Thursday, September 30, 2010


Harga sembako menjulang ketika di bulan ramadhan? hemm kayanya memang bener. 
karena dari pengalaman orang tua saya pun berpendapat demikian, mulai dari benda kecil pun sampai terbesar. warga pun mengeluhkan naiknnya harga sembako tersebut dan mendesak pemerintah untuk segera mengatasinya. Beberapa pedagang mengaku, harga sembako itu naik karena harga pembeliannya pada para pamasok juga mengalami kenaikan. Harga-harga sembako mengalami kenaikan sampai 100%. seperti minyak goreng, cabai, gula pasir beras. cabai dari yang biasanya harganya 15.000/kg naik sampai 30.000 atau 40.000 / kg dll.
Setiap menjelang lebaran pasti harga-harga yang ada di pasar tradisional dan pasar swalayan selalu akan terus meningkat, belum ada kebijakan harga yang menguntungkan bagi para petani. Pemerintah tidak pernah bisa menstabilkan harga menjelang Lebaran.  Padahal operasi-operasi pasar sering dilakukan untuk menekan harga tersebut Seharusnya pemerintah bisa mengantisipasi melonjaknya harga barang sebab kenaikan harga merupakan pengalaman setiap tahun. 
Saya juga pernah membaca disuatu situs kalo negara-negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama muslim lainnya yang juga merayakan hari raya idul fitri kenaikaan tidak terjadi. Masalah ini pun sering terjadi dan selalu tidak bisa diantisipasi oleh pemerintah. Kenaikan harga barang terjadi karena banyaknya permintaan sembako menjelang lebaran karena masyarakat indonesia masih kental akan budaya tradisi menjelang hari raya. Ini sangat merugikan bagi konsumen dan pedagang. Mereka terus-terusan mengeluh tentang hal ini, karena gaji para karyawan juga tidak menaik tetapi harga sembako sangat menjulang. 
Walaupun harga sembako tetap naik, masyarakat pun tetap akan membelinya.  terkadang masyarakat di indonesia membeli barang atau makanan dengan sebanyak banyaknya walaupun sudah mengetahui harga- harga sudah naik. Inilah tradisi-tradisi sebelum hari raya berlangsung.  

Pemerintah harus mematok standart harga dan memberikan keterangan kepada masyarakat agar merayakan hari raya dengan sesederhana mungkin tidak harus dengan besar-besaran.


banyak sekali upacara upacara adat yang dilakukan untuk pernikahan.
setiap daerah mempunyai ciri khas sendiri dalam melakukannya.
mulai darah adat Sunda, Jawa, Padang, Betawi dan lain lain.

setiap adat pernikahan mempunyai cara dan keunikan sendiri sendiri.

okeh kita coba bahas yang adat jawa (soalnya saia orang jawa..hehe)
biasanya adat jawa pertama kali melalukakan adat siraman dan malam midodaremi.

proses ini biasanya dilakukan sebelum proses ijab kabul. air yang digunakan dalam proses siraman biasanya menggunakan campuran kembang 7 rupa.
diawali siraman pertama oleh orang tua calon mempelai, sehabis acara siraman kemudian melalukakan adat memecahkan kendi.
acara dilanjutkan dengan acara malam midodaremi yaitu malam kedua mempelai melepas masa lajang.
malam midodaremi ini biasanya dilakukan di tempat calon pengantin wanita.

setelah malam midodaremi besok paginya dilakukannya acra ijab kabul,

upacara bertemunya pngantin pria dan wanita
pengantin perempuan yang bertemu penganting laki laki akan melanjutkan upacara
pertama, melempar daun sirih yang melambangkan kesetiaan dan cinta kasih
kedua, pengantin lelaki menginjak telur ayam hingga pecah dan pengantin perempuannya membasuh kaki pengantin laki laki dengan air yang dicampurkan bunga ,
ketiga, ibu mempelai perempuan mengusap mempelai mantu laki laki.
keempat, kedua mempelai meminta restu atau sungkeman dari kedua orang tua.

banyak sekali upacara upacara adat atau tradisi yang dilakukan dalam proses adat pernikahan jawa.
tradisi tradisi tersebut masih sering dilakukan, walaupun ada sebagian orang yang menggunakan tata cara budaya barat seperti memakai gaun dan jas pengantin.
proses adat jawa sangatlah rumit, hal ini karena banyaknya perlambang yang di pakai dalam proses adat ini .
susah untuk di pungkiri, karena masih banyak yang menggunakan proses adat ini

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2012: Year of the Fish

Last week I started a new job at a telecommunications callcentre which sits on the outskirts of my hometown in the Highlands of Scotland.

This particular callcentre and me go way back. I first started working there 12 years ago in what was to become my very first full-time job. I stayed for 3 years and then left for 3. I then returned for 3 years before leaving for another 3.

