Smart TV Blogger Contest
Tema : “Smart TV, gerbang informasi hiburan tanpa batas!”
Berselancar di TV, Why Not?
Pernahkah terbayang di benak kita jika TV yang selama ini biasa kita gunakan untuk menonton film, berita, dan sinetron, kini bisa digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengakses internet? Pasti tidak, bukan? Sebagai perusahaan Korea yang aktif melakukan inovasi dan terobosan baru, akhirnya LG berhasil melahirkan sebuah penemuan baru di bidang pertelevisian. LG Smart TV lahir dan dihadirkan ke hadapan konsumen dunia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan hiburan dan informasi di era modern.
LG Smart TV boleh dikatakan sebagai TV virtual. Mengapa? Fungsi TV kini tidak lagi monoton dan terpatok pada saluran ataupun channel stasiun televisi tertentu, melainkan dapat berfungsi sebagai web browser yang handal layaknya menggunakan komputer, laptop, smartphone, ataupun tablet. Kita dapat menggali banyak informasi berharga di dunia maya dengan LG Smart TV yang memberi kita berbagai kenyaman. Kenyamanan itu bisa kita rangkum dalam SMART.
S – Smart Share
Berbagi data dari kamera, handphone, tablet, dan smartphone ke LG Smart TV ternyata dapat dengan mudah dilakukan dengan akses nirkabel yang diberikan. Tentu fasilitas yang disediakan LG Smart TV ini membuat proses pemindahan file dapat berlangsung dengan cepat dan mudah. Kita bisa menikmati berbagai data menarik dari berbagai peralatan elektronik yang kita miliki dan menyaksikannya di layar besar Smart TV kita. Sungguh menakjubkan!
M – Magic Motion
Tak hanya itu, LG Smart TV juga memiliki remote control yang menyerupai fungsi mouse pada laptop atau komputer. Hanya dengan menggerakkan remote ke arah yang kita inginkan, layar TV pun akan berpindah sesuai dengan gerakan yang kita lakukan. Pergerakan ajaib ini tentu memberi kepraktisan dan kemudahan tersendiri bagi kita. Kita tidak perlu memencet tombol remote tertentu, tetapi hanya dengan sekali gerakan, layar yang kita tuju akan ditampilkan dengan cepat.
A – Aplikatif
LG Smart TV juga memberi kita beragam aplikasi, hiburan, serta permainan menarik yang secara khusus dirancang bagi pengguna TV di rumah. Hal itu bisa kita dapatkan dengan LG App Store yang otomatis terupdate secara berkala melalui LG Smart TV Software Updates. Tentu kita dapat memaksimalkan fungsi LG Smart TV secara optimal untuk hiburan di rumah. Sekaligus fungsi ini menunjukkan betapa aplikatif LG Smart TV ketika digunakan.
R – Real Function
Berbagai fitur dan fungsi menarik yang dihadirkan LG Smart TV, seperti web browser membuat Smart TV mampu menjalankan fungsinya untuk mengakses internet layaknya komputer. Kita juga bisa mendapat informasi tambahan dari konten yang ingin kita pindahkan dengan menginstall aplikasi PLEX untuk menjalankan fungsi Media Link. LG Smart TV memang memiliki fungsi yang nyata ketika digunakan.
T – Traditional Content
LG Smart TV juga hadir dengan beragam konten lokal pilihan, seperti, Kaskus, Liputan 6, The Jakarta Post, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan kesadaran bahwa TV cerdas Indonesia haruslah memiliki konten lokal yang nyaman dinikmati oleh masyarakat Indonesia, LG memberikan konten ini untuk memuaskan dahaga pengguna TV akan informasi dalam negeri. Hal ini sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa LG juga cinta bangsa Indonesia dan berusaha melestarikan konten lokal dalam sentuhan Smart TV.
