From Daily Mail 12/9/09
"A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country baffled.
Witnesses from Trøndelag to Finnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket to a meteor or a shock wave - although no one appears to have mentioned UFOs yet.
The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stopped mid-air, then began to circulate." Read more:

WOW!!! Good day brother and sister Stars.
So this morning in Russia apparently a Spiral Stargate appeared in the skys and began to rotate before the eyes of many onlookers with cameras and videos. This is definatly an unbeleivable sight. In fact its almost right out of the movie the Last Mimzy, in which a white rabbit is sent back in time by future scientists in order to stop humanity from destroying itself. Is this Stargate HAARPs work? Or could it be a Message from the Future? Id like to thank Strange Eye! for mentioning that this is all ONE DAY BEFORE Barack Obama visits you guessed it NORWAY for the first time to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
UPDATE: For any of you that remember PalinGenesis from Goro Adahis Etemenanki, we can see that Sarah Palin resonates with Sarah Connor from Terminator, See here for Terminator and Palin synchs by Goro. In 2009 this Cartoon was released, read the last box with mentions of NORWEIGANS FROM THE FUTURE TRAVELING BACK TO GIVE HIM A PEACE PRIZE!
So was the SPiral Stargate the Future Norweigans Checking in to thank Obama for bumping Palin, just like the White Rabbit from the Future in the Las Mimzy?
Now this makes me think about the film the Last Mimzy, a Spiral Stargate opens very very similiarly in the skies and creates a wormhole connection for the future so that untainted DNA from the present could be brought into the future to continue the Human Race. While exploring the Rabbit Holes connections to the number 42 last winter, taking note of "Alice in Wonderlands" 42nd rule in the Courts* of Wonderland, "all those over a mile high must leave the court" the court connecting us to the Egyptian Afterlife Judgement of the Goddess MAAT, whos 42 underworld contracts if satisfied guaranteed resurrection(departing ticket from Wonderland), in Egyptian Astrology, the present wastern Rabbit Constellation LEPUS served as the Symbolic Boat/Raft/Gateway to the Underworld, which was guided by the Dog Star Sirius Anubis, so theres another 42, Rabbit, and Court. To drop some amazing new info, my good friend and Taino Mayan, whos translated his own version of the Popul Vuh using the Ancient Taino translations, revealed to me an amazing Mayan/Egyptian Paralell. He said in Certain versions of the Mayan Xibalba Mythos, there are references to the 42 Halls or Courts wherein the soul would meet many deities whom would judge their soul. One would take a Raft to reach Xibalba just like the Egyptian Duat Boat. So amazing that Xibalba, the Duat, and
Interesting to note that this was Today 12-9-09s Myspace Banner. a Fallout boy Ad
A White Rabbit in the hands of the Hatter, and the word Thought Theives on the other guys shirt the same day as the Mimzy G8 in Norway. The word Future stands out to me. Thanks to Fill Spectrum for bating this one out.
Also its interesting to note that Stanley Kubrik who did 2001 A Space Odyssey also did teh Shingin in which the young boy bears a 42 and Rabbit on his shirt

See more 42s in my Dog Star and Rabbit Hole videos from last Winter.
So what am I getting at with all these 42s and Underworlds and Judgements and Boats etc. I really do beleive that we are entering a time where the Spiritual Dimensions that exist beneath and beyond our own present, are merging and rising to the surface in new ways. This Spiritual Underworld can be likened to the "Astral Plane", Heaven, Jupiter, Xibalba, Summerland, yggdrasil, Dream Time, the Shamanic plane, the Spiritual Worlds of all cultures allude to this energetic plane of existence, which I do beleive exists as the Causative plane for all things that happen in the Physical. I do beleive that our modern Art and Media is exactly the "Bifrost" or "Antahkarana" Bridge to the realm of Spirit, Imagination and Energy. So what Im implying is that it appears as though through the Mayan lense were at the CrossRoads of Xibalba, in Egyptian the Duat, the Kabbalistic Halls or Palaces of the Hechaloth or Heavens in Kabbalah. I do beleive this merging of the Spiritual and Physical realms can also be connected to our Entrance into the Age of Aquarius. Esoteric Scientist Alice Bailey beleived that the entrance in Aquarius would be a Washing of Man and the Earths Astral or Light Bodies with the fresh new waters of life in the new age. The planet Jupiter whos symbol reflects a 42 has often been compared with Heaven, the Fatherly Begetter of all things, and according to Juan Flores and Dennis McKenna Jupiter is a Spiritual Mirror of our world and souls, a Mirror, like a Looking Glass?
I do beleive that the increasing frequency of Underworld Boats, Canoes, Rafts, Chariots, Vessels, Busses, are all pointing toward the increasing activation of our Spiritual Bodies, which many of us in the West are just beginning to discover that we contain. We can call upon the work of Carl Johan Calleman and his Mayan Calendar studies which he poises that 2012 marks the perfect unity of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres of the Earth and Brain. Much of our Art in teh West has begun really accentuate the "Subtle Bodies" in Hollywood and modern art. See Jakes work to see the Eastern Light bodies merging with the Western awareness of Material Bodies. In the Ancient Kabbalistic Sciences of Merkaba Mysticism, there was much emphasis on realizing the Light Body or Astral Body of the Merkaba which is a Light Body Vessel through which you can travel out of body, and into the 10 Heavens of the Hechaloth, in the 10th you Reach the Eye of YHVH, much like the Eye of Shiva/Ra. The Merkaba Vessel is alluded to in the Chariot Tarot Card for the Sign of Can