Today I find myself caught up in this same repeating cycle, back in the exact same office I found myself in 12 years ago. When it comes to career opportunities I seem to have got caught up in a loop. I'm a Pisces, so maybe I'm destined to chase my own tail around and around and around...


The reason I'm mentioning this new job is that an unexpected sync lead me to write this post.

While sitting in a training room with 12 other 'newbies', learning about the wonderful world of broadband, I've often found my eyes drifting to a small laminated plaque which sits on the edge of my desk next to my computer monitor. On our very first day of training we were each assigned one of these laminated plaques, told to write our names on it, so that our trainer would have a visual aid when it came to figuring out who was who.

On one side of the plaque there is a logo for the company I'm currently working for and on the opposite side there's a logo for the 2012 London Olympic Games. Whenever there's been a lull in the training I've found myself silently meditating on this image:

A couple of days ago I was sitting staring at the Olympic logo (during a particularly dull topic...yawn) when I noticed that in the very centre of the 2012, lurking within the negative space, there is a Fish.

To me it looks a bit like the shape of an Angel Fish.

After noticing the discreet Angel Fish I started to wonder what it had in common with the year 2012.

While chewing over the 2012/Fish connect I recalled a new Cadbury 2012 Olympics commercial which has been doing the rounds here in the UK. I decided to check it out...

...and surprise surprise. Near the start of the official 2012 Cadbury commerical there is a Swordfish flanked by several Angel Fish.

The Swordfish and Angel Fish are both on the side of the Stripes, which makes me think Sprites, which in turn makes me think Spirits.

Angels are often associated with Spirits.

The Spirits/Stripes are woven through this London 2012 logo.

Spirits united.

At the end of the caDBury commercial we see that a duck/puck seems to come out on top.

At the very end a group of ducks fly over a V which reminds me of the V-shape a gaggle of Geese form when travelling together. V is the point where opposites (the Alpha Omega, Yin Yang, Micro Macro) have merged.

V is a letter which syncs with Jupiter (the 5th Planet) and the Peace symbol.

Check out the previous post for more on the Geese of Peace/Peach.

The late Terrence McKenna talked about our acceleration towards the year 2012 and explained it in terms of a period of time in which every point of consciousness becomes connected to every other point.

I like how 2012 = (2+0+1+2) = 5 = V

Having gone off on a tangent lets bring this back to the Angel Fish via the movie Finding Nemo.

One of the pivotal character who Nemo encounters is an Angel Fish named Gill:

Gill was voiced by Willem Dafoe, an actor who played the role of Jesus Christ in the controversial Scorsese film called The Last Temptation of Christ.

Dafoe has been both Christ and the ANTi-Christ.


While finishing off this post (29.9.10) I happened to check out the official 2012 Cadbury Spots V Stripes website and noticed that there are exactly 666 days to the start of the Olympic Games:
Maybe it's a sign, or a NEMO.

Christ & the ANTi-Christ (two sides of the same coin) seem to sync with 2012: Year of the Angel Fish.

Christ the Fisher King

Willem Dafoe has played the role of an Angel Fish so it makes sync-sense that we find him in a movie called Faraway, So Close which features a prominent Angel on its poster:

This particular Angel looks like Hermes the Golden Boy.

2012 =

Year of the Angel Fish

Year of the Golden Boy

Year of the Golden Fish

V = ANTenna

In Flight of the Intruder we see Willem Dafoe inside the V.

In the movie Dafoe plays the role of a character named Lt. Cmdr. Virgil 'Tiger' Cole.

The Delhi Commonwealth Games begin in 3 days and will take place from October 3rd to October 14th.

I like how the Delhi mascot is a peaceful Tiger who shows us the V.

I believe that what is happening now in the year 2010 is a smaller fractal of what is going to happen in the year 2012. The events taking place in your life right now will give you a good idea of what to expect in two years time. Double these changes (or even triple them) and you'll probably be closer to the mark.

We're all being swept along the same Spiral of Time and one way or another we're going to find our way home. We just need to trust in the flow and allow it to take us wherever it is we're meant to be taken.

The Sun entered Libra on the moment of autumnal equinox on September 23rd, and will leave this house on October 22nd.

Let's take advantage of this period while the Fish Scales of Libra are balanced in Heart & Mind.

Peace all.

