it's still so strange to me how the many (infinite?) strands of the pattern seem to intermingle, like clasping many-fingered hands... the fingers writhe and flow together like worms, resonating soundly together... synching so strong you can almost hear the brain go pop... your stuff starts getting all over everybody else's stuff and vice versa...
I have been wrestling with my f-cking reality over here, trying to accept the concept that the contradiction of myself could just be an illusion, like Wonderland; which happened to be the title of my attempt to wrap up this weird pop princess web i've been caught in.
Party In The USA
Miley Cyrus's new over-sexed (pole-dancing) performance at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards went down in front of giant Vesica-shaped lights on a Vesica -shaped stage,
she Climbs a pyramid between pillars,
all after presenting a giant blue Vesica to a disheveled Britney Spears.
and then i saw this:

and was immediately reminded of some oddly similar Beyonce pictures:

More Parties!
by juxtaposing this strangenes with another PoPular mama associated with crucifixion,

i saw a reflection...

Jake's Moonstruck poster (which is like synchromystically connected to everything ever) reminded me of another Madonna-crucifix reference;

which brought me back to my pop-princess go-to girls;

Again, Beyonce falls... but you see what i mean? all over my stuff. Note the two G's in the above set [77 say hello, Pan say hello, Oz...]. Let's not forget the Gucci Logo;

on top of all this, i've been analyzing Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape" for my Wonderland stuff.

GG as a key
I saw something in the pending section about a tiger cage;

"Time to (re)wind the clock," she says, taking me by the hand. "Here. You can use me."

C'ing all these hanging women and GGs brought me back to a moment I had in Clearwater Manitoba around two weeks ago. It was day after an Ayahuasca ceremony and I had just finished a big discussion with Maestro Juan Flores about our desire to start a centre here for future in depth work with the plants. I was packing the car as we were about to drive back to Winnipeg. We had stayed in the old local elementary school which is now the base for the Harvest Moon Society. This school is a recently painted Blue & Gold building complete with pyramid pencils at the front door. A great Purple Jesus dude sitting on 7 flower petals is appropriately seen on the front door.
She put LL on the tire. LL is 1212 (1221/ABBA/Father/Midnight). At first I thought the LL was 77, or GG. Maybe it is. 77 or LL, it doesn't really matter, it all leads back to the same place.
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