Many have interpretations of this particular event, however most deal with the accusation that the ancients hated women.... Or at least were afraid of them and or their naked bodies. Modern intellects always do this.... I mean cheating our ancestor, as if we are better than them now. My stand point lately is that nothing is being sold here. No ancient way of thinking at least. There is now enough people interested in myth to have a good blanket of meaning, however myth has shown itself to me to be very personal. You should not take anything that someone says is the interpretation as granite and solid, this creates dogmatism and detracts from the joy of personal exploration into the ideas. Myth does not belong to the Ancient Greek, the Freemasons, the Illuminitus, or any professor with a stuffy tie standing in front of your class room... It doesn't even belong to Chris Knowles... As well versed as he is, I'm sure that he, like others who really dig, discover their own personal growth along the way. Myth is yours, and permeates through YOUR pop culture like a forgotten child refusing to stay in the basement. It's in all of us and without us all the same.
That being said I do find a relationship between the Time Travelers Wife and this particular tale of Artemis in that Eric Bana wins his young bride while she is still an adolescent. It's not his fault of course, her finding him and telling him it's going to happen in time makes it happen.... In time.
See he has something called Kronos Impairment, and you can take that a couple of different ways.... Basically he beats time(death)... And shows up in weird places a weird times. Some places have certain gravity(is what he calls it) for him, and he comes to these places against his will often. One of them being the meadow in which he is shot and in where his bride falls for him. He is killed by his father in law, who never knows he himself shot his own son in law. The father in law is portrayed though the movie as being the hunter, and of course ask Eric many times to come along. All the elements are there, just rearranged or distorted slightly. Basically Eric dies due to the beauty of a teenager, and even in the same spot. Read it as if a dream my fellow Jungians.

The poster above is in perfect form. The Moon, the Green Man, and the Stag as a hound. The Dog of course being a symbol of Hermes, another underworld messenger. The Dog is also a Dog Star or Sirius resonator and that's perfect too seeing Hermes has some links to Sirius. Sirius has been pegged through out history as a source of external knowledge, meaning a source of Nosis outside of experience.
See how that just runs around and bites it's own tail. All these symbols play the role of the External Conscience. Jimney Cricket.... The voice on your shoulder.

Once again there will be some who will feel the need to list many vices on Socartes(pronounced So Crates if your a Bill and Ted fan) in the hopes of showing their own superior knowledge to that of someone who couldn't bath often for lack of running water.
The importance however lies in the regurgitation of this theme in the form of modern pop culture.

(As Abraham Lincoln would say, I love it when a plan comes together.)

So Jim goes into the jungle for a few days--away from his wife--and Mr. Morgan throws a Stag party.
As I mentioned below in the comments, I want more from this post. And it isn't that The Shaman's syncs aren't complete--they are crazy good like always, but as per usual, I think my desire to see more has more to do with me than anything. . .
The idea of a spirit guide or patronous is great. Another level to the J.K. Rowling thing is the idea of an Animagus--an actual transformation into your animal representation. Harry's Father (his paternal protector) was a stag.
I see myself as a fox. That's me, dancing in the grocery store, thinking up a new caper, buying a new bandit mask at 40% off. . .
of course my wife disagrees saying that I'm a Badger,
-probably the closest is a skunk seeing as how I'm skunking up Will's beautiful post. . .
So flow. A Stag party thought comes to me occasionally (in the shower of course). One of the powers of Zeus is his life creating lightning. We can see this aspect in the Ace of Wands card which portrays an "outpouring of raw creative energy".
As Jupiters, we all have this magic wand that shoots "bolts" of life. I sometimes wonder about stagnation--that it is perhaps important to keep the flow going even if it just winds up going down the sink hole. . .
. . .of course, sometimes that flow ends up in The Sync Whole and magic happens
(so perhaps this nothing more than masturbation, but) I've been compelled to reread Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I have no idea why. It is bad! I enjoy it though. Interestingly, this time through, I noticed something he tossed off without later explaining. And when I googled it, I found Jake Kotze.
As Robert Langdon (played on the silver screen by THanks) lectures his class on the symbolism of The Masons, he tells his class how the Masons choose important and symbolic dates to lay the cornerstones of three of the most important buildings in Washington D.C. (This is fiction remember, and I didn't check his "facts".) All that Langdon tells his class about this though, is that they would have their ceremony only when the "Caput Draconis" was in Virgo. That is, when the dragon's head was in the virgin.
A little research will lead one quickly to the idea of Lunar Nodes:

Image of the Lunar Nodes from "Galactic Center" p 75 areas where the orbit of the moon crosses the apparent path of the Sun (Ecliptic). Eclipses happen near the these points. [from The Blob]

The Lunar Dragon with its Tail (Ketu) in Sagittarius or Galactic Center and its Head in Gemini or Galactic Anticenter. Another serpent equivalent to the Galactic Center-Galactic Anticenter axis part of the 2012 Equinox-Galaxy Cross.[from The Blob]
For something "to be in" Virgo is to correspond to the dates of the Zodiac constellation "Virgo"--which is August 23 - September 23 (roughly, & then there is the whole thing with tropical versus sidereal)
Virgo is the virgin. You can see the stargate in her symbol which is also a symbol for her fishy son.
Jesus Doug, will you get to your point!
Twice a month the moon crosses the ecliptic, the path of the sun. The moon is "read" as feminine and rules the cycles of women. We launched our Apollo mission from phallic looking rockets at the moon and many thought that we impregnated it, which gave birth to a new age. The moon is feminine. The sun is masculine. The masons (according to Dan Brown) understood this symbolism and then acted in accord with the heavens, beginning their new endeavor symbolically when the "egg" (moon) & "sperm" (sun) came together in the Virgin in September.
When I googled the terms "ascending lunar node sept 2001", I hit Kotze: Opening The Stargate Via Nicholas Cage. I bet you can see where my mind had gone. Know of anything symbolic that happened in September of 2001?
One of those "As above so below" thoughts I have, is how they say that life may have hitched a ride on a comet--that a comet strike may have impregnated Mother. . . and given birth to us!
don't forget about last summer either. . .
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