Updated to include new terms such as "civil union" and to incorporate recent changes in laws and judicial interpretations, this handy dictionary cuts through the complexities of legal jargon and presents definitions and explanations that can be understood by non-lawyers. Approximately 2,500 terms are given with definitions and explanations for the benefit of consumers, business proprietors, legal beneficiaries, investors, property owners, litigants, and all others who have dealings with the law. Terms are arranged alphabetically from Abandonment and Abatable Nuisance, all the way through to Writ, Yellow Dog Contract, and Zoning.
The group has seen a number of new members this week, so for those new members Discuss HR is the weekly article penned by fellow members about anything and everything to do with the world of HR.This week Jill Hart-Sanderson gives us a light-hearted view of her determination to achieve her goals! (Ed Scrivener)
What seems impossible to you at the moment? How could you increase the probability of it becoming a reality?
It’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day processes and procedures and lose sight of what we’re ultimately trying to achieve. By concentrating on our overall outcomes it may be possible to achieve results that currently seem beyond reach.
Last week I went to hear Richard Reed, former HR director and co-founder of Innocent, speak at a seminar in London. He was an awesome presenter and had some fabulous stories to tell.He talked about the importance of the company mission to be ‘The Earth’s Favourite Little Healthy Food and Drinks Company’. By focusing on this, Innocent has been able to grow into the multi-million pound organisation it is today.
So how could this approach help you? HR can remind managers to think about their organisation’s overall outcomes when dealing with issues within their own teams. When you focus on a specific outcome or goal amazing things can happen.
Many years ago I was on a two week sailing course in the windy resort of Bitez in Turkey. We were split into groups depending on experience and what level we were expected to achieve. Each morning we’d receive around two hours of theory tuition followed by an afternoon of practical instruction.
I was determined to do well, so listened carefully and focused on what I was being taught. At the end of the first week I understood the theory of wind patterns, currents, angles of the board and sail, but found sailing from A to B impossible. I could stand on the board, lift the sail and go, but no matter how hard I thought about the positioning of my body, sail and board I couldn’t move in the direction I wanted to!
In a fit of frustration after being retrieved several times by the rescue boat, I gave up. I sat on my board and concluded that I could never be a windsurfer and I would just spend the rest of my time on the beach on my own watching everyone else having fun.
Pip, one of the instructors, listened to my plight. I explained that I knew and understood the theory, but when I stood on the board and tried to put it into practice it just didn’t work. “Right” said Pip “take all of that theory and everything you have learnt this week and forget it! Climb back on the board. Look in the direction you want to go. Find a specific point and focus on it. Keep focusing on that goal and do not take your eyes off it whatever happens.”
“Yeah right” I thought, but what did I have to lose? I looked towards the beach (which was by now a long way off). I picked out a flag and focused on it. To my amazement I started to move towards it. I was going faster and faster and in the right direction. It was an off shore wind, but I was still heading for the beach. I didn’t take any notice of how I was holding the boom or what position my feet were in, it was all about the flag.
When I arrived on the beach at the exact point I’d been aiming for I was thrilled. I stayed on the water for another two hours just to make sure I had ‘got it’. I stayed focused on my goals, but went with the flow, relaxed and had a fantastic time. Thanks to Pip’s words of wisdom, by the end of the second week I passed my Royal Yachting Association level two, which is something I thought wouldn’t be possible.
Without being taught the theory first I wouldn’t have been able to do it, but focusing on the end result made the crucial difference, turning my learning into success.
What are your organisation’s goals? Are they clear and how can you help others reach them?
Sometimes you need to let go of theories and processes and focus on where you want to be, not how you will get there. As Stephen R Covey says in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, ‘begin with the end in mind’!
About the author
Jill loves working with the team at Rambutan helping people to think, lead and communicate brilliantly in order to achieve business, team or personal goals. Before joining the Rambutan bunch, Jill was part of the HR Consultancy Team at University College London. Her previous management experience in both the public and private sector means she has seen how great HR support can make a real difference to individual managers and organisations as a whole
Discuss HR is the blog for Human Resources UK, the leading LinkedIn group for those involved with HR in the UK.Next week’s Discuss HR will be published on Thursday 7th April and will be written by HR recruitment specialist Ed Scrivener.
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Criminal law rules and procedures, explained in plain English.
The criminal justice system becomes increasingly complex each year as new laws and decisions can change legal standards dramatically. And at a time when even law enforcement is being affected by hiring freezes and budget cuts, the result is fewer resources and public programs for those accused of crimes, and their friends and families. That's why it's crucial that you have access to clear and complete explanations of all aspects of criminal law and procedure.
The Criminal Law Handbook answers your questions about every part of a criminal case, from cops to crooks. Find out everything you've ever wanted to know about how the system works, and the how and why police, lawyers and judges doing what they do. It covers:
preliminary hearings
search and seizure
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"crimespeak," the language commonly used in criminal statutes.