Lewat SMART, kita dapat memahami bahwa LG Smart TV adalah TV cerdas yang terdepan di bidangnya. Tak hanya itu, Home Dashboard dari LG yang mendapatkan gelar Penghargaan Inovasi dalam Consumer Electric Show di Las Vegas tahun 2011 juga menjadi bukti bahwa LG Smart TV memang layak menjadi pilihan kita dalam menikmati hiburan tanpa batas.
Kebutuhan kita akan akses informasi yang cepat dengan media yang nyaman dan memukau pun dapat tersalurkan berkat LG Smart TV. Kita pun akan lebih smart, terdepan, dan tampil gaya dengan LG Smart TV di rumah kita. Tentu berselancar di TV bukan lagi hal yang mustahil dan sudah menjadi gaya hidup baru masyarakat modern berkat LG Smart TV. Maka dari itu, mari kita gunakan LG Smart TV agar kita terlihat lebih smart.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Remember that embarrassing moment?
Apologies for the delay, however, Blogger now seems to be back in working order, so here we are again with another Discuss HR. The excellent guest spot by Wendy Mason touched upon a very topical point about the transition from public to private sector. This week regular columnist Jill Hart-Sanderson discuss another, potentially even more relevant topic, namely the use and misuse of social media in the work place. (Ed Scrivener)
Remember that drunken embarrassing moment?
Remember that drunken, embarrassing moment when you were 19 that someone captured on camera? Well your friends might, and they may think it’s hilarious to post it on their Facebook page and tag you. Which means the photo will then appear on your Facebook profile page. Now is that something you want your important business contacts to see?
More and more organisations recognise that social networking is changing the way in which people do business. Love them or hate them, the rise and rise of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter cannot be ignored. Companies can no longer afford to blanket-ban any kind of social networking interaction: by embracing it they can engage with their customers in a way never possible in the past as well as build the trust of their employees.
So what can HR teams do to support their organisations during this era of rapid change? One of the first steps should be to check there are clear guidelines and expectations and that they are effectively communicated by managers to their teams. Once it’s been established who should be using networking sites and for what purpose, communications should be consistent with the overall values of the company.
In most cases it would be impossible to ‘vet’ all blogs, comments and tweets, therefore the individual employees must know that they are ultimately responsible for the content they publish online, whether on a social site or any other form of user-generated media. They should: be mindful that what they publish will be public for a long time; be reminded to protect their privacy; and make sure they understand a site's terms of service.
Here’s what a guideline for employees might include:
· Is it in the right tone and does it reflect our company values and beliefs?
· Would you be happy for any of our current or potential customers to read it?
· Make it your own: include your name and be clear whether you are speaking for yourself or on behalf of the organisation (if on behalf of the organisation, get agreement to the content)
· Remember customer confidentiality is essential unless the customer has made it clear they’re happy for the content to appear
· Respect copyright, data protection and financial disclosure laws
· Never discuss our or anyone else’s business performance or other sensitive matters publicly
· Don't publish anything that might allow inferences to be drawn that could embarrass or damage a customer or colleague
· Respect your audience and show proper consideration for others' privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory, such as politics and religion
· Ensure your profile and related content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and customers
· Don't pick fights; be the first to correct your own mistakes
· Once you start a discussion/blog follow the comments and reply when appropriate; remember comments may be left months after your initial post
· Regard what you post as a document: sense-check and proof-read it
· Keep your profile up to date and consistent with the rest of your team
· Remember you’re reaching an international audience
· Try to add value, provide worthwhile information and perspective
· Clearly understand the site’s privacy settings and use them to protect the business as well as yourself
Profiles are also something that will need to be considered if you are drawing up guidance for your organisation. They need to have personality, but be aware the details are in the public domain and could be linked to the business.
Social media can be fantastic tools, but organisations need to be clear about how they’re to be used and help all employees appreciate the pitfalls and benefits of this global phenomenon.
What’s your organisation’s social networking policy? Has it been clearly communicated to all employees? What impact has it had?
