i find mySelf moving past my fascination with a pansynchronous universe/reality/perception at times... mostly when someone familiar with my work/beliefs/point-of-view points out a synk they've 'discovered', and gives me that approval-seeking look. i get this pompous feeling of "yeah, yeah, yeah" or "duh", as if to say "welcome to the club"... i felt it when i began reading the comments left by DarkStar [how apt] on the previous post. as i read further, though, my dark roaring lion of an ego settled, and the whirlwind of pattern recognition transformed into something beautiful and powerful and true, and as Will mentioned, i remembered being there. But that douchebag-ish feeling of entitlement/boredom/resignation still bugged me.
Admittedly, i did not read those exhaustively comprehensive comments... sorry DarkStar. We're being honest here, right? ...by the way, few things irk me more than those self-righteous types who use being honest as an excuse to be a jerk to people... (get it? in the biz, we call that self-deprecating humor)
[self-deprecating; get it? oh, i can do this all day. moving right along...]
as my/our/this journey of self-analysis continues deeper and higher, i find i have to check these moments of "i'm cool cuz i get it"... well, i don't have to check anything... i see it/all in real-life, and the all-and-all not only reminds me how small i am in it, but how big i am in it; not only how i shape it, but how it shapes me. how it checks me, and doesn't let me become complacent, all the while forcing me -to use my favorite quote from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon- to "hold it in stillness". smell the roses...
exhibit a:
while i was researching philosophical examples of manufactured duality for my ongoing analysis of the Lion and the Lamb, i was led time and time again to patterns involving snakes. having recently settled on the comfortable trinity of the Lion, Lamb and Wolf as a framework for my analysis of pop character archetypes [those three are everywhere], i pretty much ignored the snake patterns. soon, as these things go, i was on a phone call with a friend talking that crazy synk-talk when she pointed out Al Pacino's role in Devil's Advocate as the dark surrogate father to keanu -"the one"- reeves mentioned briefly in my last post during my glossed-over study of keanu's pattern of wearing black and white suits in movies. she compared Pacino's "snake in the grass" character to that of the serpent of eden, saying that i couldn't separate the snake from the dark father, just as i couldnt separate god from the devil.
then, as per usual, i got smacked in the head -synkwise- when Doug weighed in via email.
"...I think his 'view' is 100% the view of an ego threatened by its submission to something larger than its finite self.
Of course from that point of view everything is evil, thus 'God', the one, becomes the devil..."
Of course from that point of view everything is evil, thus 'God', the one, becomes the devil..."
philosophical note: it is, i believe, the nature of the ego to be threatened by submission to the larger whole. that submission contradicts the existence and purpose of the ego as we understand it. here at the Whole, there's been a lot of talk about noting spiritual/pop/real-life signals toward ego dissolution via synk -hence the snazzy blog title- and throughout my time here, most of my posts have dealt with my own struggles with leggo-ing my ego. i can't help but connect this devil-god/lion-serpent flip-floppery to the pseudo-duality of the ego-one vs the all-one [that sounds silly just saying it].
[flapjack flip-floppery, that is... since we're doin the pun thing, i must admit to being a waffle-r]
i'm still amazed at how synk tends to push normal-speaking people towards the overuse of simple puns.
dan [when flip-flopped] is dna which is the serpent who is the devil who is the horned-God pan which is everything, while still somehow being the dark-trickster-snake-in-the-grass side of a duality that doesn't exist. to make paterns worse, the pan, as the devil, is also a winged serpent also called a dragon or flying/rising(resurrectd?) serpent, the kundalini, or the caduceus, etc...
when i hear "the dissolution of the ego", now i think of "the expulsion of lucifer", or the "slaying of the dragon", the condemnation/destruction of the snake. this connection revealed to me the problem with my own analysis; synk is not the sword with which we slay the dragon, or sacrifice the goat, it's more like the technique we use to ride the tiger/serpent/lion, to train our dragon, to stare at goats [and if we're lucky, look right into their{our} hearts].
as much as i enjoy my ego-struggle, more and more i'm realizing my frustration/boredom/yeah-yeah-yeah attitude with synk comes from the idea that there is no battle to fight, no choice to make... trying to dissolve my ego is like trying to drown my dragon in the night sky (and he sees better in the dark). i must learn to fly my dragon through the abyss, i think. to train it to be one with the darkness... man, what it would be like to fly eyes closed through the void...
being in synk...
being in synk means having your waffle and eating it too

"Waffles have the same power as Eden and want people to eat them so they can manipulate people's minds."


Was caught in an intense sync storm about telephones and contact with the God Self on Jupiter via Beyonce and Lady GaGa earlier today...
Also saw the Walkie on The Losers, a telephone variant. It shares The Losers poster with the THEO (O with The inside of it) and a staggering amount of Jupiter Trigger finger action.
The striped necktie or noose of a Dead Man is pulled towards the Tiger. He is on his Walkie Phoning Home: "Jupiter, do we have Contact?".
The TELIphone is the coiled DNA we use to make Contact. Self realizes self via the Scarlet Dragon of PAN/DAN/DNA/BLOOD and DANce...
In Jewish astronomy this is also identified with the North Pole, the star Thuban which, around 4,500 years ago, was the star in the Draco constellation's "tail".[9] However this can also have been either the celestial pole or the ecliptic pole. The ancient observers noted that Draco was at the top of the celestial pole, giving the appearance that stars were "hanging" from it, and in Hebrew it is referred to as Teli, from talah (תלה) - to hang.[11] Hebrew writers from Arabic-speaking locations identified the Teli as Al Jaz'har, which is a Persian word for a "knot" or a "node" because of the intersection of the inclination of the orbit of a planet from the elliptic that forms two such nodes. In modern astronomy these are called the ascending node and the descending node, but in medieval astronomy they were referred to as "dragon's head" and "dragon's tail".[12]
Wiki about Teli at there Dragon page
The Dragon is the poles/axis/pillars or teli and thus resonates telephone.
I was imagining making a video featuring GaGa's Telephone, Beyonces Video Phone and cutting that with stuff like Neo on the Phone in Matrix and E.T...
Q: What does Jupiter say when WE/ME call via our spiral cords/DNA/Aya? A: Just DANce.
GaGa embodies the GG or the Twin Sun aka Jupiter, made overt via Jupiter index finger and lightning bolt.
Pan plays the musical flute which activates our dna making our hearts dance. dna=pan=dance
I was quite high after seeing all the syncs in those telephone videos with Jupiter fingers and what not. It felt like a ritual to open the StarGate and communication with the Self.
I had to go for a walk to come down..

A coffin in Cirque du Freak The Vampire's Assistant from which emits a DNA coil eventually realized as part of a web.
Oh boy..
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