17 Again features a story of a 37 year old man, who is transported back to age 17 so he can right the problems of his children of the same age.

It all starts when the main Character thinks he sees a man about to jump off a Bridge.

It all starts when the main Character thinks he sees a man about to jump off a Bridge.

But when he approaches the old man, he dissapears and our main Character falls off the Bridge and into a Synch Whole which sends him back in time to age 17. 17 Being a rebirth number as March 17th Marks the suns 3 day(72 hour) stay in the Underworld battling Darkness before it is Reborn again on the Spring Equinox, as the Sun moves toward Summer Victory or Rebirth.

Throughout the film the Main Character keeps seeing this Dissapearing Trickster old man, as seen above on the Bridge. Our main Character refers to him as his "Spirit Guide", which is another word for White Rabbit or Phooka, Trickster, Holy Guardian Angel, Psychopomp, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes, Hanuman etc. A Guide of the Soul. Most importantly is that this "Spirit Guide" Mainly appears as a JANITOR in the film! Janitor is Etymologically derived from JANUS the Roman God of Doors, Archways, Beginings and Endings, and Gates and Keys. The Janitors are Guardians of the G8s of higher Consciousness, they hold the KEYS. Still in the Gates of JANUary the time of the New Year, we both look forward to the Year ahead of us (the Ideal), and look back on the Past(the Actual).

Janus as we know here is synonymous with Jupiter. Seen above Janus has Two heads, so he is Dual. Jupiter and its Symbol which alludes to the Number 42 both are symbolic of the Dual nature of the Self and the Universe. Jupiters Symbol is the Crescent of Spirit, overcoming the Cross of Matter (opposed to Saturn which Depicts the Cross of Matter overcoming the Crescent of Spirit). SO Jupiters Symbol points toward Both the worlds of Spirit and Matter, in Numerous instances Jupiter is also representative of "Heaven" or the "Other Side" the dimensions of Spirit where Energy Moves and Matter matters not. The Amazonian Shaman Juan Flores Salazar whos says on Jupiter our souls exist in an IDEAL mirror of Earth, Dennis Mckenna who says that while on Mushrooms he saw Jupiter as a Mirror of Earth, Stanley Kubricks 2001 where a Stargate to ET intelligence opens on Jupiter, Alice in Wonderland whos Underworld Courts have a 42nd Rule "no persons over a mile high to enter the court", Oz where going over the Rainbow into Oz or the Other Side and Rainbows are light reflected at 42 degrees, The Egyptian Underworld- Duat with the Goddess Maats 42 Commandments for Rebirth etc, all point toward Jupiter/42 somehow symbolizing traversing another Dimension or the Dual worlds of Reality and our Self. Jupiter/Janus can all be interpereted as pointers toward or attractors of the Shortening Bridge between Spirit and Matter and Heaven(Consciousness) and Earth (Body), or the Merging of the Actual (earthly plane) and the Ideal (Spiritual Plane-Jupiter). Janus the Janitor trickster Guide Phooka offers us the Keys to the Doors and Halls of Higher Consciousness, the G8keeper indeed.

Janus as we know here is synonymous with Jupiter. Seen above Janus has Two heads, so he is Dual. Jupiter and its Symbol which alludes to the Number 42 both are symbolic of the Dual nature of the Self and the Universe. Jupiters Symbol is the Crescent of Spirit, overcoming the Cross of Matter (opposed to Saturn which Depicts the Cross of Matter overcoming the Crescent of Spirit). SO Jupiters Symbol points toward Both the worlds of Spirit and Matter, in Numerous instances Jupiter is also representative of "Heaven" or the "Other Side" the dimensions of Spirit where Energy Moves and Matter matters not. The Amazonian Shaman Juan Flores Salazar whos says on Jupiter our souls exist in an IDEAL mirror of Earth, Dennis Mckenna who says that while on Mushrooms he saw Jupiter as a Mirror of Earth, Stanley Kubricks 2001 where a Stargate to ET intelligence opens on Jupiter, Alice in Wonderland whos Underworld Courts have a 42nd Rule "no persons over a mile high to enter the court", Oz where going over the Rainbow into Oz or the Other Side and Rainbows are light reflected at 42 degrees, The Egyptian Underworld- Duat with the Goddess Maats 42 Commandments for Rebirth etc, all point toward Jupiter/42 somehow symbolizing traversing another Dimension or the Dual worlds of Reality and our Self. Jupiter/Janus can all be interpereted as pointers toward or attractors of the Shortening Bridge between Spirit and Matter and Heaven(Consciousness) and Earth (Body), or the Merging of the Actual (earthly plane) and the Ideal (Spiritual Plane-Jupiter). Janus the Janitor trickster Guide Phooka offers us the Keys to the Doors and Halls of Higher Consciousness, the G8keeper indeed.
--After a very nice chat w/ Mr. Howl Cat yesterday, I'm prompted to sneak a few things in right here. I mentioned to him how the above ¶ connected and moved me. And in explaining how and why, he thought I should add my findings.
Recently, on my blog, I laid out the Chakra climb--using heavenly bodies as the lotus centers themselves. This illustration should make this idea, finally more clear:
The important point being that I discovered at the 5th chakra, my Jupiter lotus, a balanced representative form--that of Shiva Ardhanari, "Half-Woman Lord."
which brought me here:
So, yeah? The lower three chakras reflect our animal nature. Our humanity, and compassion is the virgin birth, and this occurs at the heart or in the heart. The heart chakra, number 4, lies between our animal self, and our higher spiritual self. Jupiter then is this balanced manifestation that is born of the heart. He is heaven on earth, and the gateway to a spiritual adventure. Joseph Campbell likens this lotus center, number 5, to that of a door to a temple. The gateway is flanked by menacing gaurdians--of course these also are a symbol for the opposites that power the psyche, that create our consciousness in our physical form. These are male and female. Mom and Pop. Night and Day. Yin and Yang. To go on, is to go beyond the dualities, to go between the to faces of Janus, beyond good and evil to pure consciousness--to our true self. A G8keeper indeed, Kevin. (BTW--Tor in German is gate, or door, thus g8tor is like saying "gate door")
To get back to Kev. though, let's look at the number associated with our manifestation of heaven on earth, Jupiter's 42--
The four are the four elements of material: Air, Water, Fire, Earth
The two are the dualities that create consciousness
A marriage of spirit and form. . . (notice how I sit to right and Kev. is centered? That's right too!)
I also came across this at my moms house on the Coffee table this weekend

Lucky Star= Jupiter, the Planet of Benefaction, Good Luck, Fortune, Destiny, Fate, Life Cycles and Fortune telling. Jupiters Tarot Card is the Wheel of Fortune, so 42 and Luck are closely associated to Jupiter, as 42=Jupiter= Luck=Synchronicity. Also the word Hart is on the cover as well, 42 being connected to the Egyptian Underworld Goddess Maats list of Confessions in the Underworld that if satisfied Guarantee rebirth of the Souls Heart, as well as the Tin Man regaining his heart in the Wizard of Oz, Tin is the Metal of Jupiter, whos crescent and cross resemble a 42.
Just wanted to jot this one down considering all this lovely Janus flow here lately, Much love to all, Bless <3>
This song really hit me today. Because of your 17, Kevin, on the 17th I'll add it here.
It's pretty synctastic. He was 17 when heard the angels sing, but it turned out to be the howling of a dog, or a wolf to more precise. . .
Ratte: I was reading in The Secret Teachings that Terminal is the modern equivalent of Terminus, another name of Jupiter, the God of Boundaries and Highways

please see this link

Galactic Center's Teeth

our two face Terminator is Jupiter

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