The monkey reaching out I find interesting as MONKEY leads us to MY (which is MON in French) and then KEY. My Key. Monkey in spanish is MONO, which leads me to ideas of monotheism or the existence of ultimately only one God.
Stuff to think about. I am sure I will post more as the day goes on. I am running off three hours of sleep due to an Ayahuasca ceremony last night. I need time for all the mental synapses to fire up again.
later in the day....
OK. I have pondered it more. What we have here is a Jupiter finger pointing to a Jupiter finger.
They are reflections. Another way of seeing it is God seeing himself through the act of Creation. What does Jupiter have to do with our Creator. Well I believe this is pointing to the fact that our Creator is Jupiter. Jupiter is the Father that art in Heaven. (12:21/ABBA/42/Jupiter/Father)
Notice how the Jupiter alchemical sign kind of looks like a hand with the Jupiter finger pointing upwards.

(:{i)> El Jamo'
The Creation of Adam "influence on Popular Culture" section of Wikipedia is gratifying. Space Odyssey 2001, 20012, Simpson's, Bruce Almighty, Leo the Lion, Ben Hur, Atlantis Square pants, even GTA.

Rick Steve's Iran, notice the octagonal shape box
with yellow open palms
Throughout "Persia" these prayer boxes
are used to collect donations.
My friend Houman or Human (sp?)
is from what I thought was called Iran
but if you're hip it's Persia
clearly i see the open palms geometry
this is an octagon
like in Shinning we talked without words
I know of the essesence within the palms
from this mysterious genius I briefly knew
for he showed me a symbol he drew
and it contains this energy of the palms

He has the heavenly wings of humanity taking flight and the gun making him a Shooting Star.


Interesting that you mention shooting stars. That is exactly where I wanted to go with this post. Because if you look at the Jupiter hand Mudra ( the two hands together with index fingers pointing out ) it looks a lot like someone pretending to hold a hand gun.

Shooting stars are the same as falling stars. Shooting angels are the same as fallen angels. Perhaps angels from Jupiter?
I see fallen angels not as satanic, but rather an idea of angels in human form to work here on earth.

It is also telling that the movie release date for Legion has the 1221/ABBA encoded in it as well.
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