Kevin; Just wanted to make note of this here, because I forgot to in September. When Richard ( in the UK) posted this here article about Willam Defoe, I was on New York, working at a resturaunt. Days after this was posted Willam Defoe sits down at the resturaunt where I work, not only that but he sits under my Girlfriends Photo Gallery on the wall, and a picture fell and hit Willam right in the Head. Totally wacky sync stuff, I would not lie! <3 <3 <3

Friday, September 24, 2010

Anakku, Jadilah Bidadari Kecilku

Lomba Surat Untukmu Nak
Kategori : “Surat Untukmu, Nak. Dari Calon Ayahmu”

Anakku, Jadilah Bidadari Kecilku

By. Daniel Hermawan

Untaian kata terucap sudah
Warnai cinta penuh arti
Alunan waktu t’rus berputar
Nantikan kehadiran dirimu

Tangan-tangan kecil itu
Dibalut rona cintaku dan dirinya
Kelak kau tumbuh dewasa
Jalani suka duka kehidupan

Wahai bidadari kecilku
Jangan bersedih
Aku t’rus bersamamu
Walau waktu terbentang pisahkan kita

Ku yakin suatu saat nanti
Kita akan bertemu
Merajut cerita bersama
Berpetualang bersama dalam rimba kehidupan

Calon Ayahmu

Surat ini untukmu, Nak. Surat yang ku tulis jauh sebelum kehadiranmu di dunia. Kelak kau tahu bahwa aku calon ayahmu di masa depan. Ayah yang akan membesarkanmu dengan penuh cinta dan harapan. Ayah yang akan mendidikmu menjadi pribadi yang tangguh dan mandiri. Betapa ayah merindukan saat itu tiba, Nak.

Anakku, ketika surat ini ditulis ayahmu ini masih seorang remaja yang suka membangkang pada orang tua. Ya, mereka kelak akan menjadi nenek dan kakekmu. Ayah suka sekali melawan dan membantah nasihat mereka. Jujur ayah malu sekali harus bercerita hal ini padamu, Nak. Ayah ingin kau tidak mengikuti perbuatan ayah yang buruk. Ayah ingin kau menjadi anak yang baik.

Nak, ayah ingin sekali memelukmu. Merasakan sentuhan dan hangat tubuhmu. Itulah kebahagiaan ayah menjadi orang tuamu, Nak. Kau adalah buah cinta yang ayah rajut dengan calon ibumu. Kau adalah penerus mimpi ayah yang belum terlaksana. Ayah yakin kau mampu menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari ayah. Kau akan tumbuh menjadi anak yang pintar, cerdas, dan tentunya berprestasi.

Begitu banyak hal yang ku rancang untuk masa depanmu, Nak. Ayah rindu sekali mengantarmu ke sekolah setiap pagi ketika kau masih kecil. Ayah akan melindungimu dari teman-teman yang berusaha menganggumu. Ayah tak ingin kau kapok pergi ke sekolah. Nak, ayah ingin kau menjadikan sekolah sebagai rumah keduamu. Ayah berharap sekolah dapat mendidikmu menjadi anak yang baik dan pandai.

Nak, ketika kau memasuki bangku SD, kau akan menemukan hal baru. Jangan takut, Nak, ayah selalu di sampingmu. Semua yang kau alami di sekolah akan mendidikmu menjadi anak yang tangguh dan dewasa. Ayah harap kau juga mulai belajar mandiri untuk mengerjakan PR dan tugas-tugasmu sendiri. Kau bisa tanyakan ayah tentang apa saja yang tak kau mengerti. Ayah berjanji akan berusaha menjawab pertanyaanmu.

Ketika kau berada di rumah, ayah yakin kau mulai senang bermain dengan teman-temanmu. Ayah tidak melarangmu, Nak. Ayah akan mengawasimu agar kau berada di jalur yang aman. Nak, jangan lupakan tugasmu. Ayah pasti akan selalu mengingatkanmu. Ayah janji akan memberimu waktu bermain asalkan kau sudah mengerjakan semua tugasmu. Ayah ingin kau belajar bertanggung jawab, Nak.

Ayah tahu kau pasti akan menunjukkan kenakalanmu. Ayah terpaksa harus memukul pantatmu, Nak. Maafkan ayah. Ayah ingin kau belajar menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Nak, ayah juga pernah nakal sepertimu. Kenakalan ayah membuat ayah celaka dan kau dapat melihat bekas jahitan di kepalaku, Nak. Ayah tidak ingin kau bernasib sama seperti ayah. Ayah melakukan semua itu demi kebaikanmu saja, Nak.

Memasuki bangku SMP, kau akan menjadi seorang remaja, Nak. Ayah yakin tubuhmu akan bertumbuh sama seperti tubuh ayah sekarang. Hormon dan emosimu akan bergejolak ketika kau memasuki fase ini. Masa-masa ini akan menjadi masa yang berat bagiku, Nak. Kau akan mencari identitas dirimu dan mengekspresikan semua dengan sebebas-bebasnya. Nak, ayah tahu kau pasti ingin menunjukkan dirimu pada semua orang. Ayah akan mendidikmu dengan baik pada masa ini, Nak. Ayah tidak ingin kau terjerumus ke dalam pergaulan yang salah. Maafkan ayah jika harus memarahi atau menasihatimu terus menerus.

