The clever cats at the Crop Circle Connectors forum quickly saw the mathematical constant Phi aka the Golden Ratio innit.

Here's the latest video from the new album/cd release "RECOVERY" by EMINEM called "Not Afraid" The album was just released on PHi day 6/18/10 on i-Tunes - USA (Click here for i-Tunes Canada) and is set for release everywhere on the "Summer Solstice - June 21
So we see Phi day is 18 June because it displays the .618 of the Golden Ratio.
The Crop Circle displaying Phi is noticed on 21 June or 3 days after Phi Day or 18 June.

If we go to Phi at Wikipedia we learn:
Phi (uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or math symbol ϕ), pronounced [ˈfi] in modern Greek and /ˈfaɪ/ or sometimes /ˈfiː/ in English,[1] is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.
Cool, so Phi resonates 21, the same day the Crop Circle was reported.
Phi looks like a I and and O overlapped. This resonates the StarCup as the I is the Male/Star and the O is the Female/Cup/Moon.
Over here in Winnipeg things have been very exciting the last couple of days. Two members from the sync whole have shown up to celebrate the Cosmic Ti69er. The Cosmic Ti69er is a celebration of sync and the new state of consciousness WE/ME are moving into.
Kevin Halcott showed up on the 18th of June or Phi Day and we watched Toy Story 3 and had an Ayahuasca ceremony. The 18 June/Phi or Golden Ratio marks the start of The Cosmic Ti69er, cool.

Yesterday the "Sync Tiggers" sat down with Strange Eye a sync blooger who also lives in Winnipeg and he told us about a wacky news story involving a tiger called Jonas.
The theft of Jonas the Tiger (and 2 Camels), in Canada, was reported on the 18th, the same day The Cosmic Tigger started and Phi Day.
Quebec police say the animals were being transported from a travelling circus in Nova Scotia to a zoo in Bowmanville, Ont.
Bowman resonates the Cupid/Sagittarius symbolism of the StarCup and Jupiter. Dave Bowman travels to Jupiter in 2001: A Space Odyssey...

I like how Jonathan resonates Jonas the Tiger.
His parents divorced when Young was 12, and he moved with his mother back to the family home of Winnipeg, Manitoba, where his music career began.

This is the spaceship that flies all the major characters to the planet where the encounter Deep Thought who gives 42 as "The answer to Life the Universe and Everything".

His position is at the center or heart of the building and a carries wheat.
He is then a perfect resonator of the 21 June Golden Heart wheat Crop Circle having the elements of Heart, Wheat and Gold all encoded just like the circle.

Solomon can be decoded as Sol/Sun/Star and Mon/Moon/Cup making the temple of Heart City the StarCup.

I was happy to learn today that Jonas the Tiger and his two camel buddies were recovered safely
Missing tiger, camels found alive
Spectacular!, Jonas goes missing in Canada on the day Cosmic Ti69er starts and is found safely on our last day together here in Winnipeg, the Golden Heart.
Richard: Life of Pi is a novel by Yann Martel about a character who becomes stranded in the pacific ocean on a lifeboat. His only companion on the 227 day journey is a Tiger.


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