Jake: Robin Tunney moves past a lady wearing a T-Shirt reading "World @ Peace". I watch her profile closely as she is Isis aka StarMummy and is signaling the impending "World @ Peace". On 28 April 9pm Winnipeg time, The Mentalist episode "Redacted" airs. Me and Jim Sanders had just taken Ayahuasca. 9pm is the usual time Jim conducts his ceremony and I have enjoyed the fact that Robin Tunney - my sync muse of many years - regularly entrains with the Thursday ceremonies I have participated in. One reason Thursday has been a popular day for ceremony is a little ritual that we have developed involving the ceremony charging up the experience of going to a new film opening on Friday. The level of entrainment - that is, the immediate environment echoing the personal and world affairs - we have witnessed by doing this is no doubt some of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. The Mentalist, Simon Baker, his boss Robin Tunney & the CBI team must find the killer of a Mr. Fisher. During the investigation we learn of a man with a middle eastern accent. Unbeknown at the time of watching this it would end up entraining with the big news that came on May 1 US time and May 2 Pakistan Time. That of course being the news of "middle eastern man" Osama bin Laden's death. The man under investigation for the death of Fisher is from Baghdad, Iraq. We further learn that Fisher was a Private Defense Contractor or Mercenary. "helping to establish a free and democratic Iraq" says the "man with the middle eastern accent" below. This would of course all be connected historically to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, events that are inseparable from 911 and Osama bin Laden. Below is another time The Mentalist entrained well with world events, in this one the Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan that lead to Radiation disaster.
May 2 was the Birthday of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and the death of Osama bin Laden. (Well, so "they" say.. but a sync is a sync regardless of my feelings/opinions or actuality of "reality". Reality itself is in anyway just the creators great movie.) Below DJ holds the BULLdog (between 124, a Jupiter set) perfect as this star is born in Taurus. Here we see stills from his Southland Tales. The voice over talks of terrorism "and the will to prevent another attack by any means necessary" as we see a Bull Elephant. Water for Elephants was the first big film of Taurus (20 April - 21 May) opening on 22 April and featuring an elephant referred to as a Bull throughout. Dwayne Johnson as Boxer Santaros is being manipulated by terrorists to help extort the government. Pretty solid so far, a man born on Osama's death is associated to terrorists... He meets Seann William Scott, also affiliated with the terrorists. Narrator Justin Timberlake tells us here that Seann is impersonating his twin brother. The twins foreshadow the next sign after Taurus, Gemini, the twin brothers Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology. Castor (a Gemini twin) or The Beaver is a film opening today (6 May), in Taurus, the sign preceding Gemini. The lines between things like numbers and astrological signs are just useful conventions of the mind and we see their neighbors essence intermingling.
I like that a Beaver is a Builder, as is someone who wields a Hammer, like Thor, also opening Friday 6 May. Here is one of the Seann William Scott twins passing the Bulldog. Director Richard Kelly must have a thing for these creatures as we see Donnie Darko's school mascot is a Bulldog. As the film reaches its climax terrorist affiliated Scott is shot. In the left eye no less, just like Osama bin Laden.
One of two eye's is removed leaving the singular. The EYE represents the I or Self becoming united/one upon discovering the existence of Itself. The all seeing singular eye of God is existence realizing it exists. The Twins hold hands, uniting, this resulting in the opening a portal. Stargate's and all other time-space distorting themes in movies represent the movement beyond the normal confines of thought and form. The crossing of the Event Horizon of what we perceive of as ourselves and our reality. The doorway is a focal point, the transition between what we think we are, and what we are rapidly becoming. The film BAD Company is relevant as it stars Anthony Hopkins, who just opened in theaters as the one eyed Odin, father of Thor. Further it is about terrorism and stars another Rock in the form of Chris Rock. The one eyed or Enlightened king, having moved from the dual self-other state into the united I Am Nosis.