Tak terasa kau akan beranjak dewasa. Kelak kau akan menjadi pelajar SMA. Ayah juga berusia sama denganmu ketika surat ini ditulis. Kau akan mengalami perubahan yang drastis pada tubuh dan lingkunganmu. Ayah sudah tidak bisa berbuat banyak kali ini, Nak. Ayah hanya bisa berpesan jagalah dirimu dengan baik. Jangan lakukan hal-hal buruk yang akan mencelakakanmu ya, Nak. Pilihlah teman yang bisa mendorongmu menjadi lebih baik. Nak, ayah yakin kau mampu menjadi remaja teladan di sekolahmu.

Ayah berharap kau semakin bertanggung jawab dalam mengelola waktumu, Nak. Jangan habiskan waktu senggangmu di warnet untuk bermain. Ayah akan berusaha menggali bakatmu. Jangan jadikan ini beban, Nak. Ayah ingin kau sukses, bahkan jauh lebih sukses dari ayahmu sekarang. Ayah harap kau mengerti, Nak. Ayah akan berusaha mendukungmu di setiap kegiatan positif yang kau ikuti. Ayah berharap kau terlibat aktif dalam OSIS dan panitia acara. Kelak hal itu akan melatihmu menjadi pribadi yang dewasa dan bertanggung jawab.

Waktu pun akan terus berputar hingga kau di wisuda. Ayah membayangkan akan berfoto bersamamu dengan piala di tanganmu ketika kau lulus nanti. Kau meraih nilai dengan prestasi terbaik dan mendapat juara di berbagai perlombaan. Ayah pasti bangga padamu, Nak. Ayah bangga kau berhasil mengalahkan ayah di semua bidang. Ya, ayah ingin kau lebih sukses dan berhasil dari ayah. Itulah kebahagiaan ayah sebagai orang tuamu, Nak. Ayah berharap kau bisa mewujudkan mimpi ayah.

Kau akan beranjak kuliah suatu saat nanti, Nak. Ku harap kau tidak bermalas-malasan belajar. Ayah akan terus mendorongmu agar giat belajar dan selalu mengerjakan tugasmu dengan baik. Ayah ingin kau meraih IPK tertinggi. Kau pasti bisa, Nak. Ayah harap kau bergabung dengan organisasi kemahasiswaan dan bergaul dengan sebanyak mungkin teman. Ayah yakin itu akan sangat berguna bagimu di dunia kerja, Nak.

Ayah berharap kau mau mendengarkan nasihatku, Nak. Memang kau sudah dewasa kini. Tapi ayah akan tetap mengajarimu karena ayah ingin kau menjadi orang yang sukses. Jangan katakan ayahmu ini orang yang kolot, Nak. Ayah pasti akan merasa sangat sedih dengan perkataanmu. Ayah harap kau masih mau mengerti keinginan ayah dan tentunya ayah akan membiarkanmu memilih. Ayah yakin kau pasti tahu yang terbaik untuk dirimu, Nak.

Kau pun akan memasuki dunia kerja setelah lulus kuliah nanti. Kau akan melamar pekerjaan ke berbagai lembaga. Ayah selalu mendukungmu, Nak. Jangan pernah patah semangat ketika kau ditolak untuk bekerja di sebuah perusahaan. Ayah yakin ini proses yang baik untukmu dalam melatih kesabaran. Ayah ingin kau mendengarkan kata-kata ayah dalam meraih profesi idamanmu. Ayah akan memberimu trik agar kau dapat terbantu dengan mudah. Jangan pernah anggap ayah mengguruimu, Nak. Ayah hanya ingin kau mendapat yang kau inginkan.

Setelah itu semua, kau akan mencari pasangan hidupmu. Ku harap interaksi kita sebagai laki-laki, antara anak dan ayah tetap terjalin. Kau bisa tanyakanku tentang cara mencari pasangan hidup yang baik. Memang selera kita berbeda, tapi kau bisa menarik kesimpulan dari kisah cintaku, bukan? Anakku, jangan sakit hati ketika aku tidak merestui hubunganmu dengan seseorang. Ayah pasti sudah mempertimbangkan matang-matang pasangan yang kau pilih kelak bukanlah orang yang cocok bagimu. Jangan marah padaku, Nak. Ayah ingin kau bahagia bersama pasanganmu kelak dalam mengarungi bahtera pernikahan.

