet to tell, the blacksmith himself did ignorantly conduct this burglar into his family's heart. It was the Bottle Conjuror! Upon the opening of that fatal cork, forth flew the fiend, and shrivelled up his home. . .
We are the masks Tye. We take it off and become something new. . . I'm ready to let go, of something anyway.
"Use the force Luke. Let go."
"Turn the other cheek, he'd plead. Love thy neighbor was his creed."

D.C. (District of Columbia)
Columba |kəˈləmbə| Astronomya small and faint southern constellation (the Dove), near Canis Major. It is sometimes said to represent the dove that Noah sent out from the Ark.
"In Christian Iconography, a dove also symbolizes the Holy Spirit, in reference to Matthew 3:16 and Luke 3:22 where the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove at the Baptism of Jesus."
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