For further reading, including legal implications when using social media have a look at this CIPD webpage
About the author
Jill loves working with the team at Rambutan helping people to think, lead and communicate brilliantly in order to achieve business, team or personal goals. Before joining the Rambutan bunch, Jill was part of the HR Consultancy Team at University College London. Her previous management experience in both the public and private sector means she has seen how great HR support can make a real difference to individual managers and organisations as a whole
Discuss HR is the blog for Human Resources UK, the leading LinkedIn group for those involved with HR in the UK. Next week’s Discuss HR will be published on Thursday 2nd June and will be written by HR recruitment specialist Ed Scrivener.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Here Comes The Men In Black
Time Life, the publishers, I'm sure as you know, have a talent for glorifying things of course. But, really nothing I read past their description of M.I.B.'s has strayed me from the first feelings of wonder I got from reading TL's UFO Phenomenon book when I was around 8 or so. I still have it. Snuggled in between a Manly P Hall and The Wizard of Oz on a book shelf somewhere. The thing is it totally freaked me out. I mean aliens are one thing.... Right. But possible aliens in human skin gives one the hebbie jebbies. Not to say that's what MIB's or Men In Black are. Just sayin.
You'd be surprised though. There's very little about MIB's out there. And what you can find is hard to. So I've considered most of the mystery surrounding MIB's with just my imagination. John Keel helped.
Keanu Reeves is basically Super Man in The Matrix. They call him that by name and he actually comes outa a phone booth in number ONE, echoing Bill and Teds if you follow. Christopher Reeve is the main contemporary icon of Super Man. I just see the last name. Thumbsucker I've never even heard of. But the visual of the poster buts Keanu in a vivid MIB theme.See Super Man is just important to me I guess. I mean its the most obvious of names. Super Man is the world hero. He's Christ, Jupiter, Jake Sully. Keanu is J.ohn C.onstatine above. This is Reeves archetype.... The ONE who survives Doomsday. JC... Superman. To hell and back the theme.The glasses a disguise. A mask.
And surviving most sightings of UFO MIB intervention. Wrap around sunglasses. Pale skin, as if dead. Robotic as if a machine.... They say.The glasses take on a mortal/immortal division. Separating Gods from man. Super Men from the saved. An almost inarguable likeness to the most modern Ufology icon of pop culture, the grey.
The Super Hero...
Christ rises from the dead. Depicting the Jupiter Hero of the World beating Death/The Grim Reaper/Time/Saturn. Repeated Reeves is the one who beats time. He is in Black. Pale as if dead.Artificial Intelligence or the Machine has become part of our mythos out of necessity. Joseph Campbell knew it. And he noted it in Star Wars. Showing how the fear of a mechanical regime a symbol of the State as Well.The Orwellian prototype if you will.
Did you know Will Smith turned down The Matrix. He thought it was too crazy, he couldn't see it. Even admits regretting it.
Shia Labeouf dances around this thread. He's in I Robot with BIG Will, Constantine with Reeves, I mean the applications of Eagle Eye... Transformers on the outside... I mean it's silly.... Indiana.... Blade Runner.... Totally insane.
Death to the state. More Synchro-Gymnastics with John Hurt whose known for the scene adaptation of 1984 where he played Winston SMITH, and then reversing the role in V For Vendetta. He's against BIG Brother... He is BIG Brother. Of course Hugo Weaving does this too. He's V, little noticed because he wore the mask seen above the whole movie.... Most remember Hugo however as this guy.The parts are highlighted by the fact that he is represented as a mask of sorts. One that all wear. Hense the common name "Smith".... Agent Smith....
More importance is underlined as Roario Dawson is Smiths love interest in both Seven Pounds and MIB II. As if it's the same role for both following through the movies.