This has the same symbolic meaning as the third eye just expressed differently. The third eye points to the Non Dual Self by representing it as more then Two. The missing eye points to the Non Dual Self by suggesting it is less then Two. It is neither and either. In the trailer for Mel Gibson's The Beaver (opening same day as Thor, but not in Winnipeg, boo!) we see his one eye is also injured like Osama, Seann and Hopkins (and Frank "The Rabbit" in Donnie Darko). The BAD or 214 are all present inside of, or comprise, the Jupiter symbol. Rock as Jake in Bad Company "hustles chess & scalps tickets" for a living, above telling a client he cant get Lion King seats. Obama has recently compared himself to The Lion King. The simple and obvious sync here, that of OBAMA killing the similarly sounding OSAMA, speaks volumes about the nature of reality. GOOD=EVIL. Just as Jupiter/Joy=BAD. Nothing resonates anything more closely then its exact opposite, indeed they are the same. "I Am" or God is not a Duality but something transcendent & beyond the ability to contextualize in form. Yet GOD is still GOOD, go figure... Hopkins as Officer Oakes introduces himself to Jake/Rock... Telling him he is one of Twins. He is recruited to assume the role of his deceased spy brother who was in the middle of a deal to thwart the terrorists when shot and killed. Wikipedia says this about Thor "a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, destruction, fertility, healing, and the protection of mankind." So we have Odin father of Thor as Officer Oakes. Here thunder goes off as Oakes steps out from behind a tree in Bad Company to confront a fleeing Rock. Eventually Jake agrees to impersonate his brother and save the world, here learning the details of the terrorist network. One of the terrorists is called "The Hammer" echoing Thor's weapon. Our Southland Tales Rock, just like Bad Company's Rock, learns he has a Twin. A Twin that appeared via interaction with a rift in space/time. I love that it is Zelda Rubinstein who explains to Dwayne Johnson "the first human subject to travel through the rift would be a movie star". Movies and their Stars don't just represent the stories about portals and transcendence. They are the very tools of Self realization, it has always been cinemas destiny to open humanities Stargate. Keep this in mind when watching the non-local space-time object that is Jim's video StarG8tor. It shows how the portals in our movies have always been intended to connect up to each other beyond the knowledge of the individuals engaged in the creation of movies thus unveiling the real architect of all our projects. See Kevin Halcott aka @Indradhanush42's a Thin Skin or Membrane especially part 3 to see how Zelda resonates the rainbow. Her explaining the rift to DJ makes perfect sense as a rainbow involves light bending at a 42 (a Jupiter/Joy set) degree angle.
In the Thor we see the powerful relationship the rainbow has with the Thunder God. The portal from Thor and Odin's world, Asgard, to Earth is a rainbow bridge aka bifrost. It opens on our Earth end like a vortex or tornado with rainbow light shining through the clouds. Thor was actually already released, last week, on April 27 in many foreign regions (and limited in the US). This date, April 27, was the according to wikipedia "the most prolific and destructive tornado day in United States history". See April 25-28 2011 Tornado Outbreak.
A film about the Storm God released on the same day seeing the biggest storms in US history... The lightning and rainbow associations clearly echo Jupiter/Joy, the King of Sync. We see Laurence Fishburne from Event Horizon is also in a film called BAD Company. We read the tagline "Specialties of THE HOUSE". Been syncing with that theme and watching the series HOUSE. Jeff Bridges like Hopkins also made a Bad Company. They're both one eyed men, Jeff Bridges in True Grit (and BAD Blake in Crazy Heart). I Like how THOR and TRON Combine to give us all we need for NORTH.
Peace In
A bit of a treat here in the House episode for tonight (7 May), I'm currently at S1 E11 "Detox" from 2005. Amanda Seyfried does a guest star appearance, she's pretty big time now. She was in something called "A Bag of Hammers" last year.. I first become aware of her in Chloe. I enjoyed this poster for it with its bloody dripping Bindi Third Eye which we discussed a while back. The Red C/See of Chloe can be interpreted as Seeing Red, just like a Red Bindi Third Eye. Funny enough I had lunch with Jim at "Bindi's" this afternoon, so it goes.. Noticed this Red C in many House episodes, the one with Amanda being no exception. Chaught House with his Eye in the Red C above.
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