He follows them home heading for massive misadventure in the Outback.

The Twin Towers, a giant doorway or pillared portal holding up the veil of the holy of holies, the sacred nothing in-between the I-I.. the StarGate of Cosmic Consciousness which opened via the 911 Mega Ritual.
The events of 911 reflected in 2001: A Space Odyssey marked our rapid accent into a new dimension of awareness. The story continues this year as 2010: The Year We Make Contact reflects the sync tidal wave following the unveiling of the 42/Jupiter (see Jim Sanders The Tinman's Rainbow Lodge & the Gnosis of 42) strange attractors explored the last year or so..
Maybe also try Scarlet Dragon 3 for more thoughts on 2010 as the Year of Contact.

Love interest Jennifer Aniston as Eloise has motivated him to deal with the trauma of his wife's death.

He is Charlie Sheen's father in the film (and real life) and works for Bluestar airlines.

I have yet another dream shortly after that with a Blue God the morning before I watch Avatar.
Right after the dream and while still lying in bed I make the connection between Blue Movie Stars like Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana, the two main characters seen together on posters for Avatar, and the Bluestar theme in general.

The Two Suns are the primary play of duality that allows for the drama of Life. When we start to notice our twin or reflection aka the Second Sun it means we are becoming hip to the game as we play. This is great as we can play without being attached to the drama. Conscious co-creators of the Great Game.

Google, the most used website on the planet, entrains perfectly with the GG going so far as making them Blue. The Twin Blue G Stars we see everyday when browsing the ever more interconnected manifesting collective mind of WE/ME.
We see Lady GaGa with powerful Jovian signals. She points up with her Jupiter index finger while "Phoning home" on her Blue crowning Telephone.

We then have the Twin Blue GG present in the most watched Movie (Avatar) the most used Website (GooGle) and the most popular Musician (GaGa) of planet Earth/Heart.
Heaven and Earth/Heart are merging so we see the Heavenly Father's symbols all around us.

I watched Badlands a month or such ago and am yet to see the real kicker behind why Juan would tell me to watch that specifically.. I know something way silly will arise but as yet its a bit of a mystery.., just serving as a weird attention highlighting factor for anything Martin Sheen.

Star Robert Downey Jr. standing inside of a 2 and Star Sarah Jessica Parker doing pretty much exactly the same.
Twin/2 and Star, resonating the overt GG theme of the times we are in.
I feel we are right at the top of the MounTIN these days.
WE/ME just need to get ourselves to realize this, stop climbing and sit down to take in the view, its gorgeous.
More sleepy shenanigans... Seems like the space between coming back from Being Void and moving into form is loaded with goodies.
I woke up on Tuesday (6 April) bothered by the name of Jennifer Aniston "Eloise" in Love Happens. I was working on this post the previous evening and had even put Eloise into the Internet Movie Data Base's search engine to try and figure out why Eloise sounded so syncnificant... I didn't see anything that jumped out.

I turn on Lost S6 E11 Happily Ever After, happily greeted by Time Travel. Desmond stands between two magnetic Torus thingys and opens the StarG8. Time Travel, like all StarG8 (warp/light speed, teleportation etc. anything distorting time/space aka mind) are symbolic of the non-local meta-mind of WE/ME and its awaking to its Self.

Becoming non-local is realizing you are in every NOW and where. This is how sync works, all time/space locations are ONE. When we have lots of attention or presence in the NOW we notice things with the meta-mind beyond the limitations of time/space and they manifest as syncs. Synchromysticism is all about Time Travel aka becoming non-local.
Synchronicity is a new and rapidly evolving facet or ability of the human consciousness and part of the Greater Global awakening.
It's wild but no more weird then developing smell or sight etc.

Highlighted palms are associated to awakening as Jesus was nailed through his and Buddhas often also have strange markings on their palms.
Having the Penny on his palm here associated to Time Travel caught my attention as I had written about a Time Traveling Penny not that long ago.
It's further amazing as Abraham Lincoln, the prez on the ONE Penny, has become a sync strange attractor of awesome power in his own right. As the Lincoln Memorial is a replica of Zeus' temple he resonates Jupiter. Jupiter/Zeus (the Roman and Greek names for the same thing) is the most powerful sync strange attractor I have ever experienced. That Abe/Zeus/Jupiter resides on the ONE or Penny further brings our awareness into the NOW.
NOW=ONE as WE3M is the same trident type glyph just rotated.

Eloise, the same name of Cocka2 attracting Jennifer Aniston, wearing Two Star broaches.
Just a few more related Bird issues and I'll let you go on your merry way.
I wrote a post where I noted a crow building a nest behind Neptune's Trident in the Pediment of the Winnipeg Legislature, a Masonic Building inspired by Solomon's Temple.
From that post:
Standing at the West side of the Building with my friend a huge crow is making a godawful noise. I joke it sounds like a toucan (how would I know what a toucan sounds like?), looking up to see the crow braking off a branch while perched above us in a tree.

I feel the spirit of birds whether real or just images on posters, are guides, helping to plot a path through the infinite mystery of I Am. Sync has thought us that all objects have spirit and can teach and guide through listening to them and syncing with them. Animals like Birds are particularly powerful. We have different guides for different times and temperaments.

A rooster crows, making them resonators of the black bird crow and Star Russell Crowe.
The Rooster/Cock is the animal of Mercury who's sandal is found on the Good Year logo.
All resonates soundly as Russel Crowe (resonator of the Rooster/Cock) Stars in A Good Year (resonator of Mercury).

Peace within is peace without.
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