Ayah bangga melihatmu berada di kursi pelaminan bersama pasangan yang kau pilih. Ayah berdoa kelak kau bahagia menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga bersama pasanganmu. Ayah pasti akan memelukmu dan mengucapkan “Ayah sayang padamu, Nak”. Ayah berharap kau tidak melupakan ayah sebagai orang tuamu. Kunjungi ayah setiap minggu, Nak. Ayah sangat merindukan kehadiranmu, Nak. Ayah berharap kau masih tetap menjadi anak ayah yang baik.

Kau pun akan mempunyai anak. Ayah akan menjadi seorang kakek pada masa itu. Nak, ku harap kau bersedia membawa anakmu menemuiku. Aku senang sekali melihat cucu kecilku bermain di rumah tua ini. Rumah yang pernah membesarkanmu. Ayah harap kau juga masih mau berbicara padaku seperti masa kecilmu dulu. Ayah pasti akan mendengarkan keluhanmu seputar pasanganmu. Ayah juga akan memberimu nasihat dan semangat agar kau bisa menjalani hari-harimu dengan baik.

Nak, ayah yakin kau mengerti ayah selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untukmu. Semenjak kau lahir dan bertumbuh dewasa, ayah akan berusaha merawat, mendidik, dan membesarkanmu dengan sepenuh hati. Di usia senja ini, ayah ingin kau merawat dan mendengar cerita ayah. Ayah ingin kau senantiasa mendampingi ayah. Ayah ingin kau mengunjungi ayah rutin. Ayah benar-benar membutuhkan pertolonganmu kali ini, Nak.

Hingga akhirnya, ayah harus menghembuskan nafas terakhir, ayah yakin kau memang anak yang baik. Anak yang berbakti pada ayah. Ayah bangga padamu, Nak. Ayah berharap kau dapat menjadi ayah yang baik pula bagi anak-anakmu. Ayah berharap kau mendidik anakmu dengan kasih sayang dan cinta. Itu saja yang ayah harapkan darimu, Nak. Harapan dari calon ayahmu di masa mendatang.

Salam cinta untuk anakku,

Calon Ayahmu

Link Lomba :

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Momma Goose is on the Loose & Flion!

Last week on Monday September 13th my friend/bandmate and I waited as a Hail and Thunderstorm rolled over the area to head into the Garage and create a new and exciting song, this song was written just as the golden light of the setting sun beamed into the garage while we brewed some nre flow. We worked on this song for some time as we both felt an awsome energy from it, after jamming it out we went out back for our bands ritualistic tobacco breaks during rehearsal and started to Admire the Moon.

When we walked out back we were both caught by the beutiful Crescent Moon, it was in a vertical position reminding me of a Horn, and was touched by the tail end of a Cloud. Looking at the Cloud I realized that this cloud looked like an amazingly detailed Goose taking flight, seemingly flying away from the Moon. We joked, its the Moon-Goose! and had a good laugh over it, deciding to title our latest song from sundown "MoonGoose".

Not thinking much of this I went home and googled Moon-Goose to see if there were any cool pictures available. This looks pretty to me, I like the Archway, which will be a theme we go into later.

After digging around a little bit, it appeared that the Moon and the Goose find themselves paired together almost more often than not in cultures around the world. Starting to take some notes I was finding some resonant information

Firstly there is the influence of the Wild Goose on the ancient art of Quigong. As we are microcosms of the Big One or the Big Self, it is easy to see how one meditating on movement could choose a beutiful elegant form of the big Self(environment) to help resonate with gestures of grace and peace in the body of the Little-Big Self. The following exerpts are from -

"History and Development of the Wild Goose Qigong
The Wild Goose Qigong originated from the Kunlun School of Taoism In the Kun Lun Mountains of South-Western China. It was here during the Jin Dynasty around 265AD that a hermit named Si Dao An (the Peaceful Way) observed the movements of the many wild geese that haunt the area and began to incorporate these bending, stretching, twisting and fluttering techniques into a health-enhancing routine called the Dayan Gong (Wild Goose Qigong)" (Wilde, 2006).

"The Goose Wakes Up - It stretches itself, it brushes up its wings and shakes them. It plays innocently. The Goose looks at the Moon, which is reflected in the water and tries to scoop it up"...
The Queen Mother of the West
In The Journey to the West, an important Medieval Chinese story, the Queen Mother of the West, tends the orchard where the Immortal Peaches grow." She is depicted surrounded by either flying winged-people or Geese.

· In Ancient Egypt as well as in Ancient China the Goose was considered a messenger between Heaven and Earth.

· In the Roman empire, the Goose was the sacred animal of Juno(wife of Jupiter!), a goddess of light, marriage and childbirth, who was later considered adviser and protectress of the Roman people.-

So with those funny Goosebits on my mind Wednesday Night I went to bed and the next Day I woke up and got myself some breakfast at the main street Bistro in New Paltz. I happened to unconsciously sit beneath a painting of a Goose being pulled over title "Your Goose is Cooked".