"We all live in a YELLOW SUBMARINE" - the BEATLES.
Note the Yellow/Golden Charioteer Crab man on the Chariot Tarot Card, this golden armour is the Merkaba Light Body, Cancer is the Sign of the Crab or Beetle, so now we can see the BEATLES-Cancer at the Aquarian Crossroads of the 60s immanentizing our awareness of our Light Bodies/Merkaba Yellow Submarines. Cancer/Beetle the Chariot card is known as "the Child of the Waters" IE the Submarine and the Underworld after the Summer Solstice.
The Bhuddist Heart Sutra, also Known as Prajna Paramita, it is an ancient Chant which symbolizes Suffering as an Ocean or River which must be crossed to the "Other Side" or Enlightenment. The Chant is symbolic of the Surrender and Forgiveness of the Heart that is offered to the "Other Side" and produces Enlightenment.
"gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha"
Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond (to the other shore)! O enlightenment! Be it so! Hail

Heres an Exerpt of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra from Ram Dass' "Be Here Now" whic features the Egyptian Duat Boat mixed with the Raft ride of the Heart Sutra. Gone/Gone/Gone Beyond Beyond/ Hail the Goer!
Beutiful Merkaba and Heart Chakra activating practice I do reccomend. At the bottom of this article I have posted a video from Swami Satchidanand who further explores Prajna Paramita. Through surrendering all attachment to previous Suffering and self, and forgiving the self, and forgiving all other selves within and outside of us we can be cleanse with the healing waters of life. Forgive forgive forgive!
See my Last Video the Boat to the Underworld for lots of Boats and 42s @ my blog Live from the Logosphere
Now we an see serious Kabbalistic Tree/Merkaba/Light Body, and Astral Cleansing happening in "The Fountain"
Note the SPIRAL Stargate that is photographed in the Skies above Norway this morning.

Reminds me alot of the 7 Pointed Star of SPIRAL of Sirius/the 7 Planets that is represented on the Aquarius Tarot Card, the Star. Aquarius is the Astrological Age that we entered sometime around 1900s and we can see Much allusions to the Aquarian Age meta children and new age spirituality in the Last Mimzy. The card is symbolic of the purifying waters of life that are said to enlighten and purify man in the new age, the card also respresents faith, hope, potential, prayer and magic, all of which intend on affecting the FUTURE, which is another symbolic aspect of the card, future potential. Just like the young girl in the movie is contacted by the white Rabbit to save the FUTURE human race. Even the colors the young girl in the film wears match up purple/blue/orange with the colors of this Tarot Card. But that spiral really reminded me of this Card when i saw it. Remembering that Alice Bailey said that the " Light Bodies" of men would be flushed with the Water of Life", so Aquarius is when we all get the Keys to our Chariots/Merkabas. I also would like to mention that the young girl in the film is said at the end to be the Mother of the whole Human Race because her TEARS were taken to the future for future humans to be cloned with. The end of the film features a futuristic age of Telepathy and Levitation and more. This Mother of us all resonates with the Egyptian and Thelemic NUIT who is symbolic of the pure unconditional accepting VOID of space, the function of space as a receptacle of Light/Stars. This Mother of us all is pouring the WATERS of life into the universe in the Aquarius Tarot card. Notice the similarity in color.
To Quote Alice Bailey for good measure.
"This sign, that of the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity. This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it, but which-in a thousand years-will have welded all mankind into a perfect brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to "purify" the astral bodies of men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality! The final stages of all signs produce over-development of the factor on which they most potently work. At present the effect of this sign is constructive among the pioneers of the race, and destructive among the rank and file of humanity." (A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey, pp. 313-314) " More about Aquarius here

The 42 Triangled Sri Yantra Mandala, there are 42 Seperate Triangles in this Mandala which the Rabbit returns to the Future in Last Mimzy.

We can also see the 42 Triangeld Mandala interfacing with the Pink Floyd Rainbow Bridge in one scene. Rainbows are light refracted at 42 Degrees. In Tibetan and modern Esoteric Mysticism it is beleived that a Rainbow Bridge exists between heaven and Earth, and that all Spiritual Energy comes to and from this Bridge to the "Other Side" or Astral Plane.
See the 42 Sri Yantra Mandala and the 42 Rainbow Bridge interfacing.
The young boy in the film who finds the Rabbit and Draws the Stargates name is NOAH. Whom is the Only Character in the Bible whom God makes a Covenant with the Great Flood, God Set the Rainbow in the Sky as a sign of his promise to Never Flood the Earth again. See the movie 2012 that just came out for amazing Rainbow Bridge/Arc/Noah symbolism.

The House/Portal/Doorway to the Other Side in Poltergeist is Numbered 4267, and a Gateway to the SPiritual Realm where the "Spectral Light" is housed. See my post @ the Logosphere for much Poltergeist 42 Rainbow Connections.
Compare this footage from Norway 12/9/09 to the Last Mimzy Clip below.
Thats all for now folks, much more is brewing behind the scenes, and will be flushed when data reaches carrying capacity. Much love from the Center of the Mandala to all other Centers of the Mandala <3. height="344" width="425">
"Some day the Children of the new Sun, will meet the Children of the old, I think theyll be our friends. You can tell your chilren of the ay whe neveryone looked up, and realized that we were only tenants of this world. We had been given a new Lease, and a warning from the Landlord." - 2010 the year we make contact
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