Sand is also Pans meaning "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" resonates "Time of Pans" aka the current period of becoming Pan/Whole/Totality. I love that the Prince Of Persia poster with KINGsley has Fog/Vapor just like House of Sand and Fog with JC (thus resonating Jesus Christ) Jennifer Connelly.

The same day as Prince of Persia (also POP) was released 28 May lightning struck the Knox United Church in Winnipeg.
"I saw a blue flash"

Fascinating as Penelope made a cameo appearance in Sex and The City 2.
So three of the Stars above in Elegy were highlighted this weekend by the films that opened and by dying.

A pyramid of hearts that is being poured into the now and will build the new world.

Now we are off to go watch Mr Kingsley in Prince of Persia to drink more from the Star Cup!

Kevin: Beutyfool work up there :) I love the Pink flow, as per usual I didnt have to think or wait very long for the Pink to make its way into my consciousness after all my g8or brothers were tweeting about it last night.
Last night after reading about everyones Pink tweets I happened to be looking into the film "Contact" which prominently features many Sattelite Dishes, or literal - Star Cups on the Cover. Also Note the C- in Contact which is emphasized, Cs ca turn over and be U a Cup to contain Love, Flow, Spirits, and the Cosmic Intelligence of PoP-the Stars!

Contact features Jodie Foster as "Eleanor Arroway" Arrow-Way, the Way of the Arrow, like the Sagitarian Bowman, like David Bowman who acheives Contact via the Jupiter Monoith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

I was Joyd up to see the PINK sands when Jodie Foster enters the Stargate and goes to the "Other Side" in Contact. She meets an Alien Intelligence which takes the form of her father, and tells her that humanity is about to take the first step.
As it turns out, PINK Floyds Echoes album is one of the more popular Album and Movie " Syncs' that people enjoy listening to while watching "Contact". One of the most popular is PINK Floyd and the Wizard of Oz, also known as Dark Side of the Rainbow.

Nuit our Lady of the Stars can be seen on "The STAR" Tarot card, being the Aquarius Tarot card we can see she bears the Star Cups of flow, shes pouring the contents of the NOW over the Solar System as it Crystalizes into the Flow.

I was also overJoyed to see that the week of Cosmic Ti69er this June 18th-24th will be blessed by the "Contact" Alignment of Uranus(the Fool-Baby) and Jupiter(Fortune). I made a little collage of info that inspires me about this Summer.

Much Love all u Shining Stars :) <3>
Last night after reading about everyones Pink tweets I happened to be looking into the film "Contact" which prominently features many Sattelite Dishes, or literal - Star Cups on the Cover. Also Note the C- in Contact which is emphasized, Cs ca turn over and be U a Cup to contain Love, Flow, Spirits, and the Cosmic Intelligence of PoP-the Stars!

Contact features Jodie Foster as "Eleanor Arroway" Arrow-Way, the Way of the Arrow, like the Sagitarian Bowman, like David Bowman who acheives Contact via the Jupiter Monoith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

I was Joyd up to see the PINK sands when Jodie Foster enters the Stargate and goes to the "Other Side" in Contact. She meets an Alien Intelligence which takes the form of her father, and tells her that humanity is about to take the first step.
As it turns out, PINK Floyds Echoes album is one of the more popular Album and Movie " Syncs' that people enjoy listening to while watching "Contact". One of the most popular is PINK Floyd and the Wizard of Oz, also known as Dark Side of the Rainbow.

Nuit our Lady of the Stars can be seen on "The STAR" Tarot card, being the Aquarius Tarot card we can see she bears the Star Cups of flow, shes pouring the contents of the NOW over the Solar System as it Crystalizes into the Flow.

I was also overJoyed to see that the week of Cosmic Ti69er this June 18th-24th will be blessed by the "Contact" Alignment of Uranus(the Fool-Baby) and Jupiter(Fortune). I made a little collage of info that inspires me about this Summer.
Much Love all u Shining Stars :) <3>
The Thunderous Silence of Contact.

And that the other major release "Prince of Persia" is the sword. The union of man and woWman, sun and moon.
Then I saw this Crop Circle that was reported today with the Sperm/Sword and Concentric Circle/Egg/Cup..

Dennis Hopper is also with Kyle MacLachlan in Blue Velvet..

This is the full Star/Sun Cup/Moon. The cup receives the signal/sword and the Gr8 Work is done.
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