Later the next day I showed this to my bandmate and he was amazed to see the cop car as when he left my house the night we created MoonGoose he was pulled over and harassed by the Police, he was straight and sober and they accused him of being high, allergenic, and having watery eyes, while shining lights in his eyes and etc. We shared a jolly laugh over how silly the Goose and cop and suspected stoneyness entrained.

Later that day at work I shared the Bistro wink story with my girlfreind, and seconds later I hear the new Weezer song over the stereo playing "Cant Stop Partying" wherein the singer mentions Grey GOOSE.

To my further Amazement later that night I decided to have a look at Goose September 2010 on to see what the collective metabrain had to offer about the Goose in 2010. As it turns out just a few days before MoonGoose was written, on August 30th 2010 Glenn Beck had a Synchromystic Contact event with Geese at the Lincoln Memorial which was modeled by the architect after the Roman Temple of Zues who was associated with the Planet Jupiter. Memorial in Washington DC on Martin Luther Kings " I have a Dream" Speech anniversary.

This was wacky and strange, stranger was that Beck supposedly wanted to have Jets flyby in a V shape over as the Ceremonies began, he couldnt get permission. But what did happen was as the Ceremony began a flying V of Geese did a flyover, bringing Glenn Beck into a Synchromystic talk about how "This is No Coincidence! These are Gods Geese!". Steven Colbert caught wind of this and on September 7th, just 5 days before I saw the MoonGoose and made his own special on the Goose as a messenger/Prophet of God. Th this beleif is already held by Chinese mythology, which I will get into after sharing Colberts Goose Special.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c

Geese Witherspoon

Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

So remembered recently also that I had been excited about the Equinox because Jupiter the Giant Orange Planet is its closest to Earth and thus Brightest in 47 years. This makes me happy because the Film "2010 The Year we Make Contact" features the Planet Jupiter becoming a 2nd Sun for Earth in the year 2010, this becoming a symbol of galactic peace and unity for the people of Earth. This also ter ickled me because I had been entraining with how PEAChEs contains PEACE, and enjoyed how sweetness and Peace go together very well. Also tying this together better is that Duane Allman of the Allman Brothers Band said when asked about his stance on Revolution quote "There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I 'eat a Peach' for Peace."- Duane Allman

My interest in the Peach started very randomly one day when I was listening to a favorite album by the band Baroness - The Blue Album. A Song called "War Wisdom and Rhyme" came on, wherein the Lyrics Mention "War, Wisdom and Rhyme, The PEACh and the Rattlesnake".

While meditating on the Symbolism of War Wisdom and Rhyme, I wondered why the Peach and the Rattlsnake, Maybe thea Peach is Sweetness and Peace and the Rattlesnake is violence and War. I also thought of the Yoni and Lingam as well. I decided to see what Aleister Crowley might have had to say about Peaches and and came upon his Poem "Peaches" in reference to "the Empress Tarot card. Note how beutifully the cover of the Baroness Blue Album above shows Underwater Women with Fishes, Archetypically they could be considered Queens or Empresses. Compare the above picture to the mentioned Empress Tarot card from Aleister Crowleys Thoth Deck.

We can see the Moon+Goose on the Empress Tarot card, (Seen Above in Color)the card being the Object of Aleister Crowleys Poem "Peaches". This great bird is considered a Pelican according to Crowley, I see more of a Goose though, interestingly Crowley also wrote a Kabbalistic translation of Mother Goose. But here we see the Queen of the Peaches, the Underwater Empress on the Venus planetary Card. The beutiful thing about this card is that it is also one of the Major 22 Tarot cards attributed Hebrew letters, of which this card is given Daleth translating to DOOR. Crowley calls this card "The Door To Heaven" and "Heavens Gate". The Goose is the Peach is the Queen is the Door to Heaven.

Also quite beutifully to tie the Empress of the Peaches by Aleister Crowley, to the Geese that follow the Queen and help protect the Garden of Immortal Peaches, we have "The Inner Child Tarot" a more modern Tarot featuring many Nursury Rhymes. To my Joy accordingly "The Empress" Tarot Card(seen above) has been changed to "Mother Goose"!!! The Author of the deck beutifully tied the Goose back into the Empress and Peach narrative.

So the Goose Queen, Gate to Heaven. (Inner Child Tarot)

Continuing along with the Peach being "The Empress/Daleth/Door To Heaven, we can see In the film James and the Giant Peach, James approaches the Peach as a real time human being in the physical world, and upon entering the peaches heavens gate, which strongly looks like a birth canal and resonates the Yoni(as it is the Peach) he is brought into the world of Spirit.

