Stanley Tucci plays Dr. Conrad Zimsky in the movie The Core. ZimKEY is an Earth Specialist and designer of project desTINi.
To save the Earth Stanley must travel to the centre and die in doing so.

Stanley means Stoney Meadow.
Core makes me think of roC(k), or another word for stone.
Stanley, Stankey, StoneKey, Keystone.
I am sure Jake has stuff to add to this post. We can consider this thread a kick off for the Cosmic Ti69er.
Peace In

In the film Richard Gere (playing JC John Clark) bored with his domestic routine starts taking Ballroom Dance classes. This is unbeknown to his family and co-workers.
See Richard Gere talking about Jesus in Hey Zeus!

I had downloaded Shall We Dance a month ago because of the Winnipeg connection but realizing Tucci is also present, adding his syncnificance, made me finally hit play. Tucci came up just earliear this week as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

See The World Puc

CUPids Bow and Arrow must clearly be resonating the Jupiter CUP and Bow Arrow.
This silly show sticks out in my mind for a very syncnificant reason and I have written about it before.
See The 2010 Matrix Code: What is The Matrix Code?

Robin has been united with her boyfriend by Bobby/CUPid who we have just seen in Shall We Dance.
We see that the ticket to Winnipeg contains the arrow inside of a Circle. This is the same message as Jim's C-UP. An arrow inside of a crescent/curved/circle type shape. It is the StarCup we have been going on about over here for a while. The StarCup is realized when the twin energies of creation, the Star/Male/Signal and Cup/Female/Moon/Receiver, have united in sacred union. It is the 'experience' and what is 'experienced' waking UP to Being in a gorgeous Dance.

To see our CUPid - who resonates Winnipeg via the Show Cupid and its Robin - with Stanley Tucci/PUC both sitting in Winnipeg in Shall We Dance is pretty amazing stuff. A CUP and PUC in the Heart of the Continent.

911 marked the destruction of the Temple a symbolic dissolution of our attachment to form or the mind made self.
The discovery of the New Temple in Winnipeg, right in the Heart of the North American continent, signals the reintegration of the self with the SELF.


I love the Star in Drens Eye and the Star between Jupiter and Babe.
You put 'self' and 'other' together and viola! You have the Self realized Self or Consciousness realizing its own existence in form, ignition. i!
In Splice Dren is born with a Split or seam down the middle seen on the poster across her large forehead. This dissolves as she matures. The two halves come together representing union and wholeness of the new state we are entering.

Her interaction with JC eventually helps heal each other and she makes her way back to Blackpool to fulfill her own desTINy.
The Star Richard and the Cup J. Lo come together and heal each other in Winnipeg leading to Blackpool.

It occurs to me that I became aware of the film Shall We Dance? while working at POLO Park, POLO being POOL.

Blue Swan Event from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.
Jim videos the moment this reflection became associated with the Blue Sun. The Blue Sun is another way of pointing towards what happens after the Eclipse/Splice/StarCup. We have our current Sun, its child, just like the birthing StarChild of Jupiter in 2010 The Year We Make Contact, is the Blue Sun.
GG/69/Twin Sun/Blue Sun/StarCup same same..
When is the Cosmic Ti69er? Right NOW, always has been right here and NOW. In form it expresses itself as this moment, waiting for Jim Sanders to pick me up so WE/ME can go to the airport to meet and greet sync whole member Kevin Halcott (Indradhanush42 on Twitter)!
Peace In = Peace Out
On June 11, Jake saw the A-Team. Not only does it star Zeus (Liam Neeson) with all his Jupiter resonance, but it also stars Rampage Jackson of UFC fame. Rampage replaces Mr. T as B.A. Baracus.
B.A. stands for BAD ATTITUDE.
The first time I saw Rampage was on TV at my buddies house. I remember him kicking butt in the UFC ring shaped and referred to as THE OCTAGON. At the time I instantly thought about the Pool of the Black Star in the Manitoba Joy Temple.
Octagonal Black Stars.
The Black Hole is expanding rapidly. The Black star rises/is revealed.

I find it interesting that when the UFC Octagon is overlapped with the Pool of the Black Star, the Blue Bud Light add fits right where the Blue Sun does in the Manitoba Leg as Jakes shows above.
In the movie A-Team, Rampage, or B.A., has the words PITY and FOOL on his two hands. 4 letters each hand, giving us 8 fingers, or 8 rays, just like the Pool of the Black Star. (fingers are rays as the hand is a perfect symbol of a 5 rayed star).
Now it is interesting that B.A. stands for BAD ATTITUDE as BAD equals 214, which if you follow the sync whole you will know makes us think of all things Jovian (Jupiter).
This links our Black star right back to Jupiter.
BA is perfect as well as it is the Egyptian word for our oversoul, the goal of life being to unite our KA with our BA and therefore attain immortality or the ANKH. ( life awake on Jupiter.)
Our MANITO (Great Spirit) with our BA gives us MANITOBA. (remember TIN OBAMA?).
The other Black Pool the world knows about right now is the one forming in the Gulf of Mexico. Where it gets even quirkier is when we realize that the Gulf Black Pool began to form on April 20, or 4/20. The Deep Horizon rig, or Ground Zero of the leak problem, just so happens to have a Helicopter Landing Pad that is shaped as an Octagon. This image below is from Day 1 after the 4/20 blowout. Otherwise known as 4/21, which is also 214/BAD.

421 just so happens to be the Queen's Birthday. The Method Man album 4:21: The Day After seems to strange attract to 4/21, or the Day After the 4/20 oil rig blowout. Method Man's names even seems to be oozing oil.

I read somewhere the meaning of the album 's title is that 4/21 is the day after 4/20 and the first day of clarity from the haze of 4/20.
OK, I got to go. More later.
( More on the Queen who is coming to Winnipeg and will visit the Pool of the Black Star on July 3. The Queen has been to Jupiter, as Helen Mirren in 2010: The Year We Make Contact. Helen playing the Queen of course, as well as the computer Deep Thought that gives us 42 as the answer to everything. )
Peace In
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