Why do I call this post 2010 Matrix Code? Well Jake has always mentioned how he thought the word Matrix Code symbolized the height of POP culture resonance.
As well, 2010 increasingly looks like a Matrix Code wanting to be broken, or decoded.
The 2010 Matrix Code is a work in progress. Does it mean anything? Probably not. Is it fun to work on. Yes!
Between New Years Day, or 01/01/2010 and February 12, or 02/12/2010, there are 42 days. I know this because I check the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics countdown often.
42 is a number that is not only the answer to everything, but as well syncromystically resonant to the Planet Jupiter. 4 and 2 are both found in the Alchemical symbol for Jupiter.

We also know that Jupiter is the same God as Zeus. The Olympics is an event originally in honour of Zeus and Mount Olympus, home of the Gods.

2010 already has a syncnificant resonance with Jupiter due to the movie, 2010: The Year We Make Contact.

In the movie, 2010 is the year in which the Jupiter Star child is born and we get a second sun.
Do the 2010 Winter Olympics symbolize humanity reaching the top of the World Mountain?

The point where Heaven and Earth meet and the inner God in us all says hello. The second sun within shines forth.
Mount Ever Rest.
Mount Be Still and In the Peace of the Divine Now.
As we make the final push to the top, struggling to persevere, a funny thing happens along the way.
The movie Creation is released on January 22, 2010 or 01/22/2010.
This happens exactly 21 days after the New Year has begun and 21 days before the Olympics commence on February 12.
Our half way point. Perhaps a syncromystical boost of adrenaline to help us make it the rest of the way.
Creation is a new film starring Jennifer Connolly and Paul Bettany. It is the story of Charles Darwin, his theories of evolution and the tensions that existed between him and his religious wife.
As we know already Jennifer Connolly resonates both JC and Jupiter as highlighted by Mr. Kotze.
How perfect for her to be present in this film as the wife of Darwin. I like to see her as Mother Nature and the Spirit that flows through it. Perhaps the one thing Darwin does not equate for in his theory.
She is the Pelican that flies along the shores of the oceans of consciousness.

The Pelican has traditionally been associated with the Passion of Christ and the Eucharist.

Creation may very well begin 01/22/2010, but what gets interesting is that Darwin's 201st birthday is not soon after on Feburary 12, 2010, or 02/12/2010.
Yes that is a lot of 2's and 1's and 0's.
Lets recap that. The Olympics and Darwin's Birthday are exactly 42 days into the New Year. The movie about Darwin is released exactly 21 days, or half way in between the 42 days.
21, that would be Blackjack.
21 + 21 = 42 / 12 + 12 = 24
This also makes us recognize that the other number embedded in the alchemical symbol for Jupiter is 1.
1, 2 and 4 are the Jupiter code numbers. They play well with each other.

The other poster for Creation plays off the famous Michaelangelo painting of God and Adam touching fingers in the clouds. They both are using their Jupiter fingers.
Their arms and fingers touch together and form a mountain shape. Or a pyramid. Where they touch is the peak, the capstone, the point of it all. The top of the mountain.

Soon enough we will reach...
February 12, 2010
Darwin' Birthday and International Darwin Day - 2010 is his 201 birthday.
Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony - British Columbia, Canada. Funny how BC 2010 is referenced in the film 2012 as a critical point in our planning for the future.

Wolfman is released.

Valentine's Day released.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief released.

DC Masonic Week.

Lupercalia begins. Festival of the wolf flow.

Much points to February 12, but I still feel it all points to 2 days later...
February 14, 2010
The Year of the Tiger begins.

Valentine's Day/Heart Day

02/14/2010 = A BAD Day.
2 (B) + 1 (A) + 4 (D) = BAD
Perhaps a bad day that is also a good day?
The movie Valentine's Day, released on February 12, 2 days before the actual Valentine's Day, has a wink to its unification with the Year of the Tiger in the tiger sync that I captured below from the trailer.

2010 Matrix Code to be continued....
Update: Just realized that today is resonant with 9/11.
01/19/2010 = 09/11/2001
the Sprint NOW Network costs 42 dollars and fifty cents a month. "42 people just broke up by email" They are monitoring your phone calls including exactly what the conversation is about, how else would they know that most people are talking about diapers?

Valentines day - a day that easily resonates the Arrow and Bow for obvious reasons - sees the actual start of the Chinese Year of the Tiger. Fascinating then that our Blue Skinned striped cats/tigers from Avatar like to shoot arrows while falling in love themselves.

The point that Jupiter is the point is to realize that your own already present, consciousness of being conscious, is the point. This is the I-I, Cosmic Consciousness (K2) or the Twin Blue Stars.
Clearly something fucked up is happening in Winnipeg.
-Synchromysticism was birthed here.
-The consciousness manifesting Ayahuasca ceremonies of Shaman Jim and Juan Flores happen here.
-All in the Shadow of the Third Temple of Solomon or Manitoba's Legislative Building decoded by Frank Albo.
Considering Jim's observations about 12 of February (Zeus/Jupiter resonating film Percy Jackson opening on same day as Olympics, sports event in celebration of Zeus!) and 14th (Start of the year of the Tiger and Valentines/Cupid/Love day), check out these syncs:

Pointing points to jUPiter, dig?
As the founder of The Sync Whole and popularizer of synchromysticism my role in the Merry Men has been often suggested as Robin Hood by members of this blog. Very interesting as Jake Sully shoots his bow in Avatar and Robin Hood does the same.
Television series Cupid S1 E5 "Shipping Out".
This show is about a man who believes he is the god Cupid and plays matchmaker with people he doesn't know.

See Heart City video for more.
Heart City from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.

Whether Joe flies to Winnipeg or leaves by Yellow Submarine, his destiny, the symbols show, is to journey to the loving heart.
Where ever you are ultimately is the loving heart. Yet in the drama of form our bodies have a heart as does the awakening of consciousness pulsing from Winnipeg picked up increasingly via sync.

Robin Tunney also resonates the leader of the Merry Men. She is a key pointer.
Synopisis from tv.com
The CBI team investigate the murder of a former professional baseball player, who has started his own baseball talent scouting and training facility for young up-and-coming baseball talents. During the investigation, Jane is knocked out by a baseball and flashes back to his past as a stage performer.

Rainbow Star from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
Jupiter killing a Zen practitioner - one who moves beyond ego - clearly shows that jUPiter will kill your limited perception of self and individual form identity.

JaWeS :
I'm a quarter of the way through watching the movie Amelia. Since watching Jake's Air Heart additions, I found it amazing that Amelia was waiting for my viewing. Amelia comments on the similarity between water and sky, she flies a plane that is also a boat. At a certain points she " Yes We Are UP "
the Wheel
the tips of wings
half boat
half plane
all orange
Arrowsmith: Another actor who entrains with the Robin is Kevin Costner:

He is running away from the constrictions, preconceptions, limitations and general un-groovyness of consensus societal baggage. A good start but he must yet realize all those things are mind made structures and you take that baggage with you no matter where you go until you align with Being. When you are at peace with your whole Self a Mall, the economy and Hannah Montana is just as sacred as a mountain and a river. Dudes like this have helped us realize this and we marvel, identify and respect their struggle.
This amazing image becomes even more so when we learn that Christopher's birth date is 12th February 1968.
The teaching Sub of Jupiter and being Bad (running away from the system) surmounted by the CHRISTopher birthed on 12 Feb... Pretty awesome.
(thanx 2 Stephen for the email about Christopher's Birthday)
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