It's interesting that her brother in "Jumanji" is called Peter as she is probably most famous as Mary Jane Watson, love interest of Spider-Man or Peter Parker. Further Robin Williams is Peter Pan in Hook giving us a nice cluster of Peter syncs.
Both Spider-Man and Peter Pan (Pan the Goat God) connect quite well to the animal theme.

This is the thing right here.. what keeps baking my noodle and beckons me on to do this work. Why would two 'unconnected' things - Pelicans and yellow floWers - out of all the infinite things in the universe, show up combined in one movie, right after being invoked in a blog charting synchronicity?
Well, that's what were dealing with here..
Another animal in shot with the Pelican and Robin Williams above is the Zebra.

I like how there is also a rainbow emanating from his head.

Robin Tunney's relationship with the Zebra is explored in Z is for Zebra

The next image would have been of Robin Tunney holding a stuffed elephant (whoops, she doesn't hold it..) in the TV series "The Mentalist". Alas my laptop with this still is broken and hopefully being fixed soon, at which point I will put it in here.

Screen objects that merge with the stars profile feel like stronger 'sync winks' then those just present in the shot.
Animals and floWers are powerful facets of Consciousness, transcending even the boundary of context as it seems the relevance of being visited by one works just as well in a movie as in real life.

It is the mascot of the ZEVO toy company. ZEVO has those versatile letters ZEO which can become ONE, ZOE, NOW, NWO, EON etc. The V can become A (ViA) if with flip it, or 5 if we go Roman...
Above is Robin Williams in shot with the Elephant grave marker. Remember that we saw his playing piece in Jumanji is the Elephant.
Below the ZEVO Elephant is C-Ing Red on a helmet.

I don't know what to say about that (ha!).
We will have to penetrate this mystery with more care in future work, flux willing.
Peace In
Side note:

Richard: I've been noticing a growing number of Elephants appearing on my own radar lately. One that syncs quite nicely with this post is an Elephant Car Insurance advert I watched last week. The Elephant mascot walks across the word 'BIG' (in Red), stops on the letter I (a Red Eye) and slides down it, opening an Umbrella to slow his descent. Now that is siriusly good car insurance:
One last thing on the 9/I/Elephant connection. Back in February, while C-ing Elephants all over the place, someone wrote a comment (I can't recall who) linking the year 2009 with the shape of the Elephants body.
The 2 represents the hind leg and tail. The 00 represents the body, and 9 would therefore symbolize the head and trunk.
So the number 9 seems to resonate with the I/Eye and the Nose of the Elephant.
I recently watched Coraline and noticed some interesting syncs involving the W/23 resonating character called Wybie:
So the number 9 seems to resonate with the I/Eye and the Nose of the Elephant.
I recently watched Coraline and noticed some interesting syncs involving the W/23 resonating character called Wybie:

Daughters B-Day yesterday. Here's two of the books she got...

It's not even an attraction, seriously. O.K, she's gorgeous but there is so much more going on here then a personal infatuation with a celebrity.

I couldn't tell you yet if I think she's a great actress or not, yet I'm suddenly drawn to her. I rent her films and download her shows as easy as water flowing downhill. No thinking involved.
A pattern is emerging and I just happen to be in the middle, one part of a mind boggling chain of events, facilitating its arising out of the infinite sea of connections.
Dunst appears in "Star Trek The Next Generation S7 E7 Dark Page" (77/OZ/PAN). She spends most of her screen time in the Enterprises arboretum.

How curious that upon finding yellow floWers strange attracted to Dunst, and continuing the investigation with this in mind, I would be greeted by this overtly botanical scene.

I love assisting in finding sync attributions of Stars.
Peace In

We see 24 (number of Jupiter/Tin) and the palm logo of The Cannes Film Festival placed over her face.

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