Totally strange to see Agent Smith's son with Keanu's Man In Black. And Im going to get weirder with it. Not trying to really follow a great insight perhaps, but definitely flabbergasted by the mystery of it all.Smith as the Dark Man or Man In Black. The Dark Man theme was caught by eye due to the fact that Karate Kid with J.ackie C.han came out at the same time as 2010's World Cup. Both featured the kicking silhouette and dropped relatively on top of each other. What goes through my head is the catch phrase from the Matrix.... Neo goes "I know Kung Fu"...The Kicking Silhouette of a Man In (Jack)Black.... Ok that's too far. But damn if it's not a head scratcher.
Love and Thanks...
You'd be surprised though. There's very little about MIB's out there. And what you can find is hard to. So I've considered most of the mystery surrounding MIB's with just my imagination. John Keel helped.
Keanu Reeves is basically Super Man in The Matrix. They call him that by name and he actually comes outa a phone booth in number ONE, echoing Bill and Teds if you follow. Christopher Reeve is the main contemporary icon of Super Man. I just see the last name. Thumbsucker I've never even heard of. But the visual of the poster buts Keanu in a vivid MIB theme.See Super Man is just important to me I guess. I mean its the most obvious of names. Super Man is the world hero. He's Christ, Jupiter, Jake Sully. Keanu is J.ohn C.onstatine above. This is Reeves archetype.... The ONE who survives Doomsday. JC... Superman. To hell and back the theme.The glasses a disguise. A mask.
And surviving most sightings of UFO MIB intervention. Wrap around sunglasses. Pale skin, as if dead. Robotic as if a machine.... They say.The glasses take on a mortal/immortal division. Separating Gods from man. Super Men from the saved. An almost inarguable likeness to the most modern Ufology icon of pop culture, the grey.
The Super Hero...
Christ rises from the dead. Depicting the Jupiter Hero of the World beating Death/The Grim Reaper/Time/Saturn. Repeated Reeves is the one who beats time. He is in Black. Pale as if dead.Artificial Intelligence or the Machine has become part of our mythos out of necessity. Joseph Campbell knew it. And he noted it in Star Wars. Showing how the fear of a mechanical regime a symbol of the State as Well.The Orwellian prototype if you will.
Did you know Will Smith turned down The Matrix. He thought it was too crazy, he couldn't see it. Even admits regretting it.
Shia Labeouf dances around this thread. He's in I Robot with BIG Will, Constantine with Reeves, I mean the applications of Eagle Eye... Transformers on the outside... I mean it's silly.... Indiana.... Blade Runner.... Totally insane.
Death to the state. More Synchro-Gymnastics with John Hurt whose known for the scene adaptation of 1984 where he played Winston SMITH, and then reversing the role in V For Vendetta. He's against BIG Brother... He is BIG Brother. Of course Hugo Weaving does this too. He's V, little noticed because he wore the mask seen above the whole movie.... Most remember Hugo however as this guy.The parts are highlighted by the fact that he is represented as a mask of sorts. One that all wear. Hense the common name "Smith".... Agent Smith....
More importance is underlined as Roario Dawson is Smiths love interest in both Seven Pounds and MIB II. As if it's the same role for both following through the movies.
Totally strange to see Agent Smith's son with Keanu's Man In Black. And Im going to get weirder with it. Not trying to really follow a great insight perhaps, but definitely flabbergasted by the mystery of it all.Smith as the Dark Man or Man In Black. The Dark Man theme was caught by eye due to the fact that Karate Kid with J.ackie C.han came out at the same time as 2010's World Cup. Both featured the kicking silhouette and dropped relatively on top of each other. What goes through my head is the catch phrase from the Matrix.... Neo goes "I know Kung Fu"...The Kicking Silhouette of a Man In (Jack)Black.... Ok that's too far. But damn if it's not a head scratcher.
Love and Thanks...
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Birthing the Last Judgement via Arnold Schwarzenegger
What some thought was Judgement, was only a Birthing.
