The Ass Theme is arising strong in Consciousness as shown via upcoming film releases. Above is the overt Kick Ass.
Below the subtle Hot Tub with Tub backwards being But.

The universe is so elegant.. In mimicry, almost as if existence is a perfect orchestration (which it is), another soon to be released title reads Bass Ackwards.

About half an hour later Frank walks up to me conspiratorially and says: "Shrek". "Shrek?", I says. "Murphy, he's a Mason and plays the talking donkey in Shrek." Further he explained that this connects very well with a talking donkey from the bible.
The Ass/Donkey is also the animal that carries Mary into Bethlehem where she births Jesus, while Jesus rides the donkey himself towards Jerusalem and eventually the cross. Thus the Ass is present during the Birth and Death of Christ.
Christ Consciousness'/Spirit's animal vehicle of choice is the Ass.
There are sexual connotations with the Ass. Sexual ecstasy can silence the mind, allowing spirit to shine though the noise. Some occult/magick practices us this as a ritualized vehicle for enlightenment.
I'm confused about that lot. Can't really figure out where I am as an individual, sexually. I feel we are a whole planet of confused sexual beings. Maybe I'm projecting.. I deal with it as I deal with all. Invite awareness and acceptance in and see what happens.

Vehicles of spirit..

The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh reveals more on the Ass trail, beyond the obvious poo reference.
At one point Winnie is visiting Rabbi-T because Winnie is looking for some Hunny to eat.
( Remember Winnie is short for Winnipeg.)

So he goes to the Bunny for Hunny. (note: Buns is also a term for Ass, which not only connects us with Bunny but also Bread and therefore Christ which is weird.)

Notice Rabbi-T has a Top hat hung up on his hook. He is not just what comes out of the top hat portal but he is the magician as well.

After eating the Bunny's Hunny, Winnie the Po tries to leave and can't as he gets stuck in the Rabbit Whole. He has gained weight and size since he feasted on Bunny's Hunny, therefore preventing him from getting back out.

Rabbi-T and the others work night and day to get Pooh out.

Pooh is forced to fast so as to become skinny enough to get pushed out.
Rabbi-T goes crazy trying to deal with Pooh's Ass in howse all the time.
He begins to try to disguise Pooh's Ass. After seeing it in the mirror he tries to frame it and turn it into a picture.

Rabbi-T really starts to go crazy when he paints a face on Pooh's but, gives him tree antlers and a shelf/altar complete with trident candle, yellow flowered tea and a tobacco pipe.
Looks like an altar of a Magician.

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