The Queen comes to Winnipeg tomorrow, July 3rd, 2010.

She arrives in Winnipeg as the first person to use the new James Armstrong Richardson International Airport. James2010 website.

This will be her first time ever to use a public TERMINAL BRIDGE at an airport.

The word TERMINAL is derived from the latin word TERMINUS which means A BOUNDARY STONE. It is used to describe THE END OF THE ROAD.
In Rome, Terminus was often equated with Jupiter. In Rome, the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was said to have been built on top of an older shrine to Terminus. Terminus was often referred to as an aspect of Jupiter referred to as JUPITER TERMINALIS.

Bridge is also G Bride.
The Queen is the G8 GG Bride to kick off the 2010 Dog Days of Summer.
And to think she is bringing with her through the Terminal G8 at the End of the Age a stone from the Meadow of Runnymede. (Stanley means Stone in Meadow).
This stone will symbolize the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215.
It is to be the "cornerstone" for Winnipeg's New Jupiter Tower, I mean, Canadian Museum of Human Rights slated to be complete by 2012.

The Queen is bringing her Stanley with her through the Terminal StarG8.
Interestingly enough is that the movie Terminal starring Tom Hanks also stars Stanley Tucci. Perhaps a non-local echo of this moment to happen tomorrow. Because Stanley Tucci has already been to Winnipeg and visited the Manitoba Legislative Building aka Temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus. (The Temple to Joyful Maximum Optimism).

Nice how the Queen through her Terminal experience brings us right back Tom Hanks (Twin Ankhs) who is the voice of WOODY in Toy Story 3, our Cosmic Ti69er Gate Movie.

The poster for Terminal has a stylized I with and airplane on top. This to point to the EYE/I Taking flight. I is the 9th letter as well and some believe 9 symbolizes Spirit.

Spirit takes flight at the Terminal. The I with airplane reminds me of the symbol for an Ankh which makes sense considering we have Mr. Twin/Tom Ankhs/Hanks starring in the movie Terminal. When the KA unites with the BA, Spirit takes flight as the IMMORTAL ANKH.

The Queen syncs up with Jupiter Terminalis incredibly. Perhaps best through the actress Helen Mirren.
Helen Mirren plays the Queen in the movie of the same name - QUEEN.

She also play a Queen in The Madness of King George. In the poster below her name appears at Midnight or the Keystone POint of the Arch of Being.

She is also a Queen in Prince of Egypt. This woman just screams QUEEN OF HEAVEN.

Helen Mirren, the Queen, travels to Jupiter in the movie 2010:The Year We Make Contact and is integral in triggering the Twin Sun of Jupiter to shine and bring warmth back to the eartH/Heart.

The Queen also voices the super computer DEEP THOUGHT in H2G2 where she gives the answer to life, the universe and everything as 42. A number that has been repeatedly shown to resonate everything Jovian. (Read The Tinman's Rainbow Lodge & Gnosis of 42 for my initial post that connects 42, Deep Thought and Jupiter)

Helen Mirren also resonates with Terminus as she stars in the movie THE LAST STATION which clearly signifies The End of the Road or where we meet Jupiter Terminalis, the God with the Maximum Optimism.
All aboard the enterTRAINment!

Helen Mirren is Hermia in the 1968 movie version of Midsummer's Night's Dream.
The Stanley Cup Puck. The PUCUP. Read Bringing Big Baby Up for more depth into the meaning of the PUCUP.
Hermia is a name derived from Hermes. Mercury. The Golden Boy.

The Golden Boy will be part of the Queen's visit to Winnipeg tomorrow as she will be visiting Peg Leg Joy Temple.
I like how Queen is already attracted to Mercury with one of the 20th Centuries biggest Rock Stars - Freddie MERCURY of the band QUEEN.
Freddie Mercury of Queen also has a song called THE GOLDEN BOY.
After the Queen comes through the GG Bride G8 at the End of the Road of the Age, she will then head to Government House for a private dinner. The Government House is the White House that is beside the manitoBA Jupiter Temple. It is where the High Priest lives (her representative).

A new statue of the Queen is being unveiled on the lawns of the Jupiter Temple at exactly 4:20 PM. Read the her Peg schedule here.

Jovian Cosmic GG Rite (tiGGer) in full effect!
Peace yall.
Remember The Queen of Hearts rule 42: All person more than 1 Mile high must leave the court. In other words DUCK!

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