Twitter seems to let it floW the best these days, at least for me.
April looks like it will be a Diamond of a month.
I thought I would share this little video about Jupiter and Maestro Flores that I did over a year ago.
Peace to All

This and his appearance alongside Seth Green while searching for DB's treasure in Without A Padlle had me looking at Mr Reynolds' singular poster lineup.
Singular as in awesome syncs, hilarious testosterone fueled mayhem and probably the biggest collection of films I had never heard of..
Some choice picks:
Come and get him.
Come and get him.

My most memorable Burt film is smoKEY and the Bandit. Jackie Gleason is seen below using his Jupiter Finger to point to Burt. Jack always brings me back to the Jupiter Jack phone sync.

The Jack Key Gleason Jupiter finger reminds me of the commercial I saw tonight on TV for the show Glee which starts up again April 13th. The symbol seems to be a hand making the L shape for Loser, which is also a Jupiter Finger pointing UP.

The Jupiter Finger is also replacing the L and therefore the word can say Gee or G as well.
G for me now symbolizes balance as 7 is a balanced pH.
Makes me think of the film The Losers coming out on 4/23.
The Losers is Theo L'sers. Or Jupiter G people.

@syncwinnipeg notes that BandiT is BadTin unveiling both sides of the law as working for Jupiter/Tin.
The Men of The Tin Star (Good/God guys) and the BandiT/BadTin (Devil) are masks of Jupiter.
In Bandits aka BadTins we see Cate Blanchett and Billy Bob Thornton, both also Pushers of Tin!?
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