The Death Ship is a novel written by B. Traven or Traven Torsvan(raven tits). One way you could think of him would be as a dead man; seeing how he kept himself almost unidentifiable. He is known in the consensus as an anarchist. He is known by three different names.

Here is a wiki fart on the novel...
Set just after World War I, The Death Ship describes the predicament of merchant seamen who lack documentation of citizenship and cannot find legal residence or employment in any nation
That kinda sounds like pirate to me. Pi rate?...
The narrator is Gerard Gales(77), an American sailor who claims to be from New Orleans, and who is stranded in Antwerp without passport or working papers. Unable to prove his identity or his eligibility for employment, Gales is repeatedly arrested and deported from one country to the next, by government officials who do not want to be bothered with either assisting or prosecuting him. When he finally manages to find work, it is on the Yorikke(KK!), the dangerous and decrepit ship of the title, where undocumented workers from around the world are treated as expendable slaves.
The term "death ship" refers to any boat so decrepit that it is worth more to its owners overinsured and sunk than it would be worth afloat. The title of the book is translated directly from the German "Das Totenschiff"; in English, they are called "coffin ships".
I have written about Fear and loathing in las vegas before. Its strange cause I posted a huge collection of screens last year around this time. And now its starting to come back again. Yearly pattern. Connecting Jonny Depp to the hexagon is quite easy in that movie. He bares the hexagon halo many times and is scene throughout the movie interacting with them and many other shapes of interest....

Saturn connects to Cronus in obvious ways. We've been over this quite a few times.
*I find it amazing how Saturn is the sixth planet away from the son and it dons a hexagonal static crown.*

His famous Gonzo Logo...

step one - Note 6 fingers
step two - Note ONZO = Oz the land of the dead.
step three - Note knife furthering death theme.
step four - Note mescalin button clenched by fist.
step seven - G onzo
Step four again...Wikkied
"synesthesia can occur especially with the help of music.[7] An unusual but unique characteristic of mescaline use is the "geometricization" of three-dimensional objects. The object can appear flattened and distorted, similar to the presentation of a Cubist painting.[8]"
Here he is again sportin' a pistol. Note use of Jupiter finger and also note how the gun is shaped like a J as well. Note his visor is green and note how his aviators highlight his third eye....note....note.....

Wow I want to say allot more but I need to sleep. Glad I had a nap first. Can't stop thinking about the 42 doorway. Not relevant to the post but I don't even know what it means.
Be well for f@#k sakes!
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