The revised 11th edition covers all new Supreme Court rulings, as well as completely updated, meticulously researched changes to case law and new information on domestic violence law. (20080210)
The first two editions of the best-selling Law 101 provided readers with a vividly written and indispensable portrait of our nation's legal system. Now, in this third edition, Jay M. Feinman offers a fully updated survey of American law that incorporates fresh material on 2009 Supreme Court cases, the legal response to the war on terror (including the Guantanamo detainees and electronic surveillance), and to the latest developments in Internet law.
In a book brimming with legal puzzles, interesting anecdotes, and thought-provoking questions, Jay M. Feinman's clear introduction to the law provides us with a solid understanding of the American legal tradition and covers the main subjects taught in the first year of law school. Readers are introduced to every aspect of the legal system, from constitutional law and the litigation process to tort law, contract law, property law, and criminal law. Feinman illuminates each discussion with many intriguing, outrageous, and infamous cases, from the scalding coffee case that cost McDonald's half a million dollars, to the sensational murder trial in Victorian London that led to the legal definition of insanity, to the epochal decision in Marbury v. Madison that gave the Supreme Court the power to declare state and federal law unconstitutional. He broadens the reader's legal vocabulary, clarifying the meaning of everything from "due process" and "equal protection" in constitutional law to the distinction between "murder" and "manslaughter" in criminal law. Perhaps most important, we learn that though the law is voluminous and complex, it is accessible to all.
Everyone who wants a better grasp of current legal issues--from students contemplating law school, to journalists covering the legislature or the courts, to fans of Court TV--will find here a wonderful source of information: a complete, clear, and colorful map of the American legal system.
The best-selling first edition of Law 101 provided readers with a vividly written and indispensable portrait of our nation's legal system. Now, in this revised edition, Jay M. Feinman offers an updated survey of American law, spiced with new anecdotes and cases, and incorporating fresh material on topics ranging from the President's war powers, to intellectual property, standard form contracts, and eminent domain. Here is an exceptionally clear introduction to law, covering the main subjects found in the first year of law school, giving us a basic understanding of how it all works. Readers are introduced to every aspect of the legal system, from constitutional law and the litigation process to tort law, contract law, property law, and criminal law. Feinman illuminates each discussion with many intriguing, outrageous, and infamous cases, from the scalding coffee case that cost McDonald's half a million dollars, to the sensational murder trial in Victorian London that led to the legal definition of insanity, to the epochal decision in Marbury v. Madison that gave the Supreme Court the power to declare state and federal laws unconstitutional. He broadens the reader's legal vocabulary, clarifying the meaning of everything from "due process" and "equal protection" in constitutional law, to the distinction between "murder" and "manslaughter" in criminal law. Perhaps most important, we learn that though the law is voluminous and complex, it is accessible to all. Everyone who wants a better grasp of current legal issues--from students contemplating law school, to journalists covering the legislature or the courts, to fans of Court TV--will find here a wonderful source of information: a complete, clear, and colorful map of the American legal system.
"An entertaining and informative introduction to the law.... For journalists, those interested in the law, and fans of television law dramas, this book should be required reading."--Library Journal
I take it for granted that no hearer of mine will misinterpret what I have to say as the language of cynicism. The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life. Its history is the history of the moral development of the race. The practice of it, in spite of popular jests, tends to make good citizens and good men. When I emphasize the difference between law and morals I do so with reference to a single end, that of learning and understanding the law.
'adil' atau 'keadilan'. kata ini menjadi kata kunci dalam perkara 'redistribusi asset ekonomi', perkara pdi, bp7 [bidang pembakaran, penjarahan, perampokan, perkosaan, pembunuhan, penculikan dan penyiksaan] repotnasi, dan perkara-perkara kontemporer repotnasi. Keadilan adalah kondisi kebenaran ideal secara moral mengenai sesuatu hal, baik menyangkut benda atau orang. Kebanyakan orang percaya bahwa ketidakadilan harus dilawan dan dihukum, dan banyak gerakan sosial dan politis di seluruh dunia yang berjuang menegakkan keadilan. Tapi, banyaknya jumlah dan variasi teori keadilan memberikan pemikiran bahwa tidak jelas apa yang dituntut dari keadilan dan realita ketidakadilan, karena definisi apakah keadilan itu sendiri tidak jelas. keadilan intinya adalah meletakkan segala sesuatunya pada tempatnya. Banyak banget contoh keadilan untuk manusia, mulai dari seorang ibu adil kepada anaknya, seorang guru memberikan nilai ke muridnya dengan seadil-adilnya, ada adil menurut secara hukum. Saya ngutip dari www.google.com bahwa mewujudkan keadilan sosial itu, diperinci perbuatan dan sikap yang perlu dipupuk, yakni :
1) perbuatan luhur yang mencerminkan sikap dan suasana kekeluargaan dan kegotongroyongan. 2) Sikap adil terhadap sesarna, menjaaga keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban serta menghonnati hak-hak orang lain. 3) sikap suka memberi pertolongan kepada orang yang memerlukan 4) sikap suka bekerja kerns 5) sikap menghargai hasil karya orang lain yang bemianfaat untuk mencapai kemajuan dan kesejahteraan bersama
Keadilan dan ketidak adilan tidak dapat dipisahkan dalarn kehidupan manusia karena dalam ludupnya manusia menghadapi keadilan / ketidakadilan setiap hari. Oleh sebab itu keadilan dan ketidakadilan, menimbulkan daya kreativitas manusia. Banyak hasil seni lahir dari imajinasi ketidakadilan, seperti drama, puisi, novel, musik dan lain-lain.
