JC John Cusack is art Dealer and befriender of Hitler in Max and merchant of Wax in High Fidelity.
Pooh Tolo:
Some of my favorite jovian vinyl...

Mark Wahlberg is Max Payne and just like Charlie WAX/TraVolta has adventures in Paris in The Truth About Charlie.

Ratte: madame tussauds wax museum on42nd Street Manhattan
Don't forget Mad Max. Where the Future meets the past at MAXimum force. Below Mad Max is not only ready to fire his jupiter trigger finger but he is presence is also heralded by zeus resonating hawk/eagle.


Yesterday Shaman was still going on about WAX on twitter when I realized that AXE is another variant.
I looked up So I Married An Axe Murdered and left it there until...

Now, I don't know about y'all, but I don't run into references of fine woman axe murdering all day long. Very infrequently, in my experience, in fact. So I can only attribute this to the very phenomena we here are plotting..
Oh yes, earlier that same evening, maybe 2 hours before Lost, I was thinking about AXE when the Hip-Hop song over my Ipod entrained by having the word axe used for ask.
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