As Jim Sanders pointed out on Twitter, climbing into the Giant Peachs hole or Heavens Gate which shows a darker deeper red/orange we can see how the Giant Peach resonates with Jupiter, the Largest planet in the Solar System that is Orange like a Peach, and has a large Red Spot on it. Magickally the Jupiter Peach transforms the Physical world into a world of living spirits and creatures. Speaking of the Giant Peach, this is very pertinant right now because Jupiter is at its closest to Earth in 47 years so it is also the biggest and brightest it will be, making it a Giant Peach! Notice the Yoni/Peach Hole/Heavens Gate of Jupiters Red Spot.

I also recently read a Tweet from Jim Sanders @Syncwinnipeg on Twitter, reminding me that The Equinox (as I write this we are now in Libra but this started in Virgo) is not only the week of the most Giantness of Jupiter the Peach in 47 years but that it was also World Peace Day on the very next day September 21st! So we have Giant Peach Jupiter and World Peach Day, and as mentioned above to connect the Goose to the Peach its noted that in Ancient Chinese Mythology Geese are the Birds of "The Queen of the Immortal Peaches". Connecting our Glen Beck "Restoring Honor" God Geese Flyover narrative with the Equinox Giant Peach/MoonGoose narrative properly.

It doesnt stop there, on World Peace day or World PEACH Day, a plane Emergenct Landed on Highway I-85 in Georgia. Georgia being home of the Peaches and contextually connected to Peace and Peaches by Duane Allmans Quote " I eat a Peach for Peace every time Im In Georgia".
"Kathleen Bergen with the Federal Aviation Administration said Matthew Conway was flying his six-passenger 1996 Piper Saratoga to Peachtree-DeKalb Airport shortly before 5 p.m. Monday when the engine failed over Interstate 85, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Tuesday."-UPI

This leaves me off with Tonight, while working on this post, a freind of mine in Florida sent me a link to a video that he sampled weeks ago. This video was an Drug Education documentary made about the lives of young people using Psychedelic drugs in America. This happened to have been made by the Georgia Education Department, not only that but a Goose appears at 1:07 mins and later we see him talking about how his birthday astrologically connects him to"The Hermit" Tarot Card, which is the Astrological Sign Card of Virgo, the sign in which all of the Goose an Peach narratives unfolded together. Check this video out its quite hard to be convinced that Psychedelics arent a beutiful thing by this fellows lifestlye. Hes a G8or!

Lastly I am left with one final beutiful Goose Wink that ties further back into my Band and how the Goose Narrative Began.

The Drummer of my band sent me a message saying that he has a friend Jason who does realy cool Collage Art and wanted to dig around for some cool band Art and Event flyer images. Upon skimming through he came upon the Golden Egg of them all.

Much Love to Momma Universe Fruitbearing Mother Goose! She has opened the Door! ITs up to us to Climb in! A recording of "MoonGoose" by my Band "It'ts Not Night: It's Space" that was recorded Live September 22nd 2010 hours before the Equinox can be heard here Part 1
and part 2 , MOON GOOSE is the 2nd To last song which begins with bells and noise and poetry. Enjoy :)

Love, Namaste, and Happy Autumn! -Kevindra<3


Actor/Comedian Larry Miller did the voice of a Goose named Marcel in the recently released Alpha & Omega.

Larry Miller also voiced a Tinman named XR in the kids cartoon show Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

One of the episodes he starred in was called 42.

XR, the name of Larry Millers Tinman character, reminded me of this twitpic that Jake posted a while back.

X (24) + R (18) = 42

As Kev pointed out above, the Goose (Juno) and Jupiter seem to go hand in hand with one another.

Goose Gladwell is a character who appeared in a Simpsons episode called Fatman and Little Boy.

We see that the Goose's calling card entrains with the 42° angle of the Rainbow.

At the end of the episode the eccentric Goose Gladwell, based on Willy Wonka, cons Bart Simpson out of his T-shirt business and makes his escape behind a Crescent Moon cape.

Notice the word BUZZ (as in Lightyear) at the top right.

Having aligned with the MOON Goose falls through a Trap DOOR.

Larry Miller (the guy who voiced the Goose in Alpha & Omega and XR /RX in the Buzz Lightyear TV show) also made a guest appearance in an old Seinfeld episode.

Larry Miller was The DOORman.

This Door connection gathers more momentum if we take another look at The Simpsons Fatman and Little Boy.

In the intro sequence of the Goose Gladwell episode the Simpsons family are swallowed by a giant fish...

...the exact same type which tries to swallow DORY, pronounced DOORy, in the movie Finding Nemo.

This fish leads DOORy to P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, OZ.

Dory was voiced by Ellen DeGeneres...

As Kev mentioned earlier:

The Goose is the Peach is the Queen
is the Door to Heaven.


Hanging in Flin Flon in my room at the Victoria Hotel. I just finished chatting with Kev through FaceBook (FB/62 - movie released on 1/10/10). I then surf a bit more on TV. I notice one of the channels is called PEACHTREE. So I take a picture. Next I sit down to read this post. Happy Libra.