I will admit obsession. Or at least admit to the understanding of why one would think that I am. Obsessed I mean. The purpose of sync is not to tell the future. But it does. Well sorta. Mainly it just shows that there is no difference between "the future" and now. That they're are connected. That it doesn't matter when you view a movie it always has to do, that is to say it always relates to with what is happening now, and what will happen after that. No matter when the movie was made, you always watch it now.
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal's career starts with the occult classic Donnie Darko. In which a boy is told of future events and eventually changes the inevitable.
Donnie discovers a book that tells him deep metaphysical truths that totally obliterate the mundane surroundings of "Donnie"'s environment. Instructions like a freemasonic handbook from the past to control the future. He focuses an intent that originates from the center of his being. I dont know how else to say it. He actually sees his next destination/destiny flow from out in front of him starting from his solar plexus. Solar Plexus; The part of the abdomen including the stomach and celiac plexus that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of a blow to the body wall in front of it—not used technically The Sun lies at the middle of the tree shown yellow above and is considered the Christ sphere. It's the middle of the human body and connects to all the surrounding positions. Every man and woman a star.
This is not new. But there are modern explanation's. Although this is not an advertisement just a recapping as above, I would mention Eckhart Tolle. He stresses the need to focus on the center of ones body. Forcing your attention on what is happening to it and what it's feeling in that exact moment. Becoming one with Now. As he would say. Turning off your thoughts of the past. Focusing not on what you expect in the future. Attention again on the ability to "Defy the Future". Ornamentation on the center of his being.The loss of the Sun's/Solar warmth in the future. The tag line of another early in Gyllenhaal's career returns to an obscure reference to the relationship between past and future. A boy who could see the future. A father stuck in the past. The coming of winter. The old to new.
Reactors/Starcore inspired work.
And of course now you must watch Will's 2008 video Plant Konsciousness. Click here to watch it.
Sync is a window on the fusion behind the birth of a star.
Jake: Angelina (ANGEL/ANGLE Theme) Jolie holds the snake and looks at her son Alexander the Great holding a snake. She tells him: "Her skin is water, her tongue is fire." I like how this echoes the process described above with the ice/water thawing via heat/fire associated with the serpent/rod.
The releasing/transition or fusion of Self Realization. Even more fitting is that this is Oliver Stone's Alexander and Jolie is married to Val "Iceman" Kilmer our sync Moses with the Rod/Serpent. In The Saint, which I am watching right now, the Iceman must disguise himself and get the "Cold Fusion" plans from Elizabeth Shue. He watches the beautiful & enthusiastic scientist while starting to develop further, more personal ambitions as she says: "When we ignite that cold fusion fire.." She shows us the device that achieves the alchemy.. The Rod. In Willow we see Val's Star Title hit snow, couldn't be more perfect. At one point Iceman is sledding and falls off, tumbling down the hill. He becomes a giant snow bale, the physics of which I remember questioning even as a tiny boy, when this was one of my favorite films. Now it makes total sense and feels oh so correct. The ICEMAN of CINEMA THAWS! WHAT?
In this poster below for Real Genius starring Val Kilmer we see the letter G highlighted by the atomic symbol. G is the 7th letter of the alphabet. In this poster Kilmer is electrified and his hair is lit. He has gone nuclear, or in other words he's reached the G/7th level.
In this diagram below we see the 7th Chakra as an activated antenna with the pure source. The light is white like snow and ice. (The Plantenna tuning into Channel 42)
Is 7 the level that melts the Iceman?
7/G is also the number of the International Atomic Agency's scale for measuring the severity of a nuclear accident. This would also be known as a MELTDOWN. After the ICEMAN THAW's then WHAT?
And then peace.
Made this video in honor of Julia Stiles Birthday, today 28 March.
Like this comment on youtube by Maat922 So two sex-symbol guys, both from Australia, singing the same song to two women from America, both named Julia, both in the middle of their athletic excercise? Will this never end??
I didn't realize the Australia or exercise thing until reading that, cool.