The ? is an
Arch shape with a dot/spot....

2 is an
Arch shape making a sharp corner and then level...

The Hook is just the
First line from Wikipedia about the History of ?
Lynne Truss attributes an early form of the question mark to Alcuin of York.[2] Truss describes the punctus interrogativus of the late 700s as "a lightning flash, striking from right to left", a mark looking like this.Wiki ? History
If so the ? is associated to bolt/Zeus/Jupiter. Just like the similarly looking.

The Alchemical symbol for Jupiter is the same
Arch shape of the 2 type sharp corner and level which is the then crossed at right angle. Famously around these parts considered a 24 and sometimes also 1.

Where was I trying to go with that

Question = Answer.

The Letter X is often used in mathematics as an expression of an unknown integer. Examples would be...
"Find a number
x such that
"If you sell
x tickets, then your profit will be 3
x − 10 dollars, or
x) = 3
x − 10, where
f is the function, and
x is the number to which the function is applied."
In short X is the mystery that one is trying to figure out. X in this context has a deep relationship with the ?uestion Mark.
X is also used to highlight anything out side of mathematics that is of unknown orgin or perhaps unexplainable such in the movie poster above "planet X".

(Notice the United States Capital above, we'll see it again here soon.) X-Files is a prime example of this seeing that it represents the FBI files that are unexplained or in question. X = Mystery. However it also equals 24 seeing that X is the 24th letter of the Alphabet...

Perhaps others realized the significance of X being 24/42 and therefore Jupiter before me, however it wasn't until last night at around 2 am that I shot out of bed in an exclamation of "Holy Shit". Having tried to equate Jupiter to the one who teaches Monkeys to fly I find that the answer was in front of my face the whole time. Project Jupiter.

Jupiter quite literally sends us to the next level. The Capital of the Untied States of Consciousness is being berated.

I go looking for X 2 because of it's connection to both the X and the 2. Now noticing the intimate relation between them.

Once again I find the bringing together of these themes and attention to the word United... The top of the poster reads....
"The time has come for those who are different to stand united."
United is an interesting word seeing that it holds with in it both the root for Juno.... Union... As we as a hint of Jupiter seeing that Tin is in uNITed backwards. It is the joining of the male and female as noted by Kotze in the mysterious Tootsie poster. Also note that the X-Men or Tin Men poster shows Haley Barey and Hugh Jackman sharing face as one United Male-Female Janus. Also each side of the poster figures a succession of Male then Female and vice versa... Janus is sometimes seen with four faces.

However the X is a cross and that too has connotations of two intersecting opposites.

Appropriate seeing that the topic of race has been coming up lately...

The United States of Consciousness Flag found with in the opposite bridging effect of Jupiter. It's like Denzel has got a huge 24 over his face.

The flag again used as an X and pointed again to the mystery. The swastika was substituted as an X and placed below the eagle a symbol of Jupiter on Edward Norton's tattoo.

However the Swastika is also a symbol of a Black Star as well, and fits snug with in this connotation.... Tin Man with hand on his heart. Much Joy.
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