
Ever since he shot a gun on 21 Jump Street, Johnny Depp, the boy in blue has been a shooting star. I love the eagle on the crown of his head.
An angel of the silver screen.

Richard: In the new Alice in Wonderland movie we find another connection to the Hat (this time in the form of the Crown) via the White Queen who is played by the actress Anne HAThaway:

I just realized how the native american head dress worn by the chief resonates the gold and blue head dress of King Tut. Both symbolic for the aura of an enlightened spiritual leader. Mr. Depps resonance with all this syncromystical musings only confirms my belief that he would be the perfect first subject for a hollywood sync feature film.

Depp in Benny and Joon... I was going strictly for the park scene where Depp has interplay with his hat, but settled for the clip above due to it's abundance of good hat syncs within.


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