Return of the Jed-I/Red-I = Return to Source/Force/Flow

Like Yoda (voiced by Frank OZ) the Tinman is a Red-I/Jed-I Master.

The Jed-I of Jupiter wears the white mask of the
Fool - Clown - Joker - Jester
The Empire Strikes Back

Luke Skywalker dons the white mask of the Jester/Joker while wearing the TH-421 Stormtrooper helmet.

Skywalkers co-pilot is the TINy TINman known as Artoo D2/DB.

The allie of the Jed-I also has a Red-I
beep beepMay the 4th be with you!
Djed Pillar, mystery object of Ancient Egypt thought of as Back Bone of Osiris. A Pillar is an I shape making the Djed (an I shaped pillar) resonate the Jed-I.

Those who tame their Dragon (Kunadalini/DNA Serpent Pillar) or I/Eye/Self, master The Force and become JedI Knights!
RA: Recently spotted the Djed Pillar in the movie Iron Man 2.
Whiplash (played by actor Mickey Rourke) uses the power of the Djedi to take on the Tinman.

Mickey Rourke/Whiplash is also due to star in The Expendables. In the poster we find emphasis placed on the Pillar of the spine.

Once the Djed-i/Red-i is awakened the Bird takes flight and Contact is made.

When the Djed-i/Red-i opens we become Skywalkers.

I spotted this poster recently and noticed that Jet Planes (Bird resonators) emerge from this guys spine in close proximity to the word Dog/goD. The skull at the bottom right has a Red-i/Djed-i.

The letters DNA is found inside the word cANDy. Notice that this cDNAy Girl holds the Djed Pillar while the Death Star hovers close by.

Here's Natalie Portman, Mother of the Skywalker, doing the Kundalini Pole DANce.

Portalman highlighted by the Djedi Pillar in this poster.

While pondering the syncnificance of the Candy Shop poster above, I realized that the
Ball is yet another pointer to DB's Treasure.

San Diego's supercomputer made a model of the Earths core which looks surprisingly like a Disco Ball. Article

The (DB/42) Disco Ball is found within the eartH/Heart centre.

While googling the words 'Disco Ball movie' this poster came up as one of the results. I like how it shows that we're each facets of the same Heart.

Reminds me that we're all floWers growing from the same Djed Pillar/Stem. We're the Pollen Nation.

Peace all.
just had to throw this in;
the image above was a preliminary sketch for a t-shirt design i did a while back. the box on the guy's spine below the ankh was a placeholder for the Djed, which -coincidentally- you can see detailed in the image above the thinker's spine. also, if you look closely, the first guy's 3rd eye has been opened, in addition to him balancing his heart/earth/core with my crude version of a hieroglyphic-style feather.
RA: The first thing that came to mind when seeing toure's design was this image from V for Vendetta.

While thinking about the connection between toure's art and the floW of this post it hit me that the guy doing the pose is none other than the pale faced Joker/Jester/Fool who was mentioned earlier on.

V is Natalie Portalmans mentor, connecting him with the Star Wars theme already explored here.

Notice in the image above that V's hands create two 'buns' on the side of Portalmans head, kind of like Princess Leia's:

Carrie Fisher 'Under the Rainbow' surrounded by TINy people:

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