This is the 20th Tarot Trump XX, the Last Judgement. The left hand version is the Golden Dawn traditional tarot Trump depiction which pre dates the New Age or Aeon Trump on the right depicting the Egyptian Child god Horus, created by Aleister Crowley and Freida Harris. Crowley updated the 20th Tarot Trump with significance relative to the spiritual forces which he felt were present in this new Age he declared in 1904, and this Spiritual Current was that of the Child, and the innocence of birth. From one perspective( that of the old aeon) one might see the Last Judgement Trump as an end, while another(new aeon) has symbolism of Birth and Beginnings.
Arnold Schwarzeneggers Career has synchronistically come into Pop awareness through the "Revelation" of his 10 year old secret Love-Child. Below is a video highlighting Arnolds careers themes of Judgement and the recurrence of Birthing and the Child, to the recent headlines of his secret Love-Child and the Last Judgemnt-Rapture weekend of May 22nd. I find this very cool that Judgement and Birth are in the news this week, because in the Tarot "The Aeon" Version of Trump XX (20) by Aleister Crowley, features Hoorparkraat or Harpocrates, the Child God of Innocence". That is because in the New Age, it is no longer common to beleive that just being born on this planet is an "Original Sin", it is now understould that we are born innocent children of the cosmos, and that this "Inner Child" is what we are all bonded by, rather than old age original Sin.
I beleive this innocence interestingly entrains with the May 21st event, as when "The Last Judgement" was supposed to come, and nothing happened(truely anything can happen at any time, prophecized or not), maybe those living in fear of "Sin" and "Judgment", on this day this year regained their some of their innocence to some degree or another, and maybe some are now questioning their Judgements of themselves and their fellow brothers and sisters that they have built up for their whole lives. Judgement came into the forefront and where did it get us? Where was it really coming from the whole time? Who was judging who this whole time? So here we are again, innocent babes of the mystery of being. We all got in touch with a little Judgement and Innocence this week. Enjoy this wacky Rapture Ripple , Namaste.
2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010 the Year We Make Contact both feature this innocent Child of the Cosmos archetype that we are entraining with.
Childhoods End is another story from the universe of Arther C Clarke, this book particularly resonates with the Last Judgement/End Times Narrative. See the Wiki here
From Wikipedia "End Times-Literature"
"Childhood's End is a science fiction novel written by Sir Arthur C. Clarke, originally published in 1953, in which humanity is visited by aliens who resemble Satan. The aliens, named in the novel as the overlords, are seen in the role of "heralds" for a god-like force named the Overmind. A transformation occurs in the last human generation, which ultimately merges with this Overmind and resulting in the destruction of the earth and the solar system."
This is the 20th Tarot Trump XX, the Last Judgement. The left hand version is the Golden Dawn traditional tarot Trump depiction which pre dates the New Age or Aeon Trump on the right depicting the Egyptian Child god Horus, created by Aleister Crowley and Freida Harris. Crowley updated the 20th Tarot Trump with significance relative to the spiritual forces which he felt were present in this new Age he declared in 1904, and this Spiritual Current was that of the Child, and the innocence of birth. From one perspective( that of the old aeon) one might see the Last Judgement Trump as an end, while another(new aeon) has symbolism of Birth and Beginnings.
Arnold Schwarzeneggers Career has synchronistically come into Pop awareness through the "Revelation" of his 10 year old secret Love-Child. Below is a video highlighting Arnolds careers themes of Judgement and the recurrence of Birthing and the Child, to the recent headlines of his secret Love-Child and the Last Judgemnt-Rapture weekend of May 22nd. I find this very cool that Judgement and Birth are in the news this week, because in the Tarot "The Aeon" Version of Trump XX (20) by Aleister Crowley, features Hoorparkraat or Harpocrates, the Child God of Innocence". That is because in the New Age, it is no longer common to beleive that just being born on this planet is an "Original Sin", it is now understould that we are born innocent children of the cosmos, and that this "Inner Child" is what we are all bonded by, rather than old age original Sin.