Last year I had this little sync explosion involving Pelicans. I briefly mentioned it on twitter.
I'm into Julia Roberts because of stuff like her Jupiter entrainment in Mystic Pizza. Well, I'm into Julia Roberts for many reasons...

Kevin shows how the Pelican and Goose resonate and how there symbolism interchanges on the empress Tarot cards.

I sat down to re-watch The Pelican Brief one day, a film I clearly remember watching as a teen on the big screen on my birthday.
I was thinking about The Pelican Brief when only a short while later Steve Carell said "The Pelican Brief" as I passed a television playing an episode of The Office. Sync and Sign is the same thing.
The Pelican Brief (document the film is named for) itself, which Julia as Darby Shaw writes, shows her address as 42 Beau Lac Lane.
(Just a thought. Been seeing lots of Lanes, as in Diane Lane and Changing Lanes with Ben Stiller. pLANEt also entrains.. TINkering...)
2010 above, Pelican Brief below

Noticed a shot in The Pelican Brief where a scene of the sun fades into a shot of another, for a brief moment then looking like the Twin Suns in 2010.
When I typed in 2010 to find the image of the Twin Suns my PC spat out these images as tagged with 2010. 'Accidentally' we see one (named "Windy Hills 2 010") with of Ayahuasquero Juan Flores pointing up with his index finger.
That was cool because it was this very same retreat where me and Jim learned for the first time about the Pointer Finger as associated to Jupiter.
Before each of the two extremely potent Ayahuasca ceremonies we did with Meastro Juan some of us went to the beach/peach.
Jim, our Sync Whole buddy & Ayahuascero, did a ceremony to honor the water and pray for a good journey during that evenings plant sacrament.
At one point he made a bundle of plants and twigs as an offering and set it adrift on the lake.
A few of us noticed how right then a pelican swooped over Jim.
On my way back to the retreat center and ceremony I took note that the pelican is indeed an animal associated to the area. Jim had also told me Juan saw seven pelicans flying overhead and said it was a sign.
The Pelican is flying right across the peach. Compare with the Twin Sun Pelican Brief still also seeing a Pelican right over the sunny peach.
This episode with the Pelican flying overhead and being taken for a sign is much like Glen Beck's incident described by Kevin.
Funny enough my first ever post at The Brave New World Order, where I eventually started writing sync posts, was about Glen Beck.
My initial intention with The Brave New World Order was to share my thoughts on the "Crazy World!" and the "overwhelming proof of 911 as an Inside Job!"
I also had some thoughts on strange synchronicities involving these topics which soon took over and changed my perception of the "Crazy world" and "Inside Job".
The Ayahuasceros above also showed up right on time to further nudge consciousness into balance and realize the peace and joy underlying all that exists.
Now I know the crazy state is just as much inside of me as outside.
Peace In=Peace Out
In medieval Europe, the pelican was thought to be particularly attentive to her young, to the point of providing her own blood when no other food was available. As a result, the pelican became a symbol of the Passion of Jesus and of the Eucharist (see for example the hymn "Adoro te devote", or "Humbly We Adore Thee", by Saint Thomas Aquinas, where in the second to last verse he makes reference to Christ, the loving divine pelican).
Wikipedia Pelican

How perfect that the Pelican/Goose is thought of as symbolic of Christ (HeyZeus/Jupiter) and His Blood.
Ayahuasquero Jim and Juan interact with pelicans then provide the sacrament of the plant. Ayahuasca is the Blood and Holy Eucharist we can drink to make Contact.
In Finding Nemo Geoffrey Rush is Nigel (from Australia/OZ) the Pelican who carries the fish/Jesus (including Goose wearing Ellen) to safety.
Geoffrey is again a bird in Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, opening today.


I am teaching video to kids from Flin Flon today. I am based in the Flin Flon Community Hall. My room has a nice September display with Geese taking flight.


just cuz..

"You remind me of someone... a man I met in a half-remembered dream.
He was possessed of some radical notions."

"A recon gyrene in an Avatar body... that's a potent mix!
Gives me the goosebumps!"

"This is the Ocean, silly, we're not the only two in here."

"why, why, why, mr anderson..
why do you persist?"

cuz i choose to...


More photos from my day in FLION. (Flin+Flon = Flion).

Joyfully I notice that my picture of The Rainbow's End has the image file number of 4120.

Now to edit and sync deeper.

Peachy Keen



-this doG came from the pound on 7/7/10 from kennel #421,--you may connect him to Jupiter by way of his naming--my wife named him Charlie on the spot, which is also the name of the doG that Burt Reynolds played in All Dogs Go To Heaven, which is true. Welcome!