I beleive this innocence interestingly entrains with the May 21st event, as when "The Last Judgement" was supposed to come, and nothing happened(truely anything can happen at any time, prophecized or not), maybe those living in fear of "Sin" and "Judgment", on this day this year regained their some of their innocence to some degree or another, and maybe some are now questioning their Judgements of themselves and their fellow brothers and sisters that they have built up for their whole lives. Judgement came into the forefront and where did it get us? Where was it really coming from the whole time? Who was judging who this whole time? So here we are again, innocent babes of the mystery of being. We all got in touch with a little Judgement and Innocence this week. Enjoy this wacky Rapture Ripple , Namaste.
Sperminator - Judgement Day from Kephera on Vimeo.
2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010 the Year We Make Contact both feature this innocent Child of the Cosmos archetype that we are entraining with.
Childhoods End is another story from the universe of Arther C Clarke, this book particularly resonates with the Last Judgement/End Times Narrative. See the Wiki here
From Wikipedia "End Times-Literature"
"Childhood's End is a science fiction novel written by Sir Arthur C. Clarke, originally published in 1953, in which humanity is visited by aliens who resemble Satan. The aliens, named in the novel as the overlords, are seen in the role of "heralds" for a god-like force named the Overmind. A transformation occurs in the last human generation, which ultimately merges with this Overmind and resulting in the destruction of the earth and the solar system."
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Help! I'm leaving the Public Sector!
Good morning and welcome to this week’s Discuss HR.
After a number of years absence BBCs The Apprentice has an HR professional amongst its contestants. Whether she will be successful remains to be seen. What is interesting is that once again we have no professionals from the Public Sector. Last year’s show included a number of unemployed people to reflect the state of the economy, yet this year Public Sector employees have been overlooked. Could this be to a perceived idea that they lack commercial understanding of the private sector?
It is on that note I am delighted to welcome our next guest writer. Wendy Mason is a performance and change specialist who has been doing sterling work helping Public Sector employees break into the private sector. (Ed Scrivener)
Help! I’m leaving the Public Sector!
Outplacement support has changed |
I’ve been blogging for a few years now mainly on leadership and change. But recently I’ve established a new blog especially for people leaving the UK public service under the latest round of government “cuts”.
As often happens, one key event triggered me to take action.
I was at an event in one of the central government departments when I came across an old colleague; someone I liked and respected very much. Let us call him John. John joined the Civil Service straight from university. He is both middle aged (50) and middle class and he wouldn’t mind me using those terms. For me, he represents much that is good about public servants! He is hard working and committed to delivering his best; he is kind and has an unshakeable sense of fairness.
Having survived several earlier rounds of cuts, he has chosen to put hard work, energy and emotion into staying in the Civil Service until the age of sixty. Among other things he has a young child from a late second marriage who will need to be supported for at least the next ten years and possibly longer! So above all John craves security!
He has managed to survive efficiency drives and re-organizations, sometimes by the skin of his teeth. But he has managed it. This time he knows there is something different and he will have to go!
Having spent the last thirty years around the Whitehall village, the prospect of life outside is daunting and he is very nervous!
We chatted and I gave him my card, offering to share my own experience of going. We arranged to have coffee.
When I got home, I started to think about John and all the others like him there in Whitehall, plus those out in local offices. It has been estimated that at least 100,000 Civil Service posts will disappear. In addition there those in the wider public sector - local authorities and the NHS!
I wondered how I could help the many who have stayed put, not out of lethargy in the past, but from an active choice. I have coached a number of such individuals making the transition but I wanted to reach a wider audience. So I decided to start the new blog to share my experience and that of others in moving out of the public sector and into something else, whatever that may be.
When I left the Civil Service four years ago there was a completely different economic climate with a reasonably healthy job market.
I had been part of a group of directly employed management consultants charged out to other government departments by the Office of Government Commerce. When the government changed its mind about employing us, my whole group faced moving from their chosen work or leaving the Civil Service. Several of us were reasonably content to try our luck in the private sector.
Some found employment almost immediately on the same or better terms. Those of us who decided to take our chance as free lancers generally found a market for our services.
But we had advantages as experienced management consultants over the “average” Whitehall Civil Servant.
- Within the bounds of confidentiality it was relatively easy for the private sector to understand what we had been doing.
- We had skills the private market could recognise.
- We were used to producing and tailoring CVs
- We had stood on our feet and told our Civil Service clients what we could deliver for them.
- We were also used to dealing with rejection when a particular department made up its mind to use private sector consultancy rather than the services we offered.
- We were used to working with people from the private sector a daily basis and we had had an opportunity to learn about their values.
- We were expected to network to find opportunities for us to make our mark.
- Some of us had had portfolio careers and understood the job market
Most people leaving the public sector will not be able to put a tick against all 1 to 8 above. A good number may be able to tick only a few. Sadly, a number will not be able to tick any boxes at all.
That is the reality and in these economic conditions and this job market that is disastrous.
Yes, some government departments will spend money on out placement services and the good ones will fund coaching support for a period. They have done that in the past but this time I believe the money is very short and need is very great. Plus the support often ends just at the point when you need it most.
Where do I start? |
Three months after you have gone, there is unlikely to be any continuing support from your ex-employer. But at three months you probably need it most. You need encouragement when you are becoming truly despondent about your lack of success. You need guidance in finding the widest possible job market.
If you ever imagined private sector employers were going to welcome you, at the three month point you know much better!
Let me share with you some of the comments I’ve had since I started the blog. When you have read them I think you will understand why I’m now on a mission.
“I done lots of different jobs since I’ve been in the Civil Service from Personnel to Finance and but I’ve never produced a CV for myself in my life. How do I start?” (I’ve promised guidance and a template)
“I didn’t know the private sector doesn’t have to advertise all its jobs – that isn’t fair - what about equal opportunities?” (What indeed, but this shows how the walls of the Ivory Tower can fall down and bury you.)
“I don’t think networking is for me, I only know other Civil Servants and I wouldn’t want to embarrass them” (Accompanied by real anxiety and a sense of humiliation – how can this proud man beg?)
“I know there are people who do what I do in the private sector but I wouldn’t know how to describe it so they would understand” (It takes quite a lot of work to get them to put down on paper just what they have been doing in simple words that others can understand )
“But I’m a graduate; you don’t find jobs for graduates by networking locally or looking in the local paper.” (This is when young graduates are working locally in MacDonald’s)
“Why would the private sector want us, when the government keep telling them what a load of rubbish we are” (Realistic because we all know recruitment agencies that are facing requests not to send public sector client along for interview)
So now I’m a woman on a mission.
I know from my own experience that a number leaving have the delivery skills the private sector and the third sector looks for! Some of them have delivered large and complex programmes. Many of them will have managed direct delivery of services to customers.
But they do come from a different culture and sometimes speak a different language. They have some learning to do!
Even those who will not find paid work again need to be supported into re-establishing a fulfilling life.
My new blog is one way of helping. Perhaps you can think of others and your ideas and suggestions will be very much welcomed. Are you encountering ex-public sector workers in your own work? It would be really good to hear something of their stories both positive and negative. And if you would like contribute a piece for Leaving the Public Sector that would be very welcome.
About the author
Wendy Mason is a performance, programme, and contract management and change specialist. She works as a consultant, business coach and blogger. You can find her business blog on leadership, management and change at and her blog those leaving the public sector at You can follow her on Twitter as @WWisewolf
Discuss HR is the blog for Human Resources UK, the leading LinkedIn group for those involved with HR in the UK. Next week’s Discuss HR will be published on Thursday 26th May and will be written by Jill Hart